Michigan Supreme Court rejects cooperative medical marijuana grow operations in Kent

I guess there should be another name for people who serve this function. Peripheral people that don't grow medicine, but at some time may be called upon to possess it in extenuating circumstances, or by accident.

In my opinion, caregivers should have extensive knowledge of the medicine they are providing for patients. They should be striving to further the medicinal properties of what the produce. It's almost an insult that someone who has had decades of experience or dedicated their life to cultivating this plant can have the same simple designation as someone who just buys herb on the street and sells it to patients, or someone's wife who doesn't grow or smoke.

it's funny that you're all mad and pompous cuz you grow the bestest n all, but

the way that i understand the law, you cannot possibly have been growing michigan medical marijuana for more than 4 or 5 years
there is noone with more than 5 years experience as a michigan medical marijuana grower/caregiver

or... are you just a drug dealer calling yourself a caregiver?

been growing for thirty years?
not medical - i think you're just angry and feel like arguing

if i was a middle man for dirt weed for thirty years and someone made me their caregiver after the law so they could keeep getting their product from me, that would offend ypou?
but if you've been growing for thirty years and someone designates you so you can continue to grow, you aren't?
i call bullshit
You're a fucktard. I'm not even 30. It was an example, as I know people who have been growing for longer than I've been alive and are very serious about growing the highest quality, most effective medicine possible.

If you just got in the growing game when it became legal, you're behind and you're never gonna catch up. Some of us were practicing and honing our skills, prepping for a move out west before '08 specifically to grow medical marijuana. It just came to us instead.

Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years, a ballot initiative in a state isnt the beginning of medical marijuana. I see anyone growing high quality marijuana for any amount of time as producing medical marijuana. Doesn't have to be in a dispensary or compassion club to be medicine.
You're a fucktard. I'm not even 30. It was an example, as I know people who have been growing for longer than I've been alive and are very serious about growing the highest quality, most effective medicine possible.

If you just got in the growing game when it became legal, you're behind and you're never gonna catch up. Some of us were practicing and honing our skills, prepping for a move out west before '08 specifically to grow medical marijuana. It just came to us instead.

Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years, a ballot initiative in a state isnt the beginning of medical marijuana. I see anyone growing high quality marijuana for any amount of time as producing medical marijuana. Doesn't have to be in a dispensary or compassion club to be medicine.

rofl - you still sound angry
and my point is that we are all drug dealers and we are all caregivers
it's largely dependant on point of view

i know who you are i think and i apologize for bothering to speak
pretty sure i met you at g3c
you had a shitty attitude about your ipad if i remember

you prolly don't but i'm the guy that "lives in a cave"
and you didn't behave so aggressively then
it's funny how people are
i would say if you and your ..wife partner lover family member are in the same house you are each others CG anyway...?...right

they want you to sign a paper saying that..
and why would you want be be individual if by one of you designates the other to be their CG you would enjoy more protection...? unless it's sketchy to begin w then don't designate a CG if the circumstances are volatile just keep separate but fk that!
and you never have two growers in the same house grow! never! never werks out--

.and wen u fill out the form always have the patient chk the box where it says "keep possession of plants"...
that way it allows the patient the option (my undrstndng) to be able to designate his plants to CG or retain possession ....or? (both?)

cross that bridge if it comes but tht allows more leeway jst mak sure u hav ur t's crossed and i's dotted--

that was what I was advised and the patients I know of chk the box so if they want their plants they are covered...even tho they have designated a caregiver to posess or be in control of their plants they allow them selves the option too

i believe if you don't chk that box then only the CG is allowed to posess. YOUR plants and then you are nt allowd to posess any!
what a crock right

i know people that don't have property but are growing in their patients house as their designated CG so......?

they are both allowed to be around them....

what if you r a cancer patient ....too debilitated to grow ..?...
.designate a CG and that person grows it in your home.......?

wouldn't the person being the patient be allowed to access their plants in their own home w-o some semantically BS....?

if you have a tight circle I would say to always designate everyone CG....to allow more protections jm2c

wat if you each designated each other to be your respective CG? then wat?

Personally, I want to stay off the map as much as possible ... yes, I know I'm an "active" member of marijuana forum.
Part of the reason I ask, is on behalf of a coworker. He's far too ignorant to do his own research, but he's also a good channel for me when I'm out of meds. Dude lives in a house that his brother owns, both he and his brother have their MI medical cards, and are in/at their (total) 24 plant allowance. They have three rooms set up based on stages of growth, and all are inaccessible to anyone except those two card holders. Neither have designated the other as a caregiver. Their concern is the same as mine, if one is designated as the caregiver, it raises the red flag of, "Hey, I'm growing weed!" if things ever change for the worse.

I'm not worried about my own actions yet, I am knee deep in the research stage and two to three months away from buying my own home. (f_ck renting)
I've already determined that anyone, significant other or any renter, will be required to have their card. I am well aware of methods to achieve high yields, and I see no need to have any more than 12 plants. I have zero interest in growing for profit, I just want my own supply and my electricity bill covered.

Marcinkewciz pleaded guilty to manufacture of 100 or more marijuana plants and conspiracy. Both charges carry minimum prison terms of five years.

He was not able to use Michigan’s medical marijuana law as a defense in federal court. He was originally charged in Mecosta County District Court but charges were dropped.

Police say he and Waldron, along with his nephew, who is already imprisoned, had 208 plants. The government said the state medical marijuana law does not allow cooperative growing, and he had too many plants under state law.

That sucks for him, but he did go well beyond his legal limits.

NTM the Feds announced they don't care about anything <199 plants, and 208 is more than that. If you play with fire(the feds) you will get burned.
Lol. Yeah dude, I remember getting frustrated talking to you at the clubhouse. You asked WHAT my iPad was. As if it hasn not been the most popular, talked about electronic device on the planet for the last 3 years.

I guess some people choose to live under a rock.

[TD="class: index"] 1. [/TD]
[TD="class: word"]fucktard[/TD]
[TD="class: tools"][/TD]

[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"]noun,
A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "FUCKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.
One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.

Lol. Yeah dude, I remember getting frustrated talking to you at the clubhouse. You asked WHAT my iPad was. As if it hasn not been the most popular, talked about electronic device on the planet for the last 3 years.

I guess some people choose to live under a rock.

So what's an I-Pad?
