Michigan grower moving to Seattle!

phil k

Well-Known Member
Lol you better believe it. I'm actually moving out here to go to school for video game design, but I'm most looking forward to growing in seattle! I bet there's a lot of cool people in the community out there
cool man that will be something awesome to get into.. but I'm sure you will have a great time there.

phil k

Well-Known Member
Funny, our "out of control grows" are not affecting our legalization
HAHAHAHAHA no F-ing shit.. you guys hold the meaning of out of control growing.. i mean its not out of control but compared to here.. shit one of your outdoor farmers probably would be holding the same count as all our outdoor guys!! :)


Well-Known Member
didn't affect it here in wa state.I have my card by the way for the slight pain in my fucking neck which doesnt have a c-4 vertabra but a few strips of bone sliced off my hip bone.Don't tell people who use meds what works for them.Oh wait I could go with the doctors answer and eat hydros and oxy's all day until my liver fried.Another thing we don't assholes like you robb333 telling us what to do in our country!!!!

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
medical cards for weed lol what medical condition are u treating ?? cards should be for people that have cancer and that are dying not for back issues and period pain here we go again the yanks fucking things for every1


Well-Known Member
Are you the guy who woke from a 100 yr. coma and they handed him a laptop and RIU account? What country proudly calls you a resident and representative of same?


Well-Known Member
Your hatred is thinly veiled envy. Maybe if you want to talk trash to us, about us you learn how to spell and use proper grammar. That way your nonsensical tirades will be easier to understand.

As mentioned, some people that care about their bodies prefer more holistic methods of treatment. Not pharmaceuticals as you seem to prefer. Why do you smoke weed? To get high? I am sure there is some pill you can take that will do a better job!:dunce:

phil k

Well-Known Member
I'm a hypothetical young worker looking for a job. I have no experience in construction and you see me as green and unskilled. Can I have a job at 15 dollars an hour? I'm not very good at construction btw, but looking to gain experience. Am I the guy you're going to hire? What if I offered to work for 9.50 an hour? I really want experience in XYZ industry, but I'm not very skilled yet.

I, the hypothetical young worker, have been out of work for my whole life, and would love to start a career in construction, but nobody will reply to my applications!! i wonder why! Maybe it's because I'm offering to work for 15 an hour when my skills are only worth 10 an hour.

You seem to have contempt for the little kid living at home, but that's where his career starts. He's not supposed to bring in a living wage, he's supposed to gain experience working. I never made a living wage mowing lawns and shoveling driveways either. You won't give him the experience he's looking for because you instead want to help someone older make a living wage. That kid will in turn likely never work in construction because nobody took him under their wing. He'll likely resent the person making 15 an hour and wonder why he was never given a chance, likely getting his first job at mcdonalds instead. The long term projection of this is that the new generation starts later and later, with fewer and fewer opportunities to succeed..
LOL you seriously need some help or maybe education.

phil k

Well-Known Member
Your hatred is thinly veiled envy. Maybe if you want to talk trash to us, about us you learn how to spell and use proper grammar. That way your nonsensical tirades will be easier to understand.

As mentioned, some people that care about their bodies prefer more holistic methods of treatment. Not pharmaceuticals as you seem to prefer. Why do you smoke weed? To get high? I am sure there is some pill you can take that will do a better job!:dunce:
yeah seriously i used to take pills for my back I've had two surgeries and getting ready for steel being placed in.. i used to be on 60mg oxy a day cause the pain was so bad.. now i take oils orally and only take a nerve medication. so i hate hearing marijuana doesnt work medically ......viagra doesnt work medically for everyone.. so why is it a medical drug.. theres cancer treatments out that have a 30% success rate why do we do them still?? because for some people it works and it does help.. for those that wanna sit back and toke a bowl and claim medical who cares.. their doing nothing to harm anyone. the harm comes with people telling others what they should and shouldn't use.. and even worse people that say others should rely on pills to live a life surely haven't been in a medical situation where when you walk in to have your medication filled they deny filling you because they think your a drug addict.


crohn's disease what we call ibs and welcome to my world who smokes weed every day which only thing that helps me when i'm stuck on the shitter vomiting from my mouth and ass at the same time is pantoprazole
crohn's disease is not IBS, you're so wrong. there's about a million health benefits to cannabanoids, and if you're too lazy to look them up before getting on a forum like this, i don't have time for you. I'm just going to ignore your inflammatory comments. If anyone else has constructive things that relate to my thread that would be great

phil k

Well-Known Member
crohn's disease is not IBS, you're so wrong. there's about a million health benefits to cannabanoids, and if you're too lazy to look them up before getting on a forum like this, i don't have time for you. I'm just going to ignore your inflammatory comments. If anyone else has constructive things that relate to my thread that would be great
LOL no shit.. how did this go so south from you wanting to talk about seattle

phil k

Well-Known Member
crohn's disease is not IBS, you're so wrong. there's about a million health benefits to cannabanoids, and if you're too lazy to look them up before getting on a forum like this, i don't have time for you. I'm just going to ignore your inflammatory comments. If anyone else has constructive things that relate to my thread that would be great
did you ever check to see if your license transfers there? i know michigan accepts california med licenses and colorado.. you have to get re-certified but the dispensaries allow you to come in and purchase and get things setup with another states license generally.

phil k

Well-Known Member
i would get a dispensary name and number there and call them ... i would actually call a couple cause i know some here are dicks and choose not to accept licenses until they renew in their state and others accept it..