MICHI-CAN's Adventures in Growin' fer Rednecks

My Bodhi and CC starters are growing well. Should be able to start sexing in a week or so.. CC seeds suck for germ and growth rates. But I'll ride them out. Even this strange runt that was started with them. It's still moving. Smallest and slowest I have ever seen.004.jpg
Heh people. My sincerest appologies for my negligence in keeping this alive. Health and priorities have been more demanding than I am able to keep up with lately. In an attempt to bring you up to date, I'm going to post a photo album from last post. And that runt Cali. Conn. 99 BK was becoming a dense dwarf until the birds pulled it twice outdoors. I really wanted to grow it out. Love the freaks. But here goes. 11 Bodhi's, my GG4, Northern lights, C.C. GG4, C.C. pre 98' BK. Dropped 4 each of Lucky Charms, Dragon Fruit and Snow Temple. Cat ate 1 Snow Temple seedling. I have chopped 1male. Believe I have 7 females and am waiting for 3 plants to show. Hit me up with questions or comments. I want to learn and share. Peace. 001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg005.jpg006.jpg
If interested in my ratios? Just ask. Happy to share. Peace.
Yes what ratios do you use? You very healthy plants!

I use now a mix of 20% pumice/lava rock, 5% perlite and 75% peat-based organic soil. I find the peat soil is slightly acidic i think. Using peat soil i now don't need to add vinegar or lemon juice drops to my H2O to lower the PH. Though peat is not sustainable so i will likely stop being lazy w/ my soil.
Yes what ratios do you use? You very healthy plants!

I use now a mix of 20% pumice/lava rock, 5% perlite and 75% peat-based organic soil. I find the peat soil is slightly acidic i think. Using peat soil i now don't need to add vinegar or lemon juice drops to my H2O to lower the PH. Though peat is not sustainable so i will likely stop being lazy w/ my soil.
My new, after 3 years of tinkering, recomended soil is 40% soil, 20% coco, 10% peat, 20% starter mix and 10% compost. Ammended with Stonington blend lobster fert, Boogie brew tea"dry" and Boogie black.

Been busy the last two days. Wasn't ignoring you.
I have seriously neglected thread. Been a rough summer for getting things done. Have friends to help. But I won't risk our health with covid. Getting things done as best I can with my limitations. Gonna post another album to get caught up. Ask and I'll respond.001.jpg002.jpg003.jpgIMG_20200726_120059.jpgIMG_20200802_124650.jpgIMG_20200802_134624.jpg100.jpg103.jpg001.jpg002.jpg