Mg deficient


Well-Known Member
As the title says I suspect a possible MG deficiency, since I am using R/O water my nutrients advise that I add Cal & MG to the water in order to provide all the nutrients.

So with that said I was out and about today and picked up a couple products. I got some root stimulator so that I have it on hand if/when I decide to clone & some liquid calcium plant food.

I couldn't find any Magnesium plant foods, so that question is does anyone know of a household product safe for hydroponics that will give it the MG bump I need? I read epson salts had the calcium and mg I needed but I kind of want advice before tossing in any form of salts.

So far I am running 1/4 strength (30ml) pure blend pro grow 3 - 1.5 - 4 and 2 tsp of liquid calcium 10-0-0. Any pros out there have some advice regarding the MG?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully someone with experience will jump in. But you probably need to check your ph and see if it's low. Do you know how? Also, you need to say what kind of soil you're using and if you can post any link to what your nutes are they can read the labels. If you could just find a balanced general fertilizer that would be a good thing because it doesn't sound like you have one. You could cause problem feeding with something that is high on one nute such as calcium. Someone will probably recommend lime that has cal/mag and helps balance ph, assuming that's an issue for you. But if you don't test your ph you're in the dark. Pet stores have ph testers for aquariums at $5. You should have one if you don't already have a ph tester.

Mg defic is hard to deal with.
Excessive levels of magnesium in your plants will exhibit a buildup of toxic salts that will kill the leaves and lock out other nutrients like Calcium (Ca). Mg can get locked out by having too much Calcium, Chlorine or ammonium in your soil/water.
One of the worst problems a person can have is a magnesium def caused by a ph lockout. By giving it more magnesium to cure the problem when you are thinking you are doing good, but actually you are doing more harm then good. When the plants can’t take in a nutrient because of the ph.n you can see where you're at.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks bud, it should not be a PH issue, it is a hydro grow and I check PH often it is usually 5.2-5.8 range. I basically just need to know a source of MG that is water soluble so that I can add the last missing piece of nutes to my reservoir :D the nutrients label even says when using R/O water cal and mg are needed.
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Well-Known Member
Alright so after some more reading I decided to just go and buy some epsom salts and added that for the MG. I added 1 tsp to a 1/2 glass of water mixed thoroughly and added to the reservoir. I should have my nutrients covered now I think.


Well-Known Member
epsom salt provides magnesium for the plants. 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, you can find it at cvs or any drug store...


Active Member
I used the Earth Juice Microblast that was recommended in the long ass post on sick plants over on the International Canagraphic site, and the stuff worked wonders. Have been doing weekly light foliar feedings as well as adding a bit to my reservoir nutes each week (also bumped the MagiCal up a bit.) The only leaves I lost were those already too far gone to save; those showing early signs of def bounced right back to health.
5.2 is way low try stayin at 5.8. Magnesium is most available at ph levels of bout 5.8 all the way up to 8.0 (which we would never explore in a hydro setup) Just google hyro ph chart images and u might have a better understanding. I hope this helps a little, and I hope i'm not trying to tell u somethin u already know. good luck!!!!!!!