Michigan Father Dead.....


while watching the 2nd scene of the young men on the ground, I felt myself physically and mentally lunging towards the screen. That led me to the realization that I would not be able to simply watch this happen in person. I honestly do not think I could stop myself from getting involved... I dislike violence and do not like conflict but in a situation such as this I do not think I could stop myself from enciting a mob/riot to help save these kids... There had to have been at least double or triple the number of people standing around as there were police that felt these kids needed help. All it should take is one person to spark the flame and CHANGE the outcome of this situation... I guess I just dont understand how that "one person" NEVER seems to be in the crowd...

What happened to the man the OP started this thread about is nothing less than criminal...
The beating after the car accident scene is what sent me over the edge. I tried to think objectively about what I was seeing and
what I would do in those same situations with all of the adrenalin running through me.

I also looked up the statistics of officers killed by gunfire or stabbing and found 47 by gun and 5 by stabbing in 2012, I also found
out in the same year they killed 587.

That ratio makes sense to me but, I am sure with better hiring/training they could get that number down. I have never been able to get
my head around shooting a guy 15+ times for holding/attacking with a knife. I have never been shot in the kneecap but think that would
be able to end most situations.
That cops get away with murder video was fucked up. I would not be able to stand by and let that happen. I have met power tripping cops but I have also met courteous and helpful cops.

The power tripping cops betray our trust and make a good cops job more dangerous.
The beating after the car accident scene is what sent me over the edge. I tried to think objectively about what I was seeing and
what I would do in those same situations with all of the adrenalin running through me.

I also looked up the statistics of officers killed by gunfire or stabbing and found 47 by gun and 5 by stabbing in 2012, I also found
out in the same year they killed 587.

That ratio makes sense to me but, I am sure with better hiring/training they could get that number down. I have never been able to get
my head around shooting a guy 15+ times for holding/attacking with a knife. I have never been shot in the kneecap but think that would
be able to end most situations.

Yeah the car crash scene was effed up. The should of surrounded the man and reassessed the situation. He most likely needed medical attention and shouldn't have been moved.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]" Police had been deploying Tasers, but holstered them and grabbed their guns when Reddie displayed the knife. "[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]That's making a conscious decision to kill this man instead of apprehending him. They didn't just react to the victim producing a knife.
They made the decision to put back the tasers, pull the guns and execute this man.
Why do police carry tasers? I'm pretty fucking sure it's for instances exactly like this one.
[/FONT]Crawford County Deputy John Klepadlo should be charged with murder. I don't think this is a very complicated case.
I knew this man http://www.allthingspass.com/uploads/html-42The Shooting of Robert Woodward-2.htm
or http://waspmovessouth.blogspot.com/2007/12/this-is-my-friend-robert-woodward-it.html or http://justiceforwoody.wtc7.net/
and I suppose this is the reason it bothers me so much.

He was the kind person who I remember every word, of every conversation I ever had with him. A 1 in a billion kind of guy.
He had so much to teach everyone he ever met. And regardless of how the media made him sound unstable. He was the
sanest person I ever met.
" Police had been deploying Tasers, but holstered them and grabbed their guns when Reddie displayed the knife. "

That's making a conscious decision to kill this man instead of apprehending him. They didn't just react to the victim producing a knife.
They made the decision to put back the tasers, pull the guns and execute this man.
Why do police carry tasers? I'm pretty fucking sure it's for instances exactly like this one.
Crawford County Deputy John Klepadlo should be charged with murder. I don't think this is a very complicated case.

I agree. What the fuck else are the tasers for? Why would you need to tase an unarmed man?
I did not see the link in the original post the first time I read it. I found a link for the most up to date article written on Reddie's murder.

I just cannot swallow the marijuana story line offered by CPS & LEO here as no THC was found in Reddie's blood. Seems like a clearly wrongful accusation taken criminally too far by both both CPS & LEO. This was the first of three fatal shootings by Crawford County Deputies within 11 months, when one had not occurred in decades. Something really stinks up there!
There is just so much shit, on so many levels about this case that make me want to smash my head against a wall.
From A to Z it stinks. They should have never ever been at his house to begin with. What's their protocol when they find
out a father has casually drank a six pack on the deck while his son was asleep? I can understand this sliding by in
a big city but a county with a population of 14,074?