MG soil PH question


Well-Known Member
I have MG soil and I cannot find the PH. I have been told to use ph 7.5 water because MG soil has a ph of 5.0 But my plants are wilting and droopy so maybe the MG soil has a higher PH, I am using PH test strips and they are not 100% accurate, but I can see that the PH is in the 7.4 area. Anyone know the MG PH and should I be using PH 6.5?


Well-Known Member
Hey projump, Miracle grow is probably one of the worst soils you could try to grow weed in. the roots have a hard time breathing in it and usually chokes the roots out. As for ph, you need to check your soil personally not take someone elses word for what it should run, As every bag of dirt can differ greatly.


Well-Known Member
is there a way for me to test the soil with PH test strips, mix soil in water and take a reading? let me know.


Well-Known Member
theres a meter you can buy at stores for soil gives you the ph,light and soil's wettness might be 8 dollars check around and mg with sphagnum peat moss is ok i use it and toss in a bag of perilite after a month or so i use flora grow


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry to much about the soil ph if this is new MG soil. Some people will claim MG is poison, but it isn't. Lots of folks are growing fine plants in it. Always use water at a 6.5 PH.

If you want to test the soil with strips, take some soil from the interior of the pot and mix up a mud slurry and test that - make sure the water you mix the soil with is ph of 7.0. You might also test the water run off from the bottom of the pot when you water and then will tell you plenty as well.


Well-Known Member
I did the run off method and it was good. The PH off the Tap is around 6.5. All seems ok, But man, I cant figure out why my plant is wilting..


Well-Known Member
my plant looked better after i flushed it, but now its going back, I was thinking that this is all due to PH problem i think. the MG takes a good PH water and lowers it . I was using 7.8 and it took it down to 7.0-6.8


Well-Known Member
I can't follow you. You seem all over the place. Use 6.5 water and quit worrying about what the soil does to it. 6.5. 6.5 6.5


Well-Known Member
I was using the tap water with out PHing it, and now after my below test, I think I found the problem I hope.. It was all PH. I knew I was watering it ok, my friend just waters a little bit each day like a cup a day, my method was a half gallon a week and let the water fall in the catch tray a bit and let the plant suck it up.. I would not add more water but would allow it to enter the catch tray. My friend said that is to much , he used a cup but waters everyday.. I think I have the water ok at once every 7 days because the soil is still kind of moist an inch down. But the PH I think was the issue.


Tap Water b4: 7.0 dark green
Bucket Water b4: 7.4 light blue

Tap Test
After first run through soil: 6.0 or lower Yellow

Bucket Test
After first run off drops 6.6 or 6.5 light green