MG Organic Bone Meal Soil


Ok, I'm a total noob to all this growing crap and I've watched tons of videos on how to grow cannabis outdoors. People have so many different opinions of what's good and what's bad so I'm at a loss here. I bought MG organic Bone meal yesterday and I planted my seeds in the cups but they are not growing. Lowes and Walmart have pretty much the same god dam soil (Miracle Gro) and some other cheap crap so I went with the MG. I didn't buy the original potting soil because people keep talking shit about MG soil on how it's bad for your plants like peat moss (which is very acidic and can predetermine your plants to be males) which nobody wants. The thing about Bone Meal is that when you add water, it doesn't soak it up which other soils would normally do. I panicked thinking that the seeds aren't getting enough water so I put a lot more water and my soil is pretty much like mud. My seeds still haven't grown and the stems look weak and loosing the white color from the stems. I need help

Tomorrow, I'm going back out into the woods and I'm a go check out the first seeds that some what sprouted ( 2 tear drop looking things).

My question is: Where in the hell can I buy good soil and what brand. It seems all the popular stores all have Miracle Gro.


Well-Known Member
bone meal is for flowering, you need to add a little to your soil mix - not to water. and I mean a LITTLE. it will burn \ do nothing (depends on the amount) seedlings.
peat moss is a great medium, a BIT acidic (ph 4.5) that with some compost work great. Most potting mixes are built around peat.
acidity have NOTHING to do with the plants sex.
for seedlings you'll need a more "cool" soil. just get some coco or seedling potting soil and germinate in that.
seeds can take up to a week to sprout.


bone meal is for flowering, you need to add a little to your soil mix - not to water. and I mean a LITTLE. it will burn \ do nothing (depends on the amount) seedlings.
peat moss is a great medium, a BIT acidic (ph 4.5) that with some compost work great. Most potting mixes are built around peat.
acidity have NOTHING to do with the plants sex.
for seedlings you'll need a more "cool" soil. just get some coco or seedling potting soil and germinate in that.
seeds can take up to a week to sprout.
lol, I know :wall: but I'm barely finding all this out but I have only myself to blame for rushing this and not doing doing the full research on this subject. I guess I'll go back to Walmart and buy the Miracle Gro Organic potting soil and go from there. Also bro, could you tell me about Miracle Gro Blood Meal? You think i should get it?

Unfortunately, I've used almost all my Bone Meal for soil :cry: and I want to know if I could still save it and use it for later on during the growing process.

Thanks a mil man, I know it must be frustrating helping a helpless noob out.


Well-Known Member
you bone meal is dead.
throw whatever you mixed it with.
TRY to save the seeds but don't expect much.

get a bag of something with good reputation. I don't live in the US so I have no clue about the brands around there.
get something that says SEED STARTING MIX or SEEDLING POTTING SOIL. or something like that.

thats for your seedlings.

give them ONLY WATER for 2 weeks.

Then you'll need to more to a 'hotter' soil. I've read Root Organics is a good one.
Plant in 2-5L pots. Use as is. Use only water.

After your plants get to a feet high and establish roots (which ever the later) you'll need to move them to a bigger pot with hotter mix.
If you'r having problems getting supplies just mix a good premade potting soil (don't go cheap on that!) with 20% compost, 20% perlite.
If you'r able to order a few things or find them localy give subcools super soil recipe (google it, its on RIU's subcools subforum) a try.

You have a while before you'l need any bone meal.


I went to go check on my plants. Later to find that the dixie cups were torn to shreds!! I think the fucking animals around there really hated my plants :(.


Ok, I bought the seeding mix at Home depot which is the BEST PLACE to go buy your gardening needs... IT HAS EVERYTHING you can imagine. I would like to know when I should take my seeds to the outdoors when they are ready for sunlight.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
you should pop 'em indoor and give them a week in the shade, a week in half sun and then you can move them to full sun.


Well-Known Member
LOL, you planted them in fertilizer. Sorry man, but I'm pretty sure you're going to run in to fertburn issues. :lol:


When should I know when they are ready to be taken outdoors to the shade? I just put some of my germinated seeds inside my dixie cups with the seedling soil and I put a tad bit of water on the top. I hope they grow well!


Well-Known Member
You'r not going to get far if you can't read the advices people give you.

you should pop 'em indoor and give them a week in the shade, a week in half sun and then you can move them to full sun.
That means you should wait until they sprout indoor.
Then when they sprout move them to a week in the shade.
Then in a week move them to half - sun
Then in a week move them to full sun.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, that doesn't help much :(

Sorry man, it was late, almost bedtime, and since it sounded like he planted them in straight bonemeal, I couldn't help myself. It stuck me as funny, plus, I figured there wasn't any saving them, at that point.

Okay, here's my real advice....If they're still alive, take them out of their pots, wash off as much of the bonemeal that you can, and put them in MG, Scott's, or some other type of soil. It'll shock them a little, but they'll recover, if it's not too late. I have to ask, though....were they placed in straght bonemeal, or not? It's still a bit confusing, now that I've read it again.


Yeah, I put them in straight bone meal thinking that since it was the only 'organic' crap in Walmart. It was gonna do me good. I started all over since my first 2 plants i put in the woods got shredded by the dam animals because of the scent of the bonemeal I think. My dog was going crazy when I opened the bag and smelled the scent. My new seedlings are gonna be put in the Miracle Gro Seedling mix for like 2-3 weeks I suppose? Then I'm thinking of buying the Miracle Gro ORGANIC potting mix for the vegetation stage? I guess that's what it's called.

The area of where I was growing my plants. I saw spider mites for the most part so I was wondering. Could I spray the insecticide around the dixie cups so they won't crawl their way inside my soil or is that just a waste of time?

Thanks alot you guys. You guys are the only forums that are helping me at the current moment.


Sweet, thx man

Another thing that I'm worried about is... Is it mandatory that I buy bigger pots after the seedling stage? Or can I dig a big hole where I would like to plant them and put the good soil there like I have seen in some outdoor videos I have seen on Youtube. The reason I say this because I would like to save money as much as I possibly can. In the Barry Cooper DVD, I saw the growers grow their marijuana plants in the ground so what's your take?

Thankx again dude


Active Member
growing in the ground is fine but unless your somewhere where winters arent harsh and the temps dont drop below 50-60f your gonna have problems. weed cant grow through the cold of winter but you have the right idea about planting. grow them out in small pots then transplant into good soil that you have put into your hole you have dug out. about the soil i mix my own indoors and out. its way cheaper and you can get a way better end result for your money. check this out this is my recipe.


Is it mandatory to grow them in pots after the seedling stage? Or can I just put them in the ground after the seedling stage? Maybe the sprouting stage I should say...

Thx for all the feedback guys!


Well-Known Member
you would increase your survival rates but you can also throw the seeds on the ground and some will probably grow.


Well-Known Member
Is it mandatory to grow them in pots after the seedling stage? Or can I just put them in the ground after the seedling stage? Maybe the sprouting stage I should say...

Thx for all the feedback guys!
Just remember the smaller the plant the greater damage a bug can do. Slugs and cut worms can easily chew a small plant to death overnight!