Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
I'm finding that Canadian genetics and west coast genes are kicking the dutches ass!! I'd rather put some cash in north America than Europe. So I research research research and grow em out. It's usually these genes that stay in my garden.


Well-Known Member
I'm finding that Canadian genetics and west coast genes are kicking the dutches ass!! I'd rather put some cash in north America than Europe. So I research research research and grow em out. It's usually these genes that stay in my garden.

In 2 years you will be finding michigan genetics to be the genetics of choice.


Well-Known Member
That's the plan already!!! I'm working on getting the moms built up now. I was thinking you know how we can fresh veggies so we can keep em forever and stay with fresh veggies. You think I could can a fresh clone and store it for awhile then root it later??
In 2 years you will be finding michigan genetics to be the genetics of choice.
there is a strain out of the U.P. called Mulberry...yummy. so the strains are here you just have to find them thats all. Free Leonard? thats another one. Pinconning WAS a gr8 strain havent heard if thats still around.


Well-Known Member
I want to see both the outcome and the method you apply to get your result!. Hmm now you got me thinking? thanks puff?

Could you quick freeze a cut? and keep it viable for long term in storage? If not why?. Maybe the container must be filled with water before the freeze?. Maybe a weak solution in the water before the freeze with water and clone? Maybe pressed or air tight would be the way to go? Perhaps the clone will need a bit of superglue on the cut to help store? etc.

If for any reason freeze won't work we have many options to go over

maybe we will find out...


Well-Known Member
I want to see both the outcome and the method you apply to get your result!. Hmm now you got me thinking? thanks puff?

Could you quick freeze a cut? and keep it viable for long term in storage? If not why?. Maybe the container must be filled with water before the freeze?. Maybe a weak solution in the water before the freeze with water and clone? Maybe pressed or air tight would be the way to go? Perhaps the clone will need a bit of superglue on the cut to help store? etc.

If for any reason freeze won't work we have many options to go over

maybe we will find out...

good idea hic, but i think if u use water to freeze it would destroy the cell structure. kinda like freezin fish in bags with watter, makes em mushy
get some dry ice and carve a spot for the clone wrap in plastic wrap or somethin i would think it would flash freeze. a freezer isnt cold enough just my 2c

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
I dont think you could freeze anything then bring it back to life. I think anyway you freeze it will damage the cell structure to bad.. I know farmers out west are growing hydroponic lettuce and shipping it to stores while it's still living... They had special plastic containers made for it. What they do is put the plant in the container & then some how pump it full of nitrogen to put the plant in a dormant state.. Then they wrap the roots in damp cloth and ship them out.. When you buy it from the store it's still a living plant.. Im not sure how long they stay that way, but im sure a similar method could be used to ship clones across the country.. Who would buy seeds from the net if they could buy living clones....


Well-Known Member
guys, you can store cuttings for quite a while. two ways. i recommend misting it and placing it in a ziplock then in the fridge, in the veggie drawer. another way i have held cuttings was just place them in water like a rose or daisy and refill when needed. i have kept them around like this for over a month easily but it takes lobger to root if you wait that long. it also does a form of monster cropping, shoots branches outta nowhere.

the baggie/fridge works great and they say you can do it for months, i never did it that long though.


Well-Known Member
Well puff the way it looks with all these heads banging together it won't be long now.. you'll get to the bottom of this stored viable clone soon enough.lol

Well boys I head to the pot dr. today. It will take a 50-cal to stop me now. 12 plants = 9 pounds ever so easy.

I ain't going to be maxing out this year. I am going to be testing the water. I also know damn well my 12 plants would not be your typicall 12. so again going to be testing the water. In 21 days I will be up to 24 legally. In 3 years even my wifes caregiver card will be full! Thing is my wife will have nothing to do with them...

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
emptied the box (Its to small)
Bet the wife helps smoke it dosent she hic
Mine is the same dont want to know but loves to smoke