Mexico soon...What's there?

to finshaggy... peyote buttons is something you can get there... ;) lol

1.) dont piss off the local druglord ;)

2.) speaking of the mystery machine... if your drivin there and in mexico and if you have the room for it... dont forget to bring a couple of spare tires just incase ;)

3.) you'll be fine... have fun and def let us know how it goes from time to time... :)
look dont go were native are they hate the government for modern slavery even pilots dont make shit... dont go in man their mad at the machine..... n dont go anywere cause they blame the light skined man for the machine they created n also mad at the land that was taken cali texas nevada n others they dont reading text books they going buy what they know just like natives they r still native n they r still mad except the gardeners toliot cleaners n so forth they r about money n what was thiers lolz be carefull.
dont go anywere to close to unsivilized people dont take cabs that r just raged make shure u stay in real populated areas.. my cusin was held for ransom they paid the ransom but they gave him back to his wife in pieces. I know my cusin he is a scaper against all odds im shure he put up a fight... so im telling u go to big places dont wounder out...
I AM going to go to some uncivilized places.
I have to meet some Mexican Indians.
But I'll make sure that I've got a group, including A LOT of locals, that can tell me where to, and not to go.

Where else can you get your picture taken of you wearing a big sombero and some pancho villa guns sitting on a donkey painted to look like a zebra?

And a wooden dashboard Jesus.

I love me some Jesus
Hell yeah.
I definitely plan on finding some bad ass things to take pictures, get footage of.

And I'll be gettin some Jesus candles and everything for sure :D
Don't forget to bring a Brita! And a towel!
Someone else mentioned a filter, that would probably be a good idea, and I could live off beer/Soda (Especially Mexican carbonated Apple Juice :D :D). So that could be some good collateral to have :D

hey their is some fucken fine ass women over thier spanish mixes looking straight white but with a diffrent vocabulary take pics that shit turns me on lolz
I'm definitely planning on meeting some Mexican girls. :D
None of my mothers maiden name though, I don't want to find out I did anything with a cousin...

first question, do you look anglo?

2. i dont think it is a good idea to go right now, google narcoblog and check out the news...
I look "Anglo"
But Mexican's like me. I've got Spanish facial hair, and a "NonGringo" hair look...If you were going to try to categorize my race based on my looks...I would almost say Jewish...Nappy (for a 75% white person, with no "Ethnic" heritage) long hair....

I'm not worried, :D I got this :D

to finshaggy... peyote buttons is something you can get there... ;) lol

1.) dont piss off the local druglord ;)

2.) speaking of the mystery machine... if your drivin there and in mexico and if you have the room for it... dont forget to bring a couple of spare tires just incase ;)

3.) you'll be fine... have fun and def let us know how it goes from time to time... :)
I plan on just finding San Pedro mostly and making mesy from it :D
Peyote will probably be around though :D

1) I kinda actually hope to teach some Mexican's some techniques, so that the stuff coming up to us is better :D And since I've got friends in America, I'm sure some Mexican farmers...or something....would like to be..."Friends"...

2)I'm thinkin about just staying with people I know, so I don't have to worry about a car, and can be told what transportation to take, and what to be weary of...

3)I will DEFINITELY update :D
look dont go were native are they hate the government for modern slavery even pilots dont make shit... dont go in man their mad at the machine..... n dont go anywere cause they blame the light skined man for the machine they created n also mad at the land that was taken cali texas nevada n others they dont reading text books they going buy what they know just like natives they r still native n they r still mad except the gardeners toliot cleaners n so forth they r about money n what was thiers lolz be carefull.
I'm not just going to Mexico to visit...
I'm trying to make some friends...And those sound like people that are mad at the right people :D
Dude, you are pushing it

But hey, you are well aware of how it is.

The cartels would have fun with you.

Enjoy it

Just dont show up on one of their interrogation/execution vids.
I won't get kidnapped.

And if I DO get kidnapped, I will end up being an employee for my captors...Not a ransom :D
And I won't have much money, or anything. So their won't be too much reason to kidnap me...I'm not going to seem like "A Rich American"

I'm going to be going to multiple parts of Mexico not just tourist parts, and I already have places to stay, with Mexican locals...So I think I'll be ok.

You clearly have no idea of what's going on in Mexico.

If you really are going to meet up with Mexicans, then you'll realize exactly how serious things are. If they haven't stressed how bad it is already... that's seems strange. I'd imagine if you really knew these people, you wouldn't be saying things like the above post I quoted... they don't target "Americans", they target anyone that's in their way, usually it's locals, but if you happen to be in a group of locals... you're not exactly safe. :lol:

You seem so oblivious I don't even want to get into details, you can easily look up online how crazy it is, but that only tells 10% of the story. Once you get to know people who either live or lived in Mexico, then you'll get an idea. I know so many people that have lost someone because of the zetas, it's crazy. Most of them are just people that were on their way to the store, or from a friends house, and they are never seen again.

And narcoblog is pretty serious, and one theme you notice with the zetas is that they aren't after your money (they have more money than you, that's for sure), or anything else you have, they you use you as an example of what they do.

Have fun!
Dude, you are pushing it

But hey, you are well aware of how it is.

The cartels would have fun with you.

Enjoy it

Just dont show up on one of their interrogation/execution vids.

I'm going to enjoy it.

And they aren't going to "Have fun with me." (This part is @arsenal also)
I'm 1/4 Mexican, have Mexican FAMILY, and friends that will not only help me, but that I will stay with, and get "Anthropological breakdowns" from.

I'll learn where to go, and where not.
I'll meet people, and I'm not just going to be "With locals" I'm going to be "With FRIENDS" that aren't just gonna let me get kidnapped, and I'm pretty sure they aren't going to send a team to kidnap me or anything, I mean. Who the fuck do you think I am?

And the only thing I'll be doing that could possibly be noticed by "Bad people", and that's just hash making and stuff, and if they want, I'll just teach them how to do it.
I'll do it for them if they have a gun to my head, FOR SURE.

But I don't think it's even gonna get that heavy AT ALL, I DOUBT they will even hear about me, just maybe notice some people using the techniques.
I'm not gonna be a retard while I'm down there, I'm gonna make friends, and help out, and buy some shit to support their economy.

I'll be alright :D
he was with two locals don't bother reading it ,it probably couldn't happen to you your way to smart for that

That's still only 2 people, I'm gonna be with a group.

I might be with two people at times, but not while traveling distance, to places I've never personally been.

He was going to visit some random ass girl he had never even met in person before.
I'm not going to be going in small groups, and with no protection. To go to a place I've never been, and meet someone I've never met...

Sounds like he got kidnapped BEFORE he got killed, even though he was doing that part voluntarily...
bro, the mexicans here in the states are not even going to mexico any more. there is no police in mexico any more.
they are going to have fun with your naked body! u might become the donkey show!!!! please dont go... please...
they might steal your pants right when u cross the border, then your shirt and undies... then your naked running through the streets....
they will through beer cans at u. turn u into a hooker. u wont make much cuz they r your pimps. hope this helps.
Whatever he is not going to listen... I heard the same thing over & over again from Mexicans that are afraid for there families that remain there... unable to get to the states. It would be really crazy to think that it cant happen to you, cause it can. Good luck dude, I wouldnt go... if a mexican is afraid to go home, that tells you something aint right! Peace & lots of luck!!!!
There cutting off there own peoples heads.Imagine what they would do to someone only 1/4 mexican.
I doubt you'll really run into anybody whos doing that shit but I bet a poor ass mexican would still shoot you for whatever bullshit you got if he had the opportunity.
look i not trien to scare u just be carefull n if you can take jujitsue, moy tie, n boxing, cramaga.... lolz im kidding have a good tyme be carefull for realz man truth fully just make shure u r were its a tourist plase.. nice expensive well you know what i mean..
Do you realize that it isn't a movie. If you get pulled over, or stopped by a zeta, and do one thing wrong, like look at them in the eyes, or even say a single word, they will shoot you. It happens. You have no clue man, stop acting like you have an idea about what's going on... It's almost insulting considering the situation over there, most of Mexico is controlled by the zetas, even in areas that are militarized you have a chance of getting shot. It happens on a regular basis that zetas will go into a restaurant, bar, casino, what have you and just kill people, rape the women, execute children and leave a sign that says "support los zetas".

People don't travel there for a reason, I have family that own ranches out there that can't go back because the zetas have taken over (I'm half Mexican with most of my Mother's side living in northern or central Mexico). I also have friends who are from Mexico that can't go back home because of the zetas.

And the word "kidnapped" is used as a political term, if they used terms to really describe what happens there would be a huge backlash towards the media. It's much easier to say, "they got kidnapped" as opposed to "beheaded and left on the side of the road." And trust me, they won't kidnap you... lol you really think they'd want you? That's pretty silly to think that they would actually take you (or any random person for that matter) back to their hideout, just to hold you there. lol... It's not like some stoner/comedy/action flick where you'll get kidnapped, placed in a barn with a drunk donkey, and then you get the guard stoned and escape with Seth Rogan and a chicken.........

Trust me man, if there is anyone posting here that knows, it's me. I've dealt with this first hand.
well im haven a good tym right know i dont wana get into this discussion hey just be safe.. if the cops violate u for something take green backs..
First off. I'll be fine, I know shit CAN happen. But it won't, and if it does. It WILL BE HANDLED.

And @Arsenal

YOU GUYS are the ones that said I would get kidnapped and shit, I was just following ya'll's topic. So everything you said about "It won't be like a stoner movie" you should read for yourself, because I'm not the one pushing that point. YA'LL ARE.

Mexican's ARE NOT afraid to go home, and if they are, you are talking to a VERY SPECIFIC group of Mexican's, that got robbed by ONE cartel "The Zeta's"
Just because one (or two, or five) families told you what the Zeta's did to them, doesn't mean I haven't talked to Mexican's and NOT HEARD ANYTHING about that happening to them before they came here.
Most of them come here for opportunity, and TO SEND MONEY BACK TO THEIR WIVES AND KIDS WHO THEY LEAVE THERE, and go to visit often.

I lived in Tx, AND Southern California, AND I have Mexican family and friends, so I have had plenty of opportunity to talk to Mexican's about this.

Thanks for everyone concern, but the question wasn't "Should I go to Mexico, and could you talk shit about it for me."
I just asked what was there, or what isn't. In terms of merchandise, spices, etc.