Michigan Senate Bill 813 Recreational


Well-Known Member

Theres like 3-4 different rec plans jockeying for a place on the ballot come Nov. and this is one of the "Not this one!" bills.

ant remember the good one, had a friggin' LONG name... But basically said flat rate 10% tax on cannabis sales, to go directly to schools, roads, and local gov't. Also all control over regulation was put on local gov't, so they had the power to regulate, and profit from the sales.

No changes made to medical program. <--This is kinda important... I like my 12 plant count, 5 would suck balls.... I would have to grow plants like farm silos....

Still... not as bad as the last one republicans put into circulation... basically creating a 'board of cannabis' made of greedy politicians who get to change the tax rates and cannabis law, at will, while dismantling the MMMP, and not one word about where the $$ goes.....

Ever wonder why they just tried (and briefly succeeded) in making it illegal for voting places to explain what people were voting on? They want you to vote based on headlines and titles, not by the contents of the bill....

I applaud you for your wisdom in getting the actual unaltered bill from mi.gov :) More people in this country need to learn to look deeper than their facebook pages :)

Mr. Candiano

Active Member
If I understand right page two starting line 6 that it would not interfere with medical. Honestly I've skimmed the 23 pages. Have not had time to read it all. These things need to be read and understood throurally


Well-Known Member
Don't matter, mass poisoner Snyder signed new rules into law to invalidate the petition...

'Murica! Where you can get paid to poison an entire city, keep your job, get your wife a bonus (guess where all his bottled water comes from? His wife works for the bottled water people @ nestle!) and still have the power to over rule democracy without anyone even batting an eye.....

Snyder could rape a woman on the corpse of a fresh killed gorilla on national news, and he would still get to keep his job and collect his blood money....


Well-Known Member
Well I only skimmed the bill but it's got a few really good things and a few not so good.

I like that they define plants so 5 mature(kinda a strange number) and what looks like an unlimited amount of plants with no buds.

Not so hot on the solvent part but water extraction is good too.

The tax part seems kinda off at 50$ an ounce for bud and only 10 per ounce of hash or whatever else.

All in all I could make it work for me,and kinda seen this coming after the other bills passed so fast.

And as tough as they have been I can still grow under this bill and it looks like I can transfer a ounce or less