Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
yup hurry up and turn 18. Go see one of the pot docs.

I smoke pot cause I like it. I also like to keep the tuff stuff for when I am "going". This is why I am after the toughest, because when I get "going" it is hard to stop me.


Active Member
lol you lost me with everything about going and tough stuff ???? lmao can a parent get you medi-green because they can in cali but hopefully by the time im 18 it would be completly legal juss gotta keep on praying


Well-Known Member
Odjoe when you turn 18 you can claim arthritis I.e. Chronic pain, I got my card for the same both of my wrists are toast from skating, motocross, and roofing. So much now that I can't get on the roof anymore and I'm only 25 can't wait till I'm 40 won't be able to use my hands! Lol

Mama- for good yeilding plants I would recommend starting your seed in march indoors and putting a fully established plant outside in may to be sure the last frost is over June will work fine but the longer they are in the sun the better off you'll be come harvest time.


Active Member
so while we r on the subject i took apart a speaker for a stealth incubator i hav two light sockets for cfls whats a recomended wattage. by the way the speaker 1 foot tall then 7 in x 8 1/4 in how long do you think this will hold my seedlings also im puting nine in my box


Well-Known Member
outdoejoe you can probly keep them in there for a montt month and a half- the longer you keep your hours of "light on" the shorter your plant will be. so keep em on for 21 hours or 22 hours a day ok.

GD those BBS must be fems. all 5 are females.



Well-Known Member
My outdoor plans are the Docs iranian auto. I plan on getting about 50 then letting them rip outside clip snip and hang in august then I'll be done before the copters are even looking.


Well-Known Member
outdoejoe you will probly make it till or a little after first transplant.

So GreenDave did you want me to take any bbs cuttings for ya? and no GreenDave I ain't pollinating em, just going to grow em and smoke em. I just bought blueberry seeds and a buddy gave me a BB clone in a little red cup to work with. So I am going to make my own Blueberry creations.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Got plenty of the BBS thanks for the offer just thought that you may dust a branch as this BBS tastes more blueberry then alot of the pure BB it might be a good one to cross with the mandala that you have


Well-Known Member
hey what else could I do but offer clones to the guy that gave me the beans.

Every day we get closer.. outdoor 2011.. I have no idea what else I will be running as of yet, the only thing set in stone is it will be a very CRITICAL year.



Well-Known Member
hey what else could I do but offer clones to the guy that gave me the beans.

Every day we get closer.. outdoor 2011.. I have no idea what else I will be running as of yet, the only thing set in stone is it will be a very CRITICAL year.

Yes it is bro and I'm gearing up for a banner year, Lets all rock this bitch!


Active Member
cant wait !!!! like 135 days till i am going to put them out. still dont have actual seeds. hopefully i have enuff to last me along time
In ground around June 1st. Plants will be at least 12" tall. Putting them earlier doesnt work in Michigan. Ground temp is still too cold. Nirvana Bubblelicious outside for me this year. Sativas require too much time.


Well-Known Member
In ground around June 1st. Plants will be at least 12" tall. Putting them earlier doesnt work in Michigan. Ground temp is still too cold. Nirvana Bubblelicious outside for me this year. Sativas require too much time.

and them damn sativas require a bit too much trimming. I like smoking the pot not giving pot a haircut.


Well-Known Member
and them damn sativas require a bit too much trimming. I like smoking the pot not giving pot a haircut.
i feel ya on that, i absolutely hate trimming. chocolope was probably the easiest plant to trim in my experience, and its sativa.