Michael Brown: Killed by racism

My apologies, but your sense of fear has overridden your sense of logic.

What you propose will happen, under anarchy, has ALREADY happened under a central coercive government which holds a monopoly on the use of defensive force, and a monopoly on nearly anything else you care to bring up.

I do like that you used the word kraal though, very African of you...Chaka Kynes.

No, anarchy, the absence of a central authority, is not the boogeyman, it is the logical end of freedom concepts.
Why you fear it is the boogeyman... you are likely uninformed, misinformed and indoctrinated.

Anarchy does not guarantee freedom, it guarantees the POSSIBILITY of freedom, which is more than ANY coercive central government ever has or can. A coercive monopolistic government guarantees the IMPOSSIBILITY of freedom.

Now go read some more and stop trying to argue that up is down.

you are arguing that the lack of "coercive" governance would result in a Freedom Utopia, when the demonstrated fact remains, when governance breaks down, and "Freedom" is unrestrained, those who have the ability to take what they want DO SO.

thats how small groups of bandits become "Warlords" and "Warlords" eventually morph into "The Nobility" while everyone else who doesnt have a band of assholes willing to rape murder and steal behind them becomes peasants.

thats how feudalism was developed, thats how the marxist revolution in Russia developed (assholes killing assholes to determine who gets to be the top asshole) and thats how somalia became the shithole it is today.

"Freedom" can only bloom under a system which restrains "Freedom" and prevents the assholes from "Freedoming" their way to the dictator's throne.

those restraints on freedom must be agreed upon by the consensus of the populace who come to an agreement on how far those restraints can be allowed to go, to ensure that other assholes dont "Restraint" their way to the dictator's throne.
So, what is stopping you from becoming a job creator and ceasing to be part of the problem?
Even if he did, he couldn't keep his employees.

I've known several people with his views who have gone into business. They bitch about wage slavery all the time but when they're signing the front of the check they want to make it as small as possible.

My cousin opened a gym and he finally closed down because he couldn't keep people working for him. He only offered minimum wage in a place where nowhere pays the minimum. Not only that they drive them hard.

Similar stories with the other people who always bitch about the wealthy and rich screwing us all.
Even if he did, he couldn't keep his employees.

I've known several people with his views who have gone into business. They bitch about wage slavery all the time but when they're signing the front of the check they want to make it as small as possible.

My cousin opened a gym and he finally closed down because he couldn't keep people working for him. He only offered minimum wage in a place where nowhere pays the minimum. Not only that they drive them hard.

Similar stories with the other people who always bitch about the wealthy and rich screwing us all.
'"Your Cousin"


"a Gym"


"drives them hard"


I did, and I made over $500,000 on a $100 investment.
Haha Bchez
I see the poster below scoffs at this claim. But I don't doubt it.

I was ordering hash and smoke from BMR and i had change left over from my purchase totalling about $40, but bit coin was going for $7 at the time.

I extracted that to my mtgox a year or so later and it was over 500 per coin.

So I made a couple grand.

Lots of folks did.
I bought BTC in July 2010 when it was at $.10. So I bought $100 worth = 1000 BTC
I pretty much forgot about them until mid 2013 when they started getting in the news, I decided to sell half of my position at $1,023 each.

But don't believe me, just look at this post from a few years ago when I suggested people look into it.

or this: https://www.rollitup.org/t/bitcoins...-cheif-drugs-r-bad-mmkay.439715/#post-5848426

Or this: https://www.rollitup.org/t/presiden...onomics-fact-and-fiction.756145/#post-9877393

My Tiny Penis is such a tiny penis.
why are two racists trying to mock me for an account that is not even mine on a racist website?

don't you racist idiots realize you are only insulting yourselves?
Of course its your account, just look at how much you use the N word to describe black people. Look how often you try to derail threads to the subject of racism.

Just look at it!!