My guess is within a year or so, one of the crooked LEO offices will get sued.
I have done a lot of reading up on the subject. I even donated my time to build the Freedom March website last October.
Anyway, here is my two cents. At first they were busting outdoor crops whether in a "locked facility" (fenced in with a keyed gated access) or not and raiding and checking legetimate growers that were reported to leo. A majority of these reports were by disgruntaled X's and jealous friends and family memebers. It seems now that they are concentrating on all of the dispensaries popping up everywehre to see what the judgement becomes in the court system.
So far I have not been harassed, and I have been a registered CG for over a year now. I am in compliance with the law and have no reason to be harassed. Also, I do not go around advertising that I am a CG and growing mj in my home.
It also depends upon what county you are in as to the level of harassment you may receive. I do know that Kalkaska and Oakland Counties seem to be the worse, also the Grand Rapids area. I think that Oakland County is by far the worse.
Where I live, one of our compassion club members discussed with the sherriff their intensions, and the sherriff's office said as long as you are within the law, and plants are grown indoors out of sight from passers by, they were not out to harass anyone. They even said that when they did receive a few reports to investigate, there were a couple of places that had more than the allowed plant count. The sheriff's department only took the amount of plants that were over the allowed amount and left the rest alone. This was is in Clare County.
It is all about choices. Choosing who you hang out with, choosing who you say certain things to, and so on.