mh and hps one day of each


Active Member
i have a dual ballast

what type of results would i get if i changed the bulb every day.

so one 12hr period with mh then 12hr dark then 12hr hps

anybody tried this yet?


Active Member
I have never seen this done before.. I am very interested in seeing the results of a side by side test.. If you want to try it without a control, I would be willing to see the results... I mean I think it would be kinda stressful, but then again, I have never seen this done, or know of anyone who has done it.. Go for it, if you can manage it.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I think it would probably be good, but I also thing after a month of this routine, it's gonna get old quick. I think your better off running a dual spectrum bulb or both lamps together. I know it bijoux takes a minute to swap lamos, but you gotta turn them off for 20 minutes to cool, and you have to be around to do it every day at the same time. You will also lose light time during the cool down period.


Active Member
from what ive heard hps will give bigger buds while mh will give more potent buds

so if i get 2.5 oz per plant on hps and 1 oz of potent bud per plant with mh, i should get around 1.7 oz of potent bud per plant i think? anybody have any info on this ?


Active Member
forgot to say, my lights are not on timers i do it by hand, and changing of the bulb would be done just before i turn on lights so no cool down period, as it would be a full 12hr of each bulb for each cycle

not worried about getting old part, as my life is nearly a 24hr routine, work everyday, up at 5:30 every day


Well-Known Member
So run both I run a 400 watt mh with a 250 hps from start to finish with good results. Why complicate a simple grow? And running a grow without a timer is a recipe for disaster or a least a hermi .


Active Member
i only have one ballast a dual one, no room to run 2 lights in their or i would do, just wondering if its worth trying or better to stick with one bulb

and its not complicated, like i said takes 1 min to change the bulb, considering i spend 5 or 10 mins a day checking them anyway


Well-Known Member
It sounds good now, just liking not using a timer. When I did my first grow I figured I didn't need a timer and it gets old having to be there at a certain time everyday. You never know what might come up.


Active Member
sorry connorbrown, did you miss the routine part, im up at 5:30 evryday 7 days a week and have been for over 6 years now. lights go on at 6 evryday of at 1800 evryday

basiclly dont worry about the work or how boring it might get, just what result might i get?


Well-Known Member
I aplogise for not thoroughly reading the thread, but you didn't have to come back with an attitude. I am doing nothing but trying to help you, and yeah you may have a routine but one day your routine will get messed up and you'll end up with hermie plants. Again, I aplogise for trying to help.


Active Member
didnt mean any attitude, im just asking if anybody has tried or might know what would happen, not asking about if it will get old boring ar tiresome doing it, just the probable results if i did it


Active Member
give it a try cuz. You never know until you do it yourself..People will tell you whats best, but it all comes down to doing it yourself. I've been reading and growing on cannibis for over 12 years and have never seen anyone do it, nor have I dont it myself. Please do it and post your results for everyone here to see! Now, as far as having more potent buds with MH is a little crazy to me.. If you want to get the conversion bulb with both mh and hps in 1 bulb, it would be best. The bulb has both blue and red which is what you want. The more UV light, the better THC production. I know a lot of old time growers here on the E.Coast, and they strictly use MH. I've also had the same people tell me my stuff is just as good using hps bulbs.. But again, it all comes down to personal experience..


Well-Known Member
i say go for it!

you gotta be there anyway to pull the plug...if its in a tent leave the doors open for like 15 minutes then switch bulbs.

but dude get a makes the grow soo much simpler..on my very first grow some yrs back i didn't use a timer.and that sucked having to be there everyday twice a day to plug the light in and unplug it when its lights out..and yes we as growers check our plants daily,but having to be there at a certain time day in and day out gets old fast.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the brand of bulb but, everyone should just kick MH bulbs to the curb. New MH bulbs are putting out around 120k lumens and 50% RE on the blue spectrum. New HPS bulbs are hitting 145k lumens and have more blue spectrum than they ever did before - around 20-30% RE. IMHO, 20-30% MORE RE in the blue isn't worth the trade off of 25k lumens. HPS veg to finish.


Well-Known Member
Hope you have spare bulbs laying around , you'll be handling those bulbs alot increases your chance of dropping one.

Off topic: nice pup you got there slump , I'm from the town too