Michigan Senate Bill #17 - Banning clubs and dispensaries

What we need is to be free again period.

We should have a right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness, and control over our own bodies and minds would sure be nice too.

That's my take on it.
Too true, Oregon. Unfortunately, what we live in today is the end product of both our need for a higher authority than ourselves and the corruptibility of man. Power naturally seeks to consolidate itself and strengthen it's position. It takes true wisdom to avoid it.
Too true, Oregon. Unfortunately, what we live in today is the end product of both our need for a higher authority than ourselves and the corruptibility of man. Power naturally seeks to consolidate itself and strengthen it's position. It takes true wisdom to avoid it.

well I am glad good ole george washinton ain't here to hear that. We do need to be free oregonmeds for our future and our past demand it
i'm a cardholder here and to tell you the truth i don't see where it says anything about banning dispensaries... maybe i should go read the whole thing but from what is posted it clearly says dispensaries are not considered a club or bar. they just don't want coffee shops where you have to pay to smoke in, or any pot clubs you have to pay to be a member to join from what i understand. which is fine considering were not supposed to drive after medicating. maybe i should go read the whole thing but from what is posted it clearly says dispensaries are not considered a club or bar (section c part 3)
I'm sorry, but you might want to think about your subject line a little more next time. This in no way bans dispensaries. If you read the last few lines it clearly states that

To me, this means that a dispensary may allow you to smoke marijuana on their premises but must not explicitly state that you must purchase their marijuana to smoke there. I'm no lawyer... but this is flawed.
Senate approved it so now what? Are there really many of these "smoking clubs"? Seems like it doesn't ban a whole lot and allows for things like state approved dispensaries. So does that mean the dispensary dispute is over now? How about a bill that puts an end to stupid federal clause ordinances!!
I'm sorry, but you might want to think about your subject line a little more next time. This in no way bans dispensaries. If you read the last few lines it clearly states that

To me, this means that a dispensary may allow you to smoke marijuana on their premises but must not explicitly state that you must purchase their marijuana to smoke there. I'm no lawyer... but this is flawed.

Sounds as though it's legislation that allows a legal battle with anyone any time they choose. You'd better be friends with people in high places... Or atleast pay off the appropriate politicians BEFORE trying to do whatever it is you want to do. It makes no sense I can see other than that.
To think the State will allow the law to remain so vague is foolish. The State will certainly chase tax dollars of the "new industry"...and they should. Dispensaries, compassion clubs, care givers (those growing for more than themselves) and any other "business" that evolves should be taxed and monitored just like any other business. If a business can show they are "non profit" that's great...but allowing the law to remain so vague encourages abuse for profiteers.

The law, as written, is less than one full page. It was rushed together to meet a deadline. The State has a right to clarify and modify the law, they can't repeal it however.

What we should really be concerned with is not letting this become an "underwold business"....if you are a legitimate patient or care giver you'll have no worries. But if you are growing for multiple patients, and don't think the State will want to eventually know how much you harvest, and where it went, you'll probably be disappointed.

People aren't stupid. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you have 5 patients and 60 plants...well you got a little more product than 5 people can use. From the States perspective, that's gonna be fine, so long as you can account for it and pay taxes on the "overage" sales (minus of course your expenses)..like any other business. Same for commissaries and despesaries and other business that arise from this.

But for those simply looking for "tax free income"...the law never guaranteed that....
Wouldn't a Marijuana bar violate the Michigan smoking BAN?
Dispensaries should be left up to the cities and townships IMO.
the dispensary has ruined the club.
the guy running the club just got sick of seeing so much money change hands and none going to him. which is understandable.
i'm not sure how i feel.

i do know that owning a store to sell reasonably priced meds (200 OZ top shelf. if you can't grow great bud and profit a bunch for that price you are a retard.) to LOCAL patients (neighbors), while supplying income to local gardeners (neighbors) for their meds would be extremely rewarding and beneficial toward the community.

i'm ready for income from this. i will pay the taxes.
not getting rich. earning an income from my hard work that helps people.

michigan holds the potential to be a great marijuana region, with it's fertile LAKESHORE growing regions!
Sounds as though it's legislation that allows a legal battle with anyone any time they choose. You'd better be friends with people in high places... Or atleast pay off the appropriate politicians BEFORE trying to do whatever it is you want to do. It makes no sense I can see other than that.

Like I said... the legislation is flawed. Whether or not it's intentionally flawed... I don't know. However, I'm willing to believe all the old prick politicians don't have a clue as to how this whole thing actually works which might be the problem itself D:
I understand that most of you think that dispensaries are bullshit and that they tax the shit out of everyone, yada, yada. But I just want you guys to know that there are many dispensaries that want to help people and do their best to provide good quality service and meds and strive to know as much as they can to help their customers. I know there are a lot of shitbags out there taking advantage of people. What people fail to see is that it costs money for a business to run. We keep a wide variety of marijuana out ranging from $10-$25/g. We make nothing on the $10, but we still provide it, and it is some decent weed. But if we aren't getting it for $10 a gram, then you can be sure we aren't going to sell it for that either.
There are 453 grams in a pound, are you saying you pay $4530 a pound in bulk, that the best you can do? I can pump out pounds for less than 1k without even trying and so can any other experienced grower on here and still make a hefty profit at that.

What's the problem with that picture?

Don't get me wrong, I support everyone having all their choices and making whatever profit the market supports, but if you can't make a profit at $10 a gram there's something seriously wrong.
I also wrote Senator Jones:

Sen. Rick Jones,

Hello, my name is [Redacted] and I live in [Redacted] Michigan. I have recently been informed of Michigan Senate Bill #17 and wanted to express my deep concern about the bill.

I am currently a licensed caretaker for my sister, [Redacted], who developed peritoneal cancer at the age of 27. She was a nurse that worked in the cardiac care center and emergency room helping many people in her 4 years as a nurse. When she was diagnosed 2 summers ago, she was already a stage 3, edging on stage 4, which at stage 4 the doctor informs you "not to think of the quantity of life but quality." After surgery, chemo an much emotional stress, she recovered and was on the mend. She was in remission....

Last summer, her cancer resurfaced and now she is at stage 4. We are praying for her and doing all we can while this last round of chemo takes a very hard toll on her, and to make her quality of life as good as possible.

She has been using medical marijuana since the hospital medically discharged her, after her cancer resurfaced. She finds when she wakes up, in agonizing pain because her pain meds are wearing off, that medicinal marijuana can get the nausea to stop from the pain in under 5 min till the next round of pain meds kick in. She says it also helps her to go to sleep and with her appetite, which is good since she is now at around 100lbs and can use all the nourishment she can keep down.

The Bill in regards to my sister, would cut off a means for her to get her medicine. Our local compassion club has provided many services that have helped my sister and our family though this tough and emotional time. They have provided my sister an our family with information to help provide better care, commercial products that are necessary to provide her medicine (fertilizer, dirt etc), and also a meeting place where she has met an befriended other cancer patients/survivors that have helped give her emotional support through this difficult time.

I write you today Senator to ask for you to reconsider Michigan Senate Bill #17.

I ask you please consider the story of my sister and many others who share in similar hardships.

I am all for regulation and oversight of Clubs and Dispensaries to make sure they are legal and in accordance with the law. To get rid of them all together, to in essence, take away the pharmacy that provides medicine would be wrong in my opinion and against the will of the people that voted for the legal use of Medicinal Marijuana in the great state of Michigan.

I appreciate your time and consideration in taking the time to read this letter and consider it's message.

Thank You,
I thought I read yesterday that this bill has been put on the back burner. Meaning that he's not going to try and push this through...yet. Anyone else hear/read this?
I know this thread is about MMJ and you think you won the fight when this bill died, but doesn't anyone in Michigan want to comment on the broader issue of "emergency powers" and becoming basically a dictatorship. Your MMJ rights which are now the least of your worries are bound to go away with that...


What are people thinking? What a scam of epic proportions!
I know this thread is about MMJ and you think you won the fight when this bill died, but doesn't anyone in Michigan want to comment on the broader issue of "emergency powers" and becoming basically a dictatorship. Your MMJ rights which are now the least of your worries are bound to go away with that...


What are people thinking? What a scam of epic proportions!
When you look at the republicans way of "fixing" the budget crisis via big business and appointing dictators, then look at their stance on afforable healthcare, excuse me I mean OBAMACARES JOB KILLING SOCIALISIM, which is the dowmfall of America. It seems like they and the dictators they appoint just grabbed a massive amount of power and control at the expense of us voters.
We the people need our own emergency oh my god the government is out of control, got us in the financial mess in the first place, why then do we pay for it with both our money and our political voice manager.
Yes the government is absolutely out of control and the obamacare thing is complete bullshit as it stands just using private insurance companies and privately owned hospitals with all the same costs and overhead we have now. And I fully agree any national healthcare would be a nightmare if run by the current corrupt government, BUT socialized medicine by itself dispensed by a properly run government would have been great.

Don't kid yourself, it's only the current plan which benefits the status quo that's bullshit and a slap in the face. Other countries do socialized medicne properly and provide care for everyone at a cost lower than we have currently to only cover the lucky ones. There would still always be the option of private care, for those that can afford it.

But that too is the least of your concerns... The apple is rotten to the core.