Michael Brown: Killed by racism


Well-Known Member
Sadly, racism has once again reared its ugly head resulting in the death of one young man, the destruction of an innocent individuals' career and life, millions of dollars in property damage, and animosity between citizens and the agencies that are supposed to work FOR those citizens.

What a mess.

The only question I have remaining is this......


This is yet ANOTHER example of blatant BLACK RACISM that is, and HAS BEEN, running amok in this nation for the past 20 years. At LEAST.

Let's examine this current incident.

First, racist Michael Brown unleashes his hate on an innocent Asian looking shop worker. Why the hate? Would he have been so hostile to a black worker? Would he have ROBBED a black worker? You can see the hate in his face while he grabs and threatens the smaller, older Asian man.

Second, racist Michael Brown unleashes his hate on a WHITE police officer doing the job the citizens pay him to do. His racist hatred was so deep, he attacked the white officer before he could even get out of his car. His racism was so strong, he FORCED that officer to shoot him to stop his hate fueled attack. Would his actions have been the same if it was a black cop? Unlikely, but we'll never know.

Lastly, racist blacks around the nation IMMEDIATELY condemn the police for their actions, REGARDLESS of whether those actions were right or wrong, while completely ignoring the actions of their black "champion". Their black racist hatred runs so deep that blacks willing to actually cooperate with the police during an investigation are forced to do so in secret, less they be identified and attacked or KILLED by racist blacks.

The dumb ass corrupt media is complicit, and always trying to play up a "justice" angle, but anybody with eyes and a half a brain can see right through that BULLSHIT. Black racists aren't destroying property, attacking people, and disrupting communities out of any sense of "justice", they are doing it out of HATE. HATE FOR NON-BLACKS.

The bullshit needs to stop.

The nation called out the Klan, and whites, for their bullshit. It's time blacks are held to the same standard as EVERYBODY ELSE.
Not so sure Brown was racist, but no doubt he was angry and disturbed. He seemed to come from a 2 parent family, which is rarer in the black community, but after hearing his father tell people to "burn this bitch down." i think he may have had some negative influences in his life.

edit: did some research, Brown's parents split when Brown was 2 years old, so he came from a single parent family, my bad.
Not so sure Brown was racist, but no doubt he was angry and disturbed. He seemed to come from a 2 parent family, which is rarer in the black community, but after hearing his father tell people to "burn this bitch down." i think he may have had some negative influences in his life.

edit: did some research, Brown's parents split when Brown was 2 years old, so he came from a single parent family, my bad.

It was his step father who said to burn it down.
Not so sure Brown was racist, but no doubt he was angry and disturbed. He seemed to come from a 2 parent family, which is rarer in the black community, but after hearing his father tell people to "burn this bitch down." i think he may have had some negative influences in his life.

edit: did some research, Brown's parents split when Brown was 2 years old, so he came from a single parent family, my bad.

That was his step dad chanting. So he actually had two father figures in his life.
and i thought the shop owner looked to be indian, not asian..

India is, of course, an Asian country, hence the term.

Regardless, this is not about the Asian shop keeper, but about the blatant black racism that has fomented and festered undisturbed in this nation since the 60's, at least.

Black racism is consistently responsible for rioting throughout the nation, and yet, NO NEWS organization DARES to cover the TRUE story of black hate towards non-blacks, and blacks that DARE live outside the "black community", figuratively, AND literally. WHY?

IF, ladies and gentlemen, the Klan was on scene at ANY black on white crime, like, say this one:


AND if whites rioted, burned down businesses, and attacked blacks, there would be a media frenzy highlighting and attacking the "white racists". So why does the media continue to ignore black racism and hate?

It's time to call a spade a spade and quit apologizing for, and defending, black racism.
He keeps pointing to racism... The thug Brown did not charge the officer because he was white, he did it out of anger! That is not racist!

Maybe I just don't understand what the op was getting at... My bad!
Ignorant much????

This has nothing to do with race.. This has everything to do with a young thug!!! Stop watching the TV and reading the news paper!!
Here.. Read the evidence for your self...

I don't agree.

Matter of fact, IMO, this event, and the subsequent rioting that is / has taken place, are absolutely 100% racially motivated by BLACKS against non-blacks, and those that support them, including other blacks.

I'm willing to bet Michael Brown was raised on a steady diet of black racism and hate for whites, and any other group that supports them, INCLUDING other blacks. How many times did he hear, or say, "don't talk white, don't dress white, keep it real"? That dude obviously had so much hate for whites that he wasn't even willing to obey a simple request to get out of the road by a COP because that cop was WHITE.

Michael Brown is but a small part of the bigger picture though...

Black hate and disgust for non-blacks has been demonstrated time and again through rioting, property destruction, and personal attacks directed against whites, other non-blacks, and any black that dare defy the ghetto racists.

It's time to put the "injustice" BULLSHIT to rest and start calling out these rioters for being the black racists they truly are.

Before you can fix a problem, you've got to identify the problem, and for the black community, that problem is RACISM and HATE directed towards non-blacks.
I don't agree.

Matter of fact, IMO, this event, and the subsequent rioting that is / has taken place, are absolutely 100% racially motivated by BLACKS against non-blacks, and those that support them, including other blacks.

I'm willing to bet Michael Brown was raised on a steady diet of black racism and hate for whites, and any other group that supports them, INCLUDING other blacks. How many times did he hear, or say, "don't talk white, don't dress white, keep it real"? That dude obviously had so much hate for whites that he wasn't even willing to obey a simple request to get out of the road by a COP because that cop was WHITE.

Michael Brown is but a small part of the bigger picture though...

Black hate and disgust for non-blacks has been demonstrated time and again through rioting, property destruction, and personal attacks directed against whites, other non-blacks, and any black that dare defy the ghetto racists.

It's time to put the "injustice" BULLSHIT to rest and start calling out these rioters for being the black racists they truly are.

Before you can fix a problem, you've got to identify the problem, and for the black community, that problem is RACISM and HATE directed towards non-blacks.

I agree with this!! What I meant is that the original issue, Brown rushing the cop was not racial. He was simply being an ass/bully/thug and living up to his reputation. What has become of all of this is racial!!
I've been thinking about this and I think you're right.

I happened upon an hour long speech by Louis Farukan (sp?) And was bored so I watched it.

It was an hour long, very well delivered, entertaining, hate speech against white devils.

He literally said white man has to be killed.

All the while the thousands watching him cheered and were excited.

I know there are whites who would say the same thing about blacks. What's different is everyone's reaction to them. Whites would boo and run him off.

This attitude is prevalent I think. Maybe not to that degree. But the hatred and disdain of whites by black leaders is thinly veiled.
Before you can fix a problem, you've got to identify the problem, and for the black community, that problem is RACISM and HATE directed towards non-blacks.

that's hilarious coming from a self-admitted white separatist.

racist, coward, idiot AND hypocrite.

see, i can do random CAPITALIZATION too if i want to make a POINT.
What's different is everyone's reaction to them. Whites would boo and run him off.

then why do we have a forum full of people like you and wilksey and jahbrudda who cheer each other's racism on all day long?

are you too stupid to realize that your own actions contradict your words, bignbushy?
Sadly, racism has once again reared its ugly head resulting in the death of one young man, the destruction of an innocent individuals' career and life, millions of dollars in property damage, and animosity between citizens and the agencies that are supposed to work FOR those citizens.

What a mess.

The only question I have remaining is this......


This is yet ANOTHER example of blatant BLACK RACISM that is, and HAS BEEN, running amok in this nation for the past 20 years. At LEAST.

Let's examine this current incident.

First, racist Michael Brown unleashes his hate on an innocent Asian looking shop worker. Why the hate? Would he have been so hostile to a black worker? Would he have ROBBED a black worker? You can see the hate in his face while he grabs and threatens the smaller, older Asian man.

Second, racist Michael Brown unleashes his hate on a WHITE police officer doing the job the citizens pay him to do. His racist hatred was so deep, he attacked the white officer before he could even get out of his car. His racism was so strong, he FORCED that officer to shoot him to stop his hate fueled attack. Would his actions have been the same if it was a black cop? Unlikely, but we'll never know.

Lastly, racist blacks around the nation IMMEDIATELY condemn the police for their actions, REGARDLESS of whether those actions were right or wrong, while completely ignoring the actions of their black "champion". Their black racist hatred runs so deep that blacks willing to actually cooperate with the police during an investigation are forced to do so in secret, less they be identified and attacked or KILLED by racist blacks.

The dumb ass corrupt media is complicit, and always trying to play up a "justice" angle, but anybody with eyes and a half a brain can see right through that BULLSHIT. Black racists aren't destroying property, attacking people, and disrupting communities out of any sense of "justice", they are doing it out of HATE. HATE FOR NON-BLACKS.

The bullshit needs to stop.

The nation called out the Klan, and whites, for their bullshit. It's time blacks are held to the same standard as EVERYBODY ELSE.
I agree! although I think the media and fear mongerers like Al Sharpton fanned the flames