MI cannabis doctor charged with threatening local prosecutors & court officials

Doesn't look good for Kumar! Wish him well
He seemed to be a real nice guy to me the few times i met with him. He was my wife's and myselfs doc. Don't really know the real story would have to read discovery to form my own opinion on this matter.bit seizure of his money for threats seems agregous to me. Now he can't afford a defense after Abel reused himself. It doesn't seem like a cannabis lawyer is capable or at least the correct lawyer to take a case as this. But I'm sure Kumar was close with many of these to notch lawyer's you would think that community should get someone to represent him pro Bono. It doesn't look like that is going to happen though. . To anyone else who is willing in going to get the mailing address and write him a letter of support. I sure don't have the funds to help. Behind on my bills with health issues 3 kids and a disabled wife. But a letter can cheer him up at least.