Michigan has medical marijuana now?

All I can say, besides yahoo, is now is the time for the pro-MMJ folks to get it together there in MI. Ya gotta get in on the rules and regs, and not just kick back and grow now, leaving that part to those who don't really see things your way, perhaps?

In Montana, where it's been law since 04', it's still near impossible for the real growers to get their work to market, ie: connect with the actual patients needed to get legal. The patients still aren't getting top grade weed and are paying top grade weed prices for rookie grown, and inferior, product.
It's a closed club where many are scared of everything MMJ, especially doctors, whose licenses are at stake at the federal level. Not a good incentive for them to give the movement a fair shake.
Anyway Michigan, pay attention, especially any activist types, or it could get tricky.
Heads up.
This org THC foundation is sending pot doctors (pro) to Michigan (Fernsdale) in December . . . in a effort to sign-up patients. Be there?
And we welcome them to our state. If we want the doctors to pay attention you have to show them whats in it for them. It won't take long for Doctor's in our State to realize they better get on the bandwagon. SO far they have been saying what a nightmare this will be for law enforcement, one went so far as to say its bad public policy. Leo is telling us smoking will cause cancer. Its like asking a plumber to install a muffler. One of the peole I know was there yesterday, $200.00 and a recommendation. he does qualify.
It funny, no one wanted to help with the campaign, now they want to tell us what we have to do. Trust me, we are monitoring every thing that happens, we will keep reminding everyone that tries to muck with us that this bill became law by a 63% positive vote, MMJ got a higher percentage of the vote then president elect Obama did, it passed in every single county in the State.
What we could really use is advice on different strains for different aliments. We put provisions in the law to be able to add diseases as it becomes known that it can be helpful for that ailment.
The allowance by law of an affirmative defense if you are arrested is stronger than the medical card. If Califonria's law had it Ed would have won. VV:mrgreen::blsmoke:
And we welcome them to our state. If we want the doctors to pay attention you have to show them whats in it for them. It won't take long for Doctor's in our State to realize they better get on the bandwagon. SO far they have been saying what a nightmare this will be for law enforcement, one went so far as to say its bad public policy. Leo is telling us smoking will cause cancer. Its like asking a plumber to install a muffler. One of the peole I know was there yesterday, $200.00 and a recommendation. he does qualify.
It funny, no one wanted to help with the campaign, now they want to tell us what we have to do. Trust me, we are monitoring every thing that happens, we will keep reminding everyone that tries to muck with us that this bill became law by a 63% positive vote, MMJ got a higher percentage of the vote then president elect Obama did, it passed in every single county in the State.
What we could really use is advice on different strains for different aliments. We put provisions in the law to be able to add diseases as it becomes known that it can be helpful for that ailment.
The allowance by law of an affirmative defense if you are arrested is stronger than the medical card. If Califonria's law had it Ed would have won. VV:mrgreen::blsmoke:

well said man!
