Michigan grower here...


Well-Known Member
I smoked the beasters, it was decent. Paid 50 an 1/8 for it. Bit it's nothing compared to a skunk diesel or trainwreck. I am from the southern part of Michigan will sour diesel x haze finish here?? Definately my favelrite smoke and am very excited
"I am from the southern part of Michigan will sour diesel x haze finish here?? Definately my favelrite smoke and am very excited"

You should try. If you try and I would suggest you also try crossing our fastest
male and female. Leave them in pots, until they show maturity, and select the first one to show their gender and cross them. The others, pull the males that show maturity later, and the slower females will be your sensi for this year. You will have a new set of seeds that have early maturing quality, while still being Sour Diesel x Haze. Do this every year crossing only the fastest male and female. All of their generations will be fast and your will have more bud next year. Inline Breeding, selecting the phenotypes (fast harvest) your favor.