Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

there are the sisters and the mother is on the left hand side....;-):joint:
and remember I am stretching them on purpose to make seeds gathering not so painful for my back


Well-Known Member
Looks damn nice JOC. Just too bad your so elusive I would not have to wait to crack them seeds for a sample. All good thing come in good time though right.


Well-Known Member
Mary -hic, can I be Merlin lol... If the knowledge I learn helps only me, then Im wasting my time learning it. We are all soliders in the same war. By combining our knowledge and teaching new growers. Our troops become more effictive, and our numbers rise.

It is my obligation to give to the people what I can. It is my duty to have enough to give. It is my obligation and my duty because of the choice of love.

I grew up dirt poor, I hold a spot in my heart for the people that no man can break. If I can help any man help his family then I am on the right path

It just so happens pot may be my tool.... yea my mom saw that coming when I got grounded for the shit - peace fucers


Glassblowing Moderator
Anyone wanna buy some blue hash? Its dinafems blueberry x california hash plant. $25 an 8 and $200 an oz for donations. I got shitloads of overages..

mmmp patients only...


Well-Known Member
Too bad we never saw I eye dank. I love the taste of Blue, and you would have just been sold out of the overages in a blink.


Well-Known Member
dankshizzle.. i may be interested in a couple oz's. My receipt got confiscated by police, i can find the thread on here somewhere. But i do have my packet of paperwork.. im sure you can call the dr. office to verify. Would you be able to do that?


Glassblowing Moderator
Call office to verify what? I don't need to know if you went to docs, I need to know the day the state cashed your check. That's laws. So hard card or paperwork with 21 days after check was cashed. Either you got it or not. Im not calling anyone. This is already goin like crazy. Just figured id offer some up before itt goes up in smoke. The hardest biggest nuggets around... and stanky


Well-Known Member
yeah i feel you.. the green receipt is what was taken.. i dont have court until may 6th so i wont have it back by then. My card should be here in a month or so.. thanks though


Glassblowing Moderator
You can get a copy of your cashed check from your bank.. its 1134 on a wednesday.... go get it. That's all you need. Not the green slip from when you mailed it. That doesn't tell me jack. I need to know when the state accepted your 100.00 fee


Well-Known Member
I sent them a money order.. What i had was a stamped date on my receipt that was the day they received my money order. It was stamped december 2nd, so i was legal 21 days after that. I will be getting it back may 6th.. I am also looking for a caregiver since i can't grow inside anymore..


Well-Known Member
I cannot wait to see what the sun brings me this year! I already know that I may break down and cry when I see all the trimming there will be. Too bad michigan does not have a mobile marijuana trim crew. I would use em come fall.

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
It is my obligation to give to the people what I can. It is my duty to have enough to give. It is my obligation and my duty because of the choice of love.

I grew up dirt poor, I hold a spot in my heart for the people that no man can break. If I can help any man help his family then I am on the right path

It just so happens pot may be my tool.... yea my mom saw that coming when I got grounded for the shit - peace fucers
Your words are a thing of beauty, just like the plants you grow... I've always said, "One Day Marijuana Will Save The Nation." I always believed it would be the money generated from it though. But as I get older, the more I realize how much the marijuana culture could teach everyone... I grew up on a farm, we never had alot of extra money, But we were rich in other ways. The work ethic and morals I learned from being brought up that way are priceless.. Nobody bitched or complained when something needed done. We all jumped in and worked together untill it was done.. One year our neighbor had a stroke and was unable to cut his corn. Without giving it a second thought my dad, my uncle, my brother, and myself. Jumped into action and spent 20hrs a day for a week, cutting and storing his corn. When he offered to pay us, my dad said, " You dont owe us anything, You would've done the same for me." I'll never forget the look on his face, or the feeling of satisfaction i got when he shook my hand and thanked me.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Mary so true people need to think of others a little more offten and less about themselfs
The Midwest has much better work ethics then alot of the country

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
GD, You can say that shit again..
so true people need to think of others a little more offten and less about themselfs
The Midwest has much better work ethics then alot of the country
I've been a lot of places and met a lot of people. There's no place like the midwest.. The people here are smarter and more friendly then anywhere else in the country.. This is my theory why, I've been saying this for years.. Back in the old days, when people started moving from the east coast to the west coast in wagon trains. The smart people saw the fertile farm lands of the midwest and realized. Their chances of becoming a succesful farmer, were better then their chances of becoming a succesful gold miner. So instead of continuing west they homesteaded right here, and started farms... Thats why the people on the west coast are stuck up snobs. They came from people who were willing to endanger the lives of their family members. So they could move across the country and look for gold.. The people on the east coast are ass holes beacause, they come from people who were to affraid to move across country and look for gold. So they became bullies, that way no one would think they were cowards.. The people of the south are nice people dont get me wrong, but they're not the most intelligent bunch. Thats because all the smart people in the south, either moved to the north during the civil war, or got killed fighting in it.