Plans changed a little bit this year....
I planted 3 "the third dimension" seeds about a month ago, i planned on doing an indoor "test grow" to kinda get a feel for the strain before i planted em outside. Two sprouted, one looked more indica dominant the other more sativa (going by the leaf shape and node spacing). For some reason the sativa started flowering (18 hours of light) and was a male so i chopped it. Since i only had one plant i just said fuck it and planted it outdoors, and so far she (fingers crossed) seems to be loving it.
Yesterday I decided to germinate the rest of my outdoor seeds, 4 qrazy trains, 4 bagseeds, and 1 blueberry gum fem. Looks like its gonna be a small grow this year, unless i decide to buy some more beans but i doubt that'll happen since its so late. Oh well.
Anybody here into turkey hunting?
it was lol and ya i havent had that happen in awhile it was a alittle bit off a rush and ya its a shame that people cant mind there own dam buisness its not like i was hurting anyone or bothering them i just wanted to have a little smoke and go enjoy myself but no people have to be dicks cuz they think pot hurts people and is bad but its not one day theyll see its not and that it helps people and we wont have to hide anymore
It really is a shame. But until the day its legalized, it's always best to try to be stealthy. A while ago i found an old phone charger and took all of the electrical crap out of the adapter (or whatever the things called

) and now i use that to carry small amounts of bud in when im in public. Maybe you could do something like that, just for a little extra security. Idk, just a suggestion.