Well-Known Member
What system gets rid of all taxes?A cap on wealth? Is that individual wealth? I don't think that is very American. However, let us look at your other statement, inheritance tax. Inheretiance is the single most important method of concentrating wealth. That sort of thing is NOT the American way. Inheritance is predicated on the faulty notion that a man can do what he wishes with his money. Yet that man is dead and so has no rights under the Constitution. If he gives his money away previous to his death, that is income to those to whom he gives his money and should be taxed - yes yes, even if it has been taxed before. Why should that not be the case after his death. I would much more be in favor of a 90 percet inheretance tax on anything over a few million dollars. This might keep there from being American Aristocracy and that concentration of wealth I mentioned. I believe that sort of concentration is the root of most influence peddling in politics and it most certainly is the root of political dynasties, none of which bode well for the country.
I am all for no taxes at all!
Could a two party system of Wealth work?
Private wealth is something we can all obtain.
Work or business just like we do now but at some number say 10 million dollars you can either pay those who work for you more or invest in the public wealth system.
The Wealth System would be subject to voters will like our representative Government is.
It's an idea in the works..