Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
YOU HAVE WON!!!!! Pick a prize... You do not need my respect or ears because you already have them.

1 a 150 watt light
2 100 seeds
3. $100

Choose wisely and good job

Glad to hear i won, haha i would choose the seeds
Good choice haha, Sounds like Hic has his breeding dialed in and running in overdrive!


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the input. Im really in a tight situation with money so I cant afford to run a trial batch outside. I need something thats going to work for sure. I will probably end up ordering his indica mix pack. Even if one of the three do good outdoor I guess that would be better than nothing. Anyone else have any input?
Growin since high school and I would recommend buying a pack of herijuana to grow outdoors....Done super early and the idica dominant phenos are second to none in terms of raw power. You looking to make cash go with a pack of heri....I do not believe you could go wrong with a mix pack though either but I have seen heris magic work in Michigan...and we all will get to see her in action this summer. " to it's completion" No drama this summer no no no that was last summer. Still did very well even though


Well-Known Member
Growin since high school and I would recommend buying a pack of herijuana to grow outdoors....Done super early and the idica dominant phenos are second to none in terms of raw power. You looking to make cash go with a pack of heri....I do not believe you could go wrong with a mix pack though either but I have seen heris magic work in Michigan...and we all will get to see her in action this summer. " to it's completion" No drama this summer no no no that was last summer. Still did very well even though
THanks Hic, that's good to know, I have a friend that might be interested in some of my Heri cuts if it proves to be a lady. Good thing about a lot of Sannies genetics in that case.... ALOT of his Indica dominant or hybrid strains have heri in them.


Well-Known Member
Class... this will be the 2nd time I have run into a hazey plant when it comes to cm jammy f-2. Flowers like haze and grows like haze? will get a pic of it soon


Well-Known Member
Heri is awesome! Talk about flower power. The indica pheno really does have a great sandlewood taste...the sativa leaner not so much. SCT is very heri dominant. I only have one female right now that looks anything like CT.

I wanna get this CT backcrossed with SCT real quick cause next up to fuck heri and backcross is Black Widow. Need the right sct pheno though first and it must be a male. That is why I cracked another 7 lol... Although the vortex x heri may also go good with the BW? - unsure


I went ahead and ordered the indica mix pack from sannies. Herijuana, jackberry f2, and anesthesia. After many long days of internet research I found that would be the best value for my money for outdoor growing. I am going to start 2 seeds of each of the three strains and hopefully get a female so I can start cloning and getting ready for spring. Ill save 2 seeds of each for future use. What a great deal for only $46.95, thats including shipping. I don't think anyone can go wrong growing these 3.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
just ordered Herijuana , Mad Scientist , and Heribei
it is suppost to be good for wet cold climate and early flower (should do good in Michigan)
Will still be running Iranian G13 by DR Greenthumb as well

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
Thought I'd let everyone see what I've got going on in my closet.

Here we have an ordinary sterlite cabinet I bought from Wal-Mart for like 85 bucks. I insulated it with 1 inch of styro foam insulation that I had left over from a remodeling job. I sealed every seam in the plastic and between the foam with caulking. I keep my balast and power strips under neath the grow space. I use one shelf and its set as low as it can go. The inside dimensions of my grow space are 22"w X 13"deep x 60". the cabinet is 70" tall. I can stand inside it with the shelf removed.


Next we see the Panda film that is stapled into the inside to create a second door and a nearly light proof growing enviroment. The light leaks through the zipper but that is corrected with the Foil tape lined doors. I used a construction Dust cover zippered door way for the zipper. Its a pretty nice zipper. the package i bought on amazon came with two. I should have used both of them. Then i could put one on each side and unzip both sides and roll the door out of the way. (Hind sight is always 20/20) I fucked up the first zipper by placing it upside down I tried to remove it but it caused my panda film to rip and I had to start from scratch again. Luckily I had a fuck load of panda film.

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This is how I'm venting. Ihave a TD125 5" 200 CFM fan reduced down to 4" and that is blowing out of my dryer exhaust duct. Odor control is handled by a 200cfm carbon filter that is nestled right beside my fan. Its a tight squeeze. I had to cut about an inch off a couple ducting adapters. I'm pretty good at crimping that shit too. All my ducts are taped with foil tape. My grow space is about 19 cubic feet so that means that my air is getting replaced about 10 times a minute. You cant smell it at all from the out side.

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Unzipping the panda and un fastening the 2" wide velcro strip that I use to seal the top of the cabinet. Its stapled to the Piece of plywood that I cut and mounted to the top of the cabinet. I forgot to mention that earlier. I think this cali outdoor that I am smoking is making me forgetful. But anyways, We see a shitty picture of a little bit of my homemade reflector and pyrex bake a round cool tube and we see the Nicely filled in screen of green. I'll get some better pics of my ducting and light later. The screen was originally 24" x 36" and me not wanting to be wasteful, I bent the screen until it was basket shaped and re wired it together to create a stadium of sorts. The edges of the screen are about 6" higher than the center.

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Lifting these lovely ladies Skirt will reveal a nicely shaven set of 8-10 legs that branch out numerous times to fill in the screen. I promise, at some point in this post there will be some bud shots. They're shitty, because Im taking pics with my phone because its easier for me to email myself the photos than to plug in my camera to my comp. Ugh damn it, I'm rambling again, these are 5 gallon smart pots filled with FFOF cut with perlite and a brick of coco. I feed sunleaves bat guano teas with a little cal mag and some molasses. Im having problems with fruit flies living in my dirt. they dont seem to be bothering my plant any, but they piss me off. I'm getting some fly traps from a friend this weekend.

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Heres a pic of some honey wine I have bubbling beside the cabinet. hopefully the co2 is making it in there. I have a piece of aquarium hose running inside my airlock and into the cabinet. It might not be the best Co2 generator, but when its finished its about 15% alch by volume and gets ya hammered.

This will be cherry flavored.

I have 4 plants growing in my cabinet. Its crowded as hell but Im making it work. I recieved these little girls when they were about a week old. They are as follows:

1: "UP Kush" Pink Champagne x Afghan Kush (Indica dominant pheno)
2: "UP Kush" Pink Champagne x Afghan Kush (Same pheno as #1, In same pot as #1)
3: "LCISS" Pink Champagne x Island Sweet Skunk (Les Cheneaux Island Sweet Skunk) Recieved as clone. all others were from seed
4: "UP Kush" Pink Champagne x Afghan Kush (in same pot as #3 very stretchy sativa dominant pheno, from same parents as 1 & 2)

They were planted from solo cups into the smart pots on December 11, run under a 400w Hps 24/0 for a month. On Jan 9th 12/12 was started and I weaved the screen for the next 3 weeks to battle the stretch. All plants were displaying sex by the 16th.

These things can take quite a beating as ive Pinched and bent the hell out of the branches. Once the fan leaves die off, Ill post some pics of the skeleton.

this pic is mostly #4

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Here we have a pic of the back wall and some of the middle. The other day I counted the budsites i could see along the perimeter and in the center, I stopped counting at 80 something. theyre done stretching for the most part and I keep the fan leaves tucked under the budsites. I think this pic is mostly # 1&2

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nuggets. this is from the lanky sativa dominant #4. The buds growing on the perimiter are going to be nice fat colas.

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Theyre just starting to show some trichomes. they should finish up after about 9-10 weeks of flower. Ill get some better pics once they get worth taking pics of.

Hope you enjoy. If you have an questions, Fire away.

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
Thanks Dave. After my lease is up this august, I want to find a place with a basement and set up a couple liquid cooled 1000's and run a perpetual 24 plant cycle. This little cabinet is just giving me something to do when I'm bored and alone in my apt. I'll probably give the cabinet away once I get something bigger and better established.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Good choice
You will be on the market 3-4 weeks before most everyone else
I will have 4 IRG13 myself
and 4 Herijuana and 4 Mad Scientist and 4 Heribei by Sannies


Well-Known Member
Im gonna just re use the holes and soil from last year. Ill dig around them to make them bigger and add sime fresh soil to it.
Gd, is a 3x3 hole necessary for the irg13?


Well-Known Member
I found a few youtube vids of the irg13 and some pics. It kinda a different looking plant. It looks like it might be a lot more stealthy then last years crop.
Maybe its just how these guys grew it but it just looks like some huge buds on a stick with very few fan leaves. It should be alot harder to spot from the air

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
I'm going with some Iranian Auto Flower. Im also going to throw out a bunch of other stuff that I've collected while helping a caregiver trim some plants that got seeded pretty heavily.

Im going to try to veg theIranian until they are ready to be transplanted out of a 7 gallon pot then put them out doors. If cloning them works like I think it should, Ill be putting out a couple sets of them during the summer.


Where are you guys getting your iranian seeds from? Like what breeder and what website? I cant find them on the attitude. I live in the US so any ideas where I could get some? Thanks