MH's for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
are MH's ok for seedling growth? i didnt wanna have to go out and get a cfl setup and wanted to save some cash


Well-Known Member
yeah, MH is the way to fly for vegging!

gives nice and compact veg growth... if the plants get leggy move the lights closer.


Well-Known Member
im using a really simple stand up 13w grow fluorescent for right now... i'm going try and use this fluor as long as possible to try and get the hottest days of summer outta the way.... the 600w MH heats up the room to 90-98 because of the extreme heat in my area... day temps without the growroom running exceed 80's already and nite time temps linger at 70-75

do you think it would be ok to split light phase half 13w fluor and half 600w MH.... just so i have less time with extreme heat?


Well-Known Member
I would say sun systems Tek-light t5 fixtures are pretty nice. Those t5's get right on top of the plants with out heat stress. Im growing 8 orange bud seedlings that are under the 400 MH and Im not sure but I think these seedlings are taking way too long to get going. Im on week 2 and they are only on thier second set of leaves. If this continues Im going to put them under the t5's instead of the 400 MH because it could be too hot but I doubt thats the problem.


Well-Known Member
whats the difference between t5's and t8's

I just looked up a bunch of t5 setups and they are all mad expensive >.<

and my plants are doing better under a 13w grow bulb fluorescent that they were under a 600w MH... def the heat got to them and stunted them for a few days


Well-Known Member
t5's are 54 watts a piece and with a reflector you can get about 5000 lumens. The larger the number goes up t8, t12 etc the less light and I believe that they make a t4 but not sure.
And your 600 watt MH is way better than using some tiny flourescent like that. When growing indoor a marijuana plant always needs as much light as you can give it especially when recovering or stressed.


Well-Known Member
When i introduce the 600w mh about 2 ish feet away from the canopy, the leaves on the plants point straight up... i'm afraid it is a bit too hot for the babies in the summer


Or do u think i can get away with the heat for now? Also the MH dries up the grow medium in a few hours.. leaving the soil way beyond bone dry by the time the next watering comes around

What do you think is better... a 4 bulb t5 setup for vegging plants, or one 600w MH bulb?
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Well-Known Member
well the rule of thumb is if you can place the back of your hand at the tops of your plants and if it isnt too hot for your hand then its probly ok for your plants. I just lowered my 400 watt a little closer to my seedlings because of thier slow growth but at least theyre not streaching.


Well-Known Member
is 70 dollars for 2 fixtures holding 4 bulbs each. each bulb is a t5 with red spectrum...

do you think that would have good results on my flowering plants?


Well-Known Member
yea its rough living in a hot place... i'm going to invest in some fluorescents...

do you think warm white red spectrum fluoros would be ok for seedling and young plant growth... or do they need more of the blue spectrum?


Well-Known Member
i am no expert, but i like using mh from seed then hps for flowering, have used cfl's before but didnt get the same results :)