Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
I finally got my girls out in the woods today. They were all very root bound.
I'm a little nervous because some of my dirt filled holes had been pawed at by animals. The only deterrent I have is liquid fence and that stuff didn't impress me on my veggie garden last year.
On a side note. Well I was out there I stumbled on the biggest patch of white morels I've ever seen. I brought home enough for a couple meals.

Nice james I have yet to find any schrooms this year all my known spots have nothing this year... Enjoy!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Glad to see all you guys are getting the girls moved into there summer homes
hic did you save any BW pollen? I would like to cross the Jillybean with it
is that the greenhouse you wanted to build or just a greenhouse?
Hammer that Greencrack looks sweet
Del what you got out this year?


Active Member
View attachment 1612006

Upgraded... Built a Greenhouse. A quarter of it is filled already but I am sure before it is all said and done those plants will be pushing walls.
Looks good hic, glad to see you did get the greenhouse done. I gotta get me one of those. Keep posting those pics of those bushes, I can't wait to see that thing fill out.


Well-Known Member
GD - I saved the whole BW male " is currently re-vegging". You know damn well you are welcome to a clone of him anytime this summer or pollen come fall. I built the greenhouse with pollycarbonate sheets on the side and even clearer pollycarbonate panels for the roof.

kindone - I will continue to post pics all summer long.

hammer - cool pics man!.


Well-Known Member
Looks like some
nice gear hic the first pic is a donkey dick lookin mo fo. I have the pine Mi old school gear sprouted lookin for a keeper.

16 girls in the ground all lookin great its all up to momma nature now.


Active Member
well havent been on in a while got caught by my parents so i had my first batch of twenty'they kept them to grow out them selves:[ start a second batch of 15 grew them for a week in that green house, put them in the ground that nite somthing dug them up except on an it was still pretty gnawed on now my last hope is in pot a top a pine tree.............


Well-Known Member
Outdoor growers! Someone please grow some MJ in a topsy turvy I'm dying to see it lol.

I would like to see it done myself. I am sure it works I am wondering if it increases yeild in any way. I would think that it would " a little".


Well-Known Member
ive seen it done on here... its not too impressive.. the plant just bends upwards towards the light.. like lst'ing. Not sure if yield increased or not.


Well-Known Member
Fucking frost warning tonight. They survived high winds and dime size hail there first night out and now frost.
I went out tonight and sprayed them with seven insecticide and gave them a little water. For the most part, they seem to be loving the outdoors. Two of them are a little droopy but the rest look great.
Last week I dug a well hole, about 6 feet deep by 4 feet wide. It fills up with water as fast as I take it out. It was well worth the effort of digging that hole. I only have to walk twenty feet from my plants to get all the water I need.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you have a hole to draw water from james. idk if it supposed to frost round here tonight?

I only have 3 CM clones out in the great outdoors and a male so frost is no issue here. Frost however will be an issue come next week and I think by then we will be clear of frost for the spring.