MH bulb in a HPS Ballast


Well-Known Member
well i bought all my grow lights and the guy at the hydro shop told me i can use mh bulbs in hps ballast as long as its for a short period of time 2-3 weeks. well im doing a sea of green grow and that should be fine but has anyone else ever heard this thx
Yes its ok. I have done it for years.

My HPS lights came with MH bulbs. They were salvaged commercial lighting. So obviously they were burning MH in the HPS fixtures. I tried to get it to work, no joy. I have heard it can be done, and I wish I knew how, but all I get from a MH bulb in the HPS ballast is a dim blue flicker.
My HPS lights came with MH bulbs. They were salvaged commercial lighting. So obviously they were burning MH in the HPS fixtures. I tried to get it to work, no joy. I have heard it can be done, and I wish I knew how, but all I get from a MH bulb in the HPS ballast is a dim blue flicker.
Perhaps your bulb is bad.
Perhaps your bulb is bad.

RRick, +rep 4 U!!! Thanx. I will get right on that today. I'll let ya know how it goes.

Dirty, I thought about that. But I ended up with several new MH bulbs, and tried them all. At first I thought my ballast had gone out. It TRIED to light the bulb at one point. I think it's all good tho, 'cuz that link Reefer Rick posted looks like it will solve the problem. Much appreciated guys!!!
Well.............NO joy!!!! There were no pics in the link, and the description was for different wiring than mine. I can get a MH bulb to fully light but it goes out in about 5 min. I have 5 400w GE "omni-glow" lumineres, adapted for remote ballast, and if it isn't a recommended application, they won't tell you shit!!! On a more positive note, I did find some more MH fixtures, so I'm off to get a couple more.