MI new era cannabis regulations

Well..for the future, for those who wish to make a living still growing cannabis..you better start that degree now, because i know many people think, oh ill get a job i got years of experience, well..you wont be competing for that top spot when the competition has degrees in botany,horticultural science and green house management. Now get to it lol
A job working for anyone else isn't liveable when corporate takes over. i hear they are looking at paying 12-15/hr for "master growers". I hear, I haven't confirmed. And you don't "need" a degree in horticulture to be a master grower, you need the zen practice of being able to care for living things in the right way. Maybe these corps will look specifically for degrees but the real master growers will stake out on their own and etch a living.
Aye..obviously you dont, point was, that top spot, the one that might actually pay a livable wage..they will be looking for those things, not just someone who has ran a semi commercial op somewhere off the grid..if colorado is any merit to the argument, they kinda frown upon that.

Avg green house managers salary today is between 40-65k a year..and that is produce greenhouse.
When it goes corporate produce the best and you'll always have clientel. My patients think I'd win the cup hands down. Not that I would just that the stuff I produce is that good and they'd go no where else. Hand crafted "stuff" always draws a bigger dollar value than mass produced crap. I've talked about moving if things get bad and my patients jaws dropped. $200/oz isn't a bad price if you can serve more than 5. Plus the costs are going to be comparable with all the regulation. As long as it's considered a farm product you can sell clones and buds at the end of your driveway. We just have to make it like food. Corporations havent stopped farmers mkts and local produce, it's just that people choose different and like the convenience of a store. You can't take away peoples choice because you want MJ to stay a cottage industry. Some people WANT to buy a pack of Marblo Blunts. Not me but this divide and conquer thing works both ways. You don't stick up for peoples rights to do as they wish and they won't stick up for yours. Divide and conquer.

I know you're correct but it still bothers me
I heard from my mom (I know I know) But she's the editor and news contributor of a indoor growing magazine.. that Scott's and Monsanto are trying to get in to the Legal market for growing and distribution of marijuana. Also that Monsanto is trying to get patients for different strains.. of successful they could wipe out the plant in 2-3 generations completely. They've almost destroyed the original corn maze dna

She does her homework..
There are still heirloom varieties of lots of plants grown outdoors and since MJ can be grown indoors, I don't think we're at the point of loosing lots of genetics from them getting into it. It'll be like when budweiser and coors took over and all the microbreweries shut down, maybe. nonw we are back to having more microbreweries than ever before. We are loosing tons of genetics from the way we're breeding though. Almost ?% have OG genetics in them. We're loosing old strins because everyone grows clones of the cup winners and throws the "not as potent" strains to the wayside. We've already bred most all CBD out of all strains because it "depletes potency of THC". If you are really worried about loosing genetics you should be growing some landrace strains yourself to help save the seedbank.
Word, Tim. I appreciate your words here. I recall your personal issues the last go around. I completely understand, man. I honestly apologize as that whole situation slipped my mind. My condolences again, brother. I know youre not an asshole, tim. I'll reach out in time. Got your update on the other page. I stand by my statement that petitioners need to be kind and keep a civil line going, but yeah, the forums are for sure a different arena....forgive my use of words. I hope you get what I'm saying though.

Thanks for putting yourself out there, man. No matter, I'll always have made respect for you for that!
Your sincerity is much appreciated Foz.
Nor could I Agree More.

I am focused like a Laser on Ending Prohibition.

War is messy, even on your own team.
You BB and resto don't seem to realize just because the law is aggressive doesn't mean you can do anything short of throwing people in jail and not be aggressive. You guys push and push and don't support any other measures and expect us to drop everything and support you. Doesn't work that way.

Would you support a measure that make you more of a criminal, with more chance of being arrested and Prosecuted?
Here's my 2 cents.

It needs to stay out of corporate hands!
They will make it a gmo game and destroy all who get in there way.

Marbrol buds in a box sounds cool but in all reality they will bastardize the product and make it cancerous within 20 years..

Tabacco isn't as bad for you as the plant without all the shit that's sprayed on it, like Plutonium 234 and all that other shit!

Then there's profit for us little growers who are able to grow and sell peer to peer.

It's a legitimate home business that can support you.. but not if corporations take over.
I have 3 products here I* bought at Meijers. Hemp Oil for Cooking/saladoil, ect. Hemp hearts and hemp flour.
You can by hemp clothes, and Monsanto is Silent Owner is GW Pharmaceuticals.

They are already deeply rooted Grow.
Would you support a measure that make you more of a criminal, with more chance of being arrested and Prosecuted?
Yes, if it has a better chance of passing and puts all of Michigan under the same protections as the MMMA. Brings more people to the fight against what cops and judges are doing to patients. Maybe with everyone on our team we can stomp back everything to a civil fine. If it's a good strategy, then yes I support it. I support any measure that a large group of people support. i am unified to fight for the goalline, even if it's one inch at a time. I can't do anything myself i can just help ALL the groups trying to keep less people going to jail. Although the MPP or whatever the third one was seemed even more resttrictive than the MMMA, didn't readt that whole one and one like the Ohio law I'd not support if it didn't give everyone the chance to grow 12 for themselves. So there are certain corporate ones I wouldn't support but if it gives people the chances at 12 then I'm pretty much for it.
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