Sure, sounds totally logical. You must've been joking in your other posts.
This is the funniest thread I've read in days keep growing and stay stoned let's just take a toke and all get along no need to cut throats about ones claims on prior history in the field of green let's all just get along and share helpful knowledge about the green we loveYou're full of shit, that's all there is to it. Don't start talkin shit to me because you got caught in lies. Your pics don't mean a fuckin thing. In one post you're on your first grow now you've grown of thousands of pounds. Then you claim to be a grow manager in one thread and an inventory manager in another. Which is it? You ask the most newb questions there are. Someone thats grown ten pounds doesn't ask those kind of questions never mind thousands of pounds. How much and how often to feed? It wouldn't matter if you were growing in a warehouse, a closet, or on the moon anyone with the kind of experience you claim to have would know the answers to those questions. The pics of the plants you posted in your other thread are shit! If that's the best you can do with all that experience you have you need to find a new profession. Anyone on here can look at the content you've posted and see you're full of shit, so the only person you're gonna make look stupid is yourself. Tracking strains, yields, and potency through lab testing....blah blah blah. It doesn't mean shit, typing on a computer isn't growing, inventory control isn't growing, making spreadsheets isn't growing, sweeping the floors or cleaning the toilets isn't growing are you getting the idea? In high school I worked in a warehouse that distributed books, that doesn't make me an author. Your claims and questions would be the equivalent of Mario Andretti asking how to start a car.
Amen bro. Thank youGrowspecialist
I appreciate you taking the time to write sucha long post but much of your information is tainted and wrong. You want to believe you know the way but you haven't seen the light or tried the light or tried the real deal seeds or have any frame of reference to say what you are saying.
Yes you can grow your weed from bagseed with flouro tubes. That doesn't mean it's just as good and that you get anywhere near the yield and quality that HID lights and proper seeds will bring.
Do you even get mexi there? I haven't seen it here in 20 years or at least nobody tries to sell that stuff to me. I'm sure they have worked on ther mexi strains but I seriously doubt they are comparable to top strains and they probably aren't optimal for your indoor limited height grow. You are probably getting bagseed that IS from good strains because people growing for money aren't going to take the time to grow crap but they do grow and harvest and cure wrong often enough so with care you can often make a bagseed come out better than the bag it came from but in no way will it be on the level of a cannabis cup winner etc unless it is one of those top strains. Most of what you see on the streets is high production stuff like big bud. Which is ok, but certainly not the best.
And there sure as fuxk are weak strains, just as there are strains with practically no THC. Many strains are crossed with ruderalis, the looser auto flowering super weak strain.
At least you should TRY other methods at some time in your life before you spout off like you know it all and claim the rest of the world is wrong and you are right. If your info were correct all the pro's would grow with flouro's because they're all about making money and it would be cheaper and they could grow more square feet with less electricity.