Green Dave
Well-Known Member
Dont forget the COPS they are out tring to find your plot "Bastards"
Dont forget the COPS they are out tring to find your plot "Bastards"
hic hells ya I frezz my pot for the winta, Peace bro.any michigander freeze their pot to keep fresh through the winter?
Damn boys, starting to not really like how the forcast is shaping up to be , I pulled off a small bud on that fruity cm yesterday due to it molding/rotting, I dare say it seems like we jumped RIGHT into the fall after those 4 days of rain and the wind storm aboout 2 weeks ago.
So whata ya think you guys going to be happy next month? Oh K.B. I am glad you have found a job, I hope in return your life becomes less stressfull if nothing else.
delstele, how dry do you dry the pot before stickin it in the freezer? Bone Dry? or a touch moist in the middle?