mexibagseed f2


Well-Known Member
you are right, i got excited on finding out how to post pics!i vegged for 30 and this is just around the end of the third week of flowers. i need to start putting things on a calender. i still have 2 that are very slow growers. i just played with ph a bit and it seemed to help. things are picking up.q 031.jpg the jungle....


Well-Known Member
i have a grip of really really great mexi seeds. i call them the pretendies! or the sexi mexi! some call it the pretenda-kind. whatever you label it its just some good ol' Az mexi. NO STRESS!! and only within the last 5-10 years have i ONLY seen pressed mexi. 10+ years ago i used to see mexi that was not bricked or pressed at all. super fluff! super frosty and super potent. i am super spoiled and super picky. i have a good decent amount of these kind of beans. great for breading!! all the great strains come from one of the regions of Columbia, Mexico, there IS good weed in Mexico, you just have to search really hard. shit! if i had any of the seeds i had from the herbs we used to smoke in high school...fuck me! id have some AWESOME shit!! i had an original Mexican Skunk from back in mid 90's. was such a good, good, goooood strain. so stinky and smelly. i when you smoked it it literally smelt like a skunk sprayed your house. it was gnarly!


Well-Known Member
I will keep posted on progress.. I have clones to take the place of the rippe ones... Yum.


Well-Known Member
after 46 days of flower, this is what i have,
it would seem they are slow growers
i have 2 here that have really gone slow.
ive played with the ph a little and it seemed to help
ive also started using the mollasses about 3 feeds ago.. i see some chubbyness starting.
i cant wait to start dying at least one of these.
2 look the same as eachother, all the rest are different in their looks
its a jungle of hodge-podge stinky goodies.46 days flower 014.jpg46 days flower 001.jpg46 days flower 015.jpg46 days flower 003.jpg46 days flower 006.jpg46 days flower 019.jpg46 days flower 016.jpg46 days flower 013.jpg46 days flower 005.jpg46 days flower 018.jpg46 days flower 020.jpg46 days flower 007.jpg46 days flower 012.jpg46 days flower 017.jpg46 days flower 004.jpg46 days flower 008.jpg


Well-Known Member
used ph up instead of lowering. i was ph'n the unnuted water. noob move. i am getting better at this. i cant wait to get these out and the clones moved in. the clones look awesome. i took em a little too soon, they are ready to go into the grow room i veg'd them in a cabinet with an led and a small cfl. i ended up with way too many different plants...well i guess variety i a good thing. there is one in particular that i am going to try to reveg. it was the fastest thickest grower in the bunch.
damn i am having fun!


Well-Known Member
i go by the color scale of the kit i have.. i am bordering light green instead of the orange i was going by. the ph thing is new to me... i never had worried about it till i got i was just trying to grow the best plant i could. i did experiment all thru the grow with different nutes and cuting,lst,fim etc. i did manage to get a three headed cola on one of them.. i was just in the garden squeezing and smelling.. this is going to be a much better harvest that the last one. i tink i forgot to mention that these 2 grows were my first indoor grows ever. i like it much better than the outdoor gamble.
so far i have only grown for my own needs and wants. i think i might end up with a constant surplus now that i am veging and budding at the same time. i am doing the rotation dance shuffle. i love da weed.


Well-Known Member
i want some better seeds now that i have a couple grows behooind me. i am way too paranoid to order seeds... i guess i am stuck with these..


Well-Known Member
say, why did you say ph'ing the plain water a noob move. why shouldn't i be ph'ing my water? i am growing in you know if i should be or not. i kinda need to know. i didn't in the begging and now that i have a meter i am. my plants did really well in non ph'ed water, but i thought i was supposed to ph the non-nuted water too. please explain. thank you in advance!!


Well-Known Member
the nute i was using brought the ph way down. i would bring the water down to the 6.xx area then i added nutes never thinking to check after that. the go stuff was way acidic


Active Member
Light green is on the higher side of the pH range you need. You don't exactly want orange but yellow with a slight orange tint should be perfect. If you aim for yellow you are safe. Nitrogen uptake is better into the green but as the plant nears harvest you should be adjusting down toward yellow-orange where phosphorous is better used. If I'm wrong someone correct me but show a chart or something.


Well-Known Member
Light green is on the higher side of the pH range you need. You don't exactly want orange but yellow with a slight orange tint should be perfect. If you aim for yellow you are safe. Nitrogen uptake is better into the green but as the plant nears harvest you should be adjusting down toward yellow-orange where phosphorous is better used. If I'm wrong someone correct me but show a chart or something.
I AGREE. oops caps. i was trying to swing the ph in the other direction to reprogram the soil. my run off is now back to the good.slighty yellow.
todays mistake was watering when they were already wet. i forgot i did them yesterday when i was really tired. [and medicated]


Active Member
amateur tip: You can water as soon as the lights go out and if the soil is allowed to drain you will be good when the lights come on


Well-Known Member
55 days total time growing 001.jpga spalding.jpg55 days total time growing 005.jpg every plant i have seems to be on its own time schedule maturing.
its been a great grow so far:hump:. ive got clones ready55 days total time growing 002.jpg to go and i am anxious to harvest.
i took a few buds that were looking sorta ready..impatient patient.:joint:
these were all grown from bagseed. had 55 days total time growing 004.jpgno hermies but did have males. the males were executed.
i overnuted the bunch using gh and ff on every watering. my soil glows at
t55 days total time growing 003.jpghe smell from the first buds has a lemony spicey scent...since all these are different strains i should be in for a flavor fest.... oh variety!:mrgreen:55 days total time growing 006.jpg