Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Active Member
Awesome job to all that got there ladies to the finish line.....
My lady is still a few laps behind but running hard.

Here are some pics I took yesterday. Some of the sugar leaves are wilting and dying but I don't See any mold. I tried to get a couple closeups. What does everyone think? If it were still summer early fall how far out would you say she is?

In Picture number three you can see it looks like it is withering up a bit. Pictures one and two are the main cola (did not top it). Five and six is a bud from the side.



Active Member
Almost forgot. Here is the tent cover I have been using all week.

I also picked up a 300W/68W 2700K 4200 lumens CFL bulb that I was going to plug into the timer. Figured that could help with the cover being left on all week again.



Well-Known Member
That dosnt look too far off podunk. If it gets some good sun this week it will probably be in pretty good shape to harvest


Active Member
Weather looks like crap for the week. So it is going to be covered until Saturday. Would you pull now or give it until next weekend? Leaves are falling fast. Starting to loose my cover.



Well-Known Member
If its gonna be covered it probably wont benefit a whole lot. Its kinda hard to tell from the pics but it looks like theres some decent bud on it right now.
It dosnt look as swollen as it could be but thats not likely to change much if its covered for the week.
If it was me I would harvest the tops and leave the rest for another week without the cover. whats left of my plants have been getting hammered with rain and frost this last week and they look great.


Active Member
Sounds like a good idea. If yours are doing that well then that is what I will do. Will take down the cover and ditch the fan for the week. Probably knock the top quarter off it and do the rest next week.


Well-Known Member
I thought this shit was over,but I guess not. I just heard from a guy that there was a helicopter flying back and forth over my grow area for a few hours wtrait yesterday.
All the dead leaves I stripped that are laying on the ground might stand out pretty bad. I dont know.
As a precaution I packed all my shit up and got it off my property this morning


Active Member
Scary shit. They must be reading our thread! The only people left with plants in the field still!

I knocked the top third off of her last night. Packed everything up but the one pole holding her up against the wind. I was just starting to get a lot more sunlight too. All the leaves falling really helps. At least until your shit sticks out like sore thumb!


Well-Known Member
Yea, what the fuck are helicopters doing still looking this time of year. Im not taking any chances going back there for the rest of it.
Ive got all my shit off my property and hidden just in case. My garage still smells like a weed bomb went off in it but theres nothing left there now.
Im probably being over paranoid but im not taking any chances that they could tie anything back to me.


Well-Known Member
Theres probably only a few oz's left out there. It dosnt seem like a good idea to me to risk going to jail and loosing the pounds of dope I already have for that.
I dont think they were out there just randomly looking at this time of year. Some hunter probably tipped them off.
Again, im probably being paranoid but sometimes thats a good thing


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot. Here is the tent cover I have been using all week.

I also picked up a 300W/68W 2700K 4200 lumens CFL bulb that I was going to plug into the timer. Figured that could help with the cover being left on all week again.
nice job taking care of ur child..lol. how much longer ya figurin? good luck with er..


Active Member
Per James42 advice I took the top (top 1/3) off Sunday. Did not end up using the CFL (save it for future grow). Letting her ride out the elements with no cover until this weekend. Heat wire and everything else is now gone. Highs in the mid 40's and lows around 33 until I get to check it out this weekend. Hoping I get the same results James42 did. I might have the wife throw a sheet on if we get frost. Going down to 31 possibly Wednesday and 25 Friday night! This weekend could be it.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Yea I had a chopper flying around my backyard a few days ago:cuss: but I already had the 2 that were out there hanging:weed:
Good job everyone:clap:


Active Member
I hope that works out for you podunk.
Did you get much off the tops?
Still drying and I don't quite have the eye yet to tell how much it will be. Its not huge though pretty smallish especially after I trimmed the sugar leaves down last night. I will reserve judgement until I get it all down and dried. I will take it and be happy since I didn't start until June from seed in the North!


Well-Known Member

i dont think ive ever shown you guys any pics of my other garden. they were a few leftover clones that i put out late as a back up crop. they had a rough start because of some ph issues but they turned out great in the end. i probably got around 6-8 oz's off of each(4 total).