MexiBlunts Wild Outdoor GORILLA!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope your not saying we give grower a bad name? We as in my bro and I are very respectful of everything to do with growing and would never harm anything exept mosquito's.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Did you ever see that vid on youtube with the guy trying to rope a deer?He roped it and wishes he never did,the deer fucked him up good :mrgreen:
well hell yeah ... deer are fucking animals .. humans are far down on the strength part of the animal kingdom.. how many people do u know who wanna fight even a cat .. seriously ... but i guess we make it up in intelligence ... yeah he was saying we are good growers :D ... i know its my land so im all good .. i can fuck up whatever i want .. haha we keep our land very well maintained tho .. better than our neighbors .. i might try guerrilla growing on their land since its such garbage and is so grown up to brush ..


Well-Known Member
I hope your not saying we give grower a bad name? We as in my bro and I are very respectful of everything to do with growing and would never harm anything exept mosquito's.:mrgreen:

No dude, I come in :peace:. I was giving you a compliment. People like you and your bro give growers a good name... People have been taking me out of context a lot lately. I may need a reality check or something....

Oh, and down with the mosquitoes... :twisted: Kill all those bastards! Dont blow weed smoke at em though.. It gives em the munchies and they dont care for potato chips, you know who they munch on, and the assholes are hungry enough to begin with...:-? You know what would be worse is getting a pet lion or tiger high! Maybe thats where Sigfreid and Roy went wrong...


Well-Known Member
It's all good jpremo.:peace: I Wasn't sure? I figured If we were giving growers a bad name you would have elaborated, and probably NOT subscribed. So Thanks for the props!!:joint: Your welcome here any time.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Weird? When we walked up on the plot this last time there were 2 deer lying right in our plot. Same plot we touched bambi at and seen bambi at another time. They are always there and have never touched our stuff.

Sounds like you have some security guards, lol. Just hope they don't decide to munch on it. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
lets see some pics of the outdoor ones. How far along in flowering are they? are they flowering? I have 5 very pretty females im going to post pictures of later tonight. They are all flowering, two of them are like 6 feet and three of them are very low because i topped them. Im growing in MASSACHUSSETS!!


Active Member
nice thread so far. read through it all. I can tell you pretty much for a fact even if you would have went out to that bush spot more it wouldn't have helped. They look like there stretching because there not getting enough light. I have some like that this year. I also got the same clones in a spot where they get light basically all day and theres no comparison between the 2. Amazing spot that will never be found but its not worth it for what you get. I'd ditch those spots for next year where u see the plants stretching like that due to light. anyways things look pretty good. hope everything turns out good for you. oh yea crazy pic of that baby deer. i've seen plenty in my day but nothing like that.


Well-Known Member
Not much to say this time around aside from the regular... Haven't been out to the GORILLA plot for a while again.:cry:

But we have been getting some decent rain for once.:joint: Took these pic right after a downpour earlier today. They are just starting to flower... like I mean just starting, little clusters of pistols. The one plant I had outdoors last year had nice nugs at this time and barely finnished up before frost, hopefully these things will make it and that we have late frost. I'm starting to think of temp greenhouse ideas now just in case.

Like I said it's really raining today and is supposed to for a while so we will have to wait for some sunny mudbog drying weather till we can get out to the plots. Peace.

I post pics in a bit if I can????? security token? maybe something to do with my power going out?

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I post pics in a bit if I can????? security token? maybe something to do with my power going out?
That usually means you are trying to upload too much memory. It takes about 6 meg at a time. ie 3 x 2mb pics at a time.
If you crop your pictures they will use less memory.
Sorry if you know already I hope it helps someone though.
It took me an age to figure it out.

Nice grow.


Active Member
i drove by my spot the other day and the whole shit was flooded im going today and check the full sceen out and see what the fuck the deal is hopefully the water didnt dround them i have them in half of apro mix bails wrapped in a contractor trash bag this happend earlier in the season and the bails just floated and came back down I HOPE THE SAME HAPPEND THIS TIME I WILL BE PISSED IF THEY ARE ALL DEAD AFTER SO CLOSE TO HARVEST GOT MY FINGERS CROSSED.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
i drove by my spot the other day and the whole shit was flooded im going today and check the full sceen out and see what the fuck the deal is hopefully the water didnt dround them i have them in half of apro mix bails wrapped in a contractor trash bag this happend earlier in the season and the bails just floated and came back down I HOPE THE SAME HAPPEND THIS TIME I WILL BE PISSED IF THEY ARE ALL DEAD AFTER SO CLOSE TO HARVEST GOT MY FINGERS CROSSED.
Good luck, my fingers are crossed for you.


Well-Known Member
Got first frost last night. Going to do a little hiking. Harvested one plant from the herb garden last night and covered the rest minus 1-2.
I just realized that it's been one month since we were out tp the gorilla plots and just as long since we took some pics. Shit's is my parents have the camera till sunday, I may be able to find one to borrow for tonite. I don't want to take a bunch of plants down at the gorilla and not have any pics.:sad:


Well-Known Member
Got first frost last night. Going to do a little hiking. Harvested one plant from the herb garden last night and covered the rest minus 1-2.
I just realized that it's been one month since we were out tp the gorilla plots and just as long since we took some pics. Shit's is my parents have the camera till sunday, I may be able to find one to borrow for tonite. I don't want to take a bunch of plants down at the gorilla and not have any pics.:sad:
Hey man, saw this in your signature. How did this turn out?


Well-Known Member
I don't remember alot of details but some of em didn't finnish all the way, some were really good just not alot of weight.