Mexico Says They Will Close Their Border if Trump is Elected

and apparently you did so well that you ended up with no savings whatsoever, and now you live on a federal welfare check.

truth hurts, doesn't it?
I payed in the max on ss and I have a LEGAL RITE to drow it.Just that my cash is not in my name don't mean iam plum broke..buck all you do is wount to aurgue with every one no mater what they post.BUCK YOU LIVE in misery or you would not ack like you do.I do realy wish you had a beater and happy life that way you mite get you some comen sence one day.And stop wearning that dam dress and lipstick and be a man like you was born befor your life got so to go now .ky
I payed in the max on ss and I have a LEGAL RITE to drow it.Just that my cash is not in my name don't mean iam plum broke..buck all you do is wount to aurgue with every one no mater what they post.BUCK YOU LIVE in misery or you would not ack like you do.I do realy wish you had a beater and happy life that way you mite get you some comen sence one day.And stop wearning that dam dress and lipstick and be a man like you was born befor your life got so to go now .ky

got to go to pick up your federal welfare check?
I payed in the max on ss and I have a LEGAL RITE to drow it.Just that my cash is not in my name don't mean iam plum broke..buck all you do is wount to aurgue with every one no mater what they post.BUCK YOU LIVE in misery or you would not ack like you do.I do realy wish you had a beater and happy life that way you mite get you some comen sence one day.And stop wearning that dam dress and lipstick and be a man like you was born befor your life got so to go now .ky

Here is the thing. The government lied to you and spent your money. You dont have any savings but what the government takes from someone else and gives to you. It is known as a ponzi scheme and completely illegal unless you are the federal government.

You got an IOU is what you got and you better pray the government keeps paying out on it.
I payed in the max on ss and I have a LEGAL RITE to drow it.Just that my cash is not in my name don't mean iam plum broke..buck all you do is wount to aurgue with every one no mater what they post.BUCK YOU LIVE in misery or you would not ack like you do.I do realy wish you had a beater and happy life that way you mite get you some comen sence one day.And stop wearning that dam dress and lipstick and be a man like you was born befor your life got so to go now .ky

SS is a bonafide entitlement, you earned it cause you paid into the system for decades. Welfare, food stamps, public housing is not an entitlement, recipients did not earn it, they're just being a leech and the liberals are handing my money out like candy so THEY can reap the political benefits.

Here is the thing. The government lied to you and spent your money. You dont have any savings but what the government takes from someone else and gives to you. It is known as a ponzi scheme and completely illegal unless you are the federal government.

You got an IOU is what you got and you better pray the government keeps paying out on it.

