dont go anywere to close to unsivilized people dont take cabs that r just raged make shure u stay in real populated areas.. my cusin was held for ransom they paid the ransom but they gave him back to his wife in pieces. I know my cusin he is a scaper against all odds im shure he put up a fight... so im telling u go to big places dont wounder out...
I AM going to go to
some uncivilized places.
I have to meet some Mexican Indians.
But I'll make sure that I've got a group, including A LOT of locals, that can tell me where to, and not to go.
Where else can you get your picture taken of you wearing a big sombero and some pancho villa guns sitting on a donkey painted to look like a zebra?
And a wooden dashboard Jesus.
I love me some Jesus
Hell yeah.
I definitely plan on finding some bad ass things to take pictures, get footage of.
And I'll be gettin some Jesus candles and everything for sure
Don't forget to bring a Brita! And a towel!
Someone else mentioned a filter, that would probably be a good idea, and I could live off beer/Soda (Especially Mexican carbonated Apple Juice

). So that could be some good collateral to have
hey their is some fucken fine ass women over thier spanish mixes looking straight white but with a diffrent vocabulary take pics that shit turns me on lolz
I'm definitely planning on meeting some Mexican girls.

None of my mothers maiden name though, I don't want to find out I did anything with a cousin...
first question, do you look anglo?
2. i dont think it is a good idea to go right now, google narcoblog and check out the news...
I look "Anglo"
But Mexican's like me. I've got Spanish facial hair, and a "NonGringo" hair look...If you were going to try to categorize my race based on my looks...I would almost say Jewish...Nappy (for a 75% white person, with no "Ethnic" heritage) long hair....
I'm not worried,

I got this
to finshaggy... peyote buttons is something you can get there...

1.) dont piss off the local druglord
2.) speaking of the mystery machine... if your drivin there and in mexico and if you have the room for it... dont forget to bring a couple of spare tires just incase
3.) you'll be fine... have fun and def let us know how it goes from time to time...
I plan on just finding San Pedro mostly and making mesy from it

Peyote will probably be around though
1) I kinda actually hope to teach some Mexican's some techniques, so that the stuff coming up to us is better

And since I've got friends in America, I'm sure some Mexican farmers...or something....would like to be..."Friends"...
2)I'm thinkin about just staying with people I know, so I don't have to worry about a car, and can be told what transportation to take, and what to be weary of...
3)I will DEFINITELY update
look dont go were native are they hate the government for modern slavery even pilots dont make shit... dont go in man their mad at the machine..... n dont go anywere cause they blame the light skined man for the machine they created n also mad at the land that was taken cali texas nevada n others they dont reading text books they going buy what they know just like natives they r still native n they r still mad except the gardeners toliot cleaners n so forth they r about money n what was thiers lolz be carefull.
I'm not just going to Mexico to visit...
I'm trying to make some friends...And those sound like people that are mad at the right people