Mg Deficiency in Organic mix?

I'm currently on day 15 of veg, and appear to have what I believe to be either a Mg deficiency or lockout. The leaf edges are curling upward similar to that of heat stress, but my temperatures are fine (76 degrees, 250w hps 13" away from the canopy, I also moved the light up to 18" away to verify it wasn't a heat issue, and it didn't change anything other than slowing the growth down)

I used 2tbsp of Espoma garden lime per gallon of soil in my amended organic mix. I use bubbled tap water which has a hardness of 192 (I don't own a TDS meter so I can't tell you what the specifics are)

What should I do? Use epsom salts or more lime to correct the issue?

***Growth seemed to have slowed down more today, and interveinal chlorosis has started to show up on the first 5-fingered leaf set. And no, I don't have the runoff pH. My mix was balanced at 6.8 before I started to use it. Image attached***


Well-Known Member
Whats your humidity at ?

It looks healthy to be honest :) can I have a clearer pic of the problem ?

What soil is it in ? Normally I don't feed for 3 weeks in a good soil and I wouldn't expect to see mg def until a little into flower.
I'll try to get a clearer picture sometime today, and the lime - I just followed the basic LC's mix #1. I won't use more lime, I promise!

The leaf edge curling is the most notable symptom at the moment, but my phone's camera didn't capture that so well... The interveinal chlorosis is very subtle, but I've been trying to combat the supposed Mg deficiency with 1/2tsp of epsom salts every quart of water... but I don't think I watered with enough of that dilution since I would just water with a quart into a 5 gallon smart pot. So I'm unsure if it's still lingering because I have been using just 1/8 of the pot's volume, or not. Any input would be great; I'll get a few more pictures today when my lights turn on.
The edges are curling even more (upward) and my tips are curling downward in the photo, but upward on some other leaf sets. I have a on-oscillating clip fan about 5 inches above the plant closer to the light, so the plant gets a constant breeze. My RH is at 38-41%, 40% currently.