Old fashioned snap traps are the way to go. Put the trigger mechanism towards the wall. I would set one every 6ft or so. The first 2 nights just bait the trigger without setting the trap. If they are taking the bait set them on the 3rd night. Continue to trap until you stop catching mice. Change baits and reset the program.
Sticky traps are ok. They were developed by the industry, so the consumer has to continue to buy new traps. They gather dirt and become less effective over time.
Baits are also good but it is harder to moniter how much activity there is and also contribute to heavy metal buildup in the environment. Another drawback is you may have a smell when the mice die in the wall. With the traps you can dispose of the dead mice immediately. From here always leave a trap set behind the stove, fridge, and washer and dryer to moniter future infestation.