Mg def? Heat stress? Please Help

I gave about 3 weeks girls who are starting to show some bad symptoms ... I'm not sure if this is Mg def or something else. Grow room is a little hot, but it everything was fine in the beginning ... Used flora nova micro and grow once, growth was accelerated, but even the newest leafs are showing dark spots at the edges. There are also brighter spots in some leafs .... two separate issues? Can anyone help?



Well-Known Member
OK, you have 3 week old plants that were only fed once, right? All plants are showing symptoms? How long after feeding did this show up, and much much did you feed? What are you growing in? What light are you using? Thanks
They may be actually 4 weeks old when I think a out it. I fed them after all of my plants started showing symtops. All my plants are showins symptoms already and one plant s 2 weeks younger that the rest. It really puzzles me. Growing medium is organic soil, 400 hps.


Well-Known Member
They may be actually 4 weeks old when I think a out it. I fed them after all of my plants started showing symtops. All my plants are showins symptoms already and one plant s 2 weeks younger that the rest. It really puzzles me. Growing medium is organic soil, 400 hps.
If you are using organic soil, I would not feed right now as they will have enough nutes in it for now. Do you have an idea of your ph? That could be an issue. Ph is critical and should be maintained at 6.5 in soil. They are too young to be deficient in anything, so it has to be your soil in my opinion, as long as your light is far enough away at this stage. The plants look good though so keep your eyes open, but I wouldn't worry that much. Peace


Well-Known Member
Getting your ph perfect is spot on. Dont overwater. Let them dry out in between waterings so the roots can breath and grow.

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Gand Green is a good source of advice... You should already have a Ph meter or be getting one soon. I didn't and it cost me.


Well-Known Member
If using soil I would amend with lime, will keep your ph right on track and check your nutrient solution after mixing it with a good ph tester.. Keep it around 6.5 and you'll be gravy