Mexican bagseed, 1st grow (pics)


Well-Known Member
does number of leaves actually affect how well the plant smokes? my little baby right now has sets of 11 and i have heard some plants might even get up to 13.
lol...are you kidding me. The number of leafs has nothing to do with how potent it will be.I have had plants with 4-6 leafs on it. It all depends on the strains genetics.but i can tell it will be good because of the buds.not the number of leafs.:blsmoke:


well from most of the plants ive seen and looked at the most potent ones have lots of number of lkeafs
no true corrallation my friend...

leaf counts more strain dependant... the many many leaf thing is more a sativa dom pheno... fewer leaves will generally be more indica dom... GENERALLY...

of course... then there are the one leaved plants which generally means they are stressed the fuck out... revegging, light poisoning, etc...


Well-Known Member
no true corrallation my friend...

leaf counts more strain dependant... the many many leaf thing is more a sativa dom pheno... fewer leaves will generally be more indica dom... GENERALLY...

of course... then there are the one leaved plants which generally means they are stressed the fuck out... revegging, light poisoning, etc...
Finally some won who has done their homework. That reminds me,one time back in the day a friend told me his plants were bomb chronic because it had three bladed leafs and that 3 bladed leafs were chronic...where the hell he heard this i dont know..the only 3 bladed leafs i have seen are the first few sets of fan leafs if that.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hahaha good shit friend
lol yeah it was some good laughs. nothing beats this post on here i saw one time....
"My friend told me that growing with cfl makes your buds more fruty" hahaha WTF are these kids smoking these days. he even spelled fruity wrong :mrgreen:


Active Member
According to a leo I talked due to my mom bud today contains pcp which makes it extremely addictive lol. The funny thing is I was high during the entire meeting and he didn't know it told him I had stopped smoking on April 25th haha.


or how my friend swears that if i watered with airzona blueberry greentea that it will help my soil and the antioxidants will help keep it fluffy... plus add that lovely blueberry taste to my buds..........................


anyways... back to the mexi!!!!
i have a bunch of mexi seeds and crosses from some inbred mexican my friend was growing for a few years... this last run of his yeilded some super thick buds... great looking stuff compaired to what one things of with mexi... or sativa's in general...

Master Dank

Active Member
Hey your plant looks awesome. i'm growin a mexi bag seed plant too and im 8 weeks 12/12 right now and i have to cut it down in the next week or so. do all bagseed plants go past 9 weeks? mine looks like a good hybrid because the leaves are not super skinny and it does have bush like features. the buds are very similar to yours