Michael Brown: Killed by racism

I know "job" and "sub" might sound the same to someone special like you, but if we wanted opinions on how to make a shitty sammich we'd ask.

Since that's all you'll ever be, please don't wade into conversations about things you don't understand.


so unoriginal he's stealing my replies to bignbushy now.

guess your fucking ignore button is broken.
what forms are those ?

Anarchy Anarchy Anarchy!
Roadwarrior style bandit gangs roaming the countryside preying on any who try to build something more permanent than a brush kraal and a mud hut will result in Utopia

we need a benevolent dictator who will dominate and control every facet of life, ensuring that everyone is equal in their misery (except the ruling class of course)
returning to the dark days of feudalism and Divine Right will result in Utopia

youre both dead ass wrong.

anarchy results in nothing but Anarchy, and socialist dictatorships result in nothing but feudalism with different titles.

My apologies, but your sense of fear has overridden your sense of logic.

What you propose will happen, under anarchy, has ALREADY happened under a central coercive government which holds a monopoly on the use of defensive force, and a monopoly on nearly anything else you care to bring up.

I do like that you used the word kraal though, very African of you...Chaka Kynes.

No, anarchy, the absence of a central authority, is not the boogeyman, it is the logical end of freedom concepts.
Why you fear it is the boogeyman... you are likely uninformed, misinformed and indoctrinated.

Anarchy does not guarantee freedom, it guarantees the POSSIBILITY of freedom, which is more than ANY coercive central government ever has or can. A coercive monopolistic government guarantees the IMPOSSIBILITY of freedom.

Now go read some more and stop trying to argue that up is down.
but what about the chaos from humans natural greed

Are you saying that a central coercive authority is a bad thing? (it is) If you are why are you a fan and an enabler of a central coercive authority, like the ones that rule nearly every inch of this planet ALREADY?

What you fear, is already here....this forum is likely watched, your phone is tapped, your toilet size is mandated and your house must be painted a certain color. You aren't allowed to own yourself in the present paradigm, yet a group of people own you.....do you really like that situation?
No evidence?

How about Mexico, central, and damn near most of South America?

They're lopping heads off in Mexico like it's the 12th century...or they're in the modern day middle east....anyway, they've been gunning each other down now for what, 40 years?


Because there is NOBODY willing or able to COERCE those motherfuckers NOT to kill / butcher whoever the hell they want to in support of their cartel drug efforts. No government. No citizen. Those motherfuckers do whatever the hell they want.

Somalia is similar, as is every other "nation" that doesn't have the ability to coerce / kill shitheads like that.

Your idea of "everybody just do what you're supposed to" land is just that, an idea.

You keep on believin' though.

Why does the USA lead the world in imprisoning people and killing people in all of its foreign adventures?

You also might want to learn a bit more about what a TRULY free market is and how it can prevent the things that you have expressed concern over. Some people start with a book called the Market for Liberty by Linda and Morris Tannehille. Peace.
I like how you think that anyone who is not a"job creator" is "part of the problem".

Perhaps you've misunderstood me. A "job creator" is not limited to being a creator of jobs for other people, the job "created" could be as simple and noble as the job of freely running your own life, but not the life of others.

I've tried hard to create that life for myself, despite the coercive apparatus that attempts to envelope free acting and peaceful individuals, like me.
Only the free market can cure Ebola.

Are we still supposed to be afraid of Ebola ? Or has it gone the way of Swine flu, Chinese Avian flu and aids ?

It is far more likely that cures for disease would occur in a truly free market than a captive regulated one. Cronyism does not appreciate cures, it appreciates captive "customers" held in place by regulations and permission based use of drugs (prescriptions etc.)
As you probably kinow that is to ensure the cash flows to the pigs and their henchmen.
Perhaps you've misunderstood me. A "job creator" is not limited to being a creator of jobs for other people, the job "created" could be as simple and noble as the job of freely running your own life, but not the life of others.

I've tried hard to create that life for myself, despite the coercive apparatus that attempts to envelope free acting and peaceful individuals, like me.

So if I don't do shit but play video games and talk about neckbeard capitalism all day in my mom's basement like you then I'll be a job creator? Awesome.
So if I don't do shit but play video games and talk about neckbeard capitalism all day in my mom's basement like you then I'll be a job creator? Awesome.

No, the first thing you should do is grow a kick ass Grizzly Adams beard like mine or shave that mess off your neck.

Also if your mom has a basement she lets you live in, you might try not eating all the good stuff and mowing the lawn once in awhile and you might leave her underwear alone too.