Mg defficiency?


Well-Known Member
Ok, i have four plants right now, three of them are beginning to show signs of what looks like mg deficiency. the sides of the leaves are beginning to curl upwards. Temp is fine, they are about 2 weeks old and are on their 2-3 set of true's. Now they are just beginning to show this, should i wait longer to be sure of mg deficiency? (no camera, sorry, also dont post saying read Grow FAQ, i already have)


Active Member
to remedy a magn. def. app. 1/2 tea-spoon to 1qt. of water in a spray bottle use as folier spray 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days... this can also be mix into soil, or in watering regament. 1tbl. spoon to gal. of water. tip. try adding seaweed (cold water ex.) to water as well, use this during every watering, roots are the heart of the plant and this will keep the plant alive during stressful situaltions..


Well-Known Member
I think you need to feed them a balanced food so you don't have issues. Your mag diff is likely due to lock up caused by lack of nitrogen. Feed them.