Michigan limits


Well-Known Member
Well I've got about 10 flavors right now I don't need to prove shit to you, I hope something does happen bad to you so you get called a liar too now fuck off.

This was posted by you just over four months ago. Why are you talking shit, it makes you sound dumb. Go look at all of your other posts, just like we can and then think about why someone may harass you. You have unreal ideas and expectations, pretend to know shit, can be proven wrong.... etc...

Its easy to clone...... I bet sticky could have show you how years ago! This is a great place to trade info but when dumbasses pretend to know something people tend to call them out.... Now thank the experienced people here for having a place for us to learn and contribute something useful or true.
It takes most growers a while (months or more likely years) to dependably produce great smoke... I would be most likely to thing your to used to that nasty saginaw schwag and think you have some Fire when your actually wrong!