Mh lamp


If you have no number of plant limit where you are then I would go with a sea of green. Generally I see 1 plant per square foot as the recommendation for flowering, so for you that would be 25. This produces smaller buds, but also more weight over the year, since you can start flowering clones when they reach 6-12".


Well-Known Member
I just have 9 in mine right now same space 5x5. Looks like a good amount for me. I will be vegging for 3-4 weeks. They are just over 2 weeks old now. They were all seed so some will be males but it's my first run so I'll be cloning and next run stick with the 9 or maybe go with 6 depending how this one goes. image.jpg


If you have too many males, you could always clone off the females you do have. They would be ready to flower at the same time... they would just be considerably smaller. They look like nice healthy plants though!


Well-Known Member
Yeah my plan is to remove the best female as a mother and then take a clone off all the other females right before flowering. I'll actually be cloning all of them and keeping them labeled so I know which ones would have come from the males lol. Kind of an annoying process but after I get all the males out it will be smooth sailing. I will have another veg area so I can have a perpetual grow set up.


Well-Known Member
9 sativa dominant hybrid plants in big (50L+) pots should in such an area. If you start from seed you will be able to flip to bloom once showing signs of sex under 18-6 lightning and get a good coverage.
With Indicas you want a higher number to avoid long veg time, I'd go with 25+ in 10L pots.
Cut pot volume in 10 for soil-less mediums and add auto watering system.


I just have 9 in mine right now same space 5x5. Looks like a good amount for me. I will be vegging for 3-4 weeks. They are just over 2 weeks old now. They were all seed so some will be males but it's my first run so I'll be cloning and next run stick with the 9 or maybe go with 6 depending how this one goes. View attachment 3693905
Have they been under that light from day 1 cus what I do is when they am in small pots I use t5 lights for the first 2 to 3 weeks then pot up in to 10 litre pots for veg when I see roots coming out the bottom of the pot I start flower


Well-Known Member
Have they been under that light from day 1 cus what I do is when they am in small pots I use t5 lights for the first 2 to 3 weeks then pot up in to 10 litre pots for veg when I see roots coming out the bottom of the pot I start flower
Depends on my available space, usually I work only with 400-600W lights with a dimmer, 250W at 60cm away is low enough light to germinate seeds with and 660W is fair to flower with.
But sometimes I do cut corners. At the end the more light the more growth speed you'l get in veg.
I don't use CFL or fluorescence lights for weed, rather use a bright window sill.


Depends on my available space, usually I work only with 400-600W lights with a dimmer, 250W at 60cm away is low enough light to germinate seeds with and 660W is fair to flower with.
But sometimes I do cut corners. At the end the more light the more growth speed you'l get in veg.
I don't use CFL or fluorescence lights for weed, rather use a bright window sill.
Depends on my available space, usually I work only with 400-600W lights with a dimmer, 250W at 60cm away is low enough light to germinate seeds with and 660W is fair to flower with.
But sometimes I do cut corners. At the end the more light the more growth speed you'l get in veg.
I don't use CFL or fluorescence lights for weed, rather use a bright window sill.
So I will get faster growth with a 250watt mh at 60 cm is that with a air cooled light


Well-Known Member
Have they been under that light from day 1 cus what I do is when they am in small pots I use t5 lights for the first 2 to 3 weeks then pot up in to 10 litre pots for veg when I see roots coming out the bottom of the pot I start flower
I also started mine under t5 for the first week, then my 1000w mh was dimmed for the second week to 750w. They did have some stress from the light intensity so next time I might do it a little different.