Michigan to cut unemployment benefits while unemployment is over 10%


Well-Known Member
A cap on wealth? Is that individual wealth? I don't think that is very American. However, let us look at your other statement, inheritance tax. Inheretiance is the single most important method of concentrating wealth. That sort of thing is NOT the American way. Inheritance is predicated on the faulty notion that a man can do what he wishes with his money. Yet that man is dead and so has no rights under the Constitution. If he gives his money away previous to his death, that is income to those to whom he gives his money and should be taxed - yes yes, even if it has been taxed before. Why should that not be the case after his death. I would much more be in favor of a 90 percet inheretance tax on anything over a few million dollars. This might keep there from being American Aristocracy and that concentration of wealth I mentioned. I believe that sort of concentration is the root of most influence peddling in politics and it most certainly is the root of political dynasties, none of which bode well for the country.
What system gets rid of all taxes?
I am all for no taxes at all!

Could a two party system of Wealth work?
Private wealth is something we can all obtain.
Work or business just like we do now but at some number say 10 million dollars you can either pay those who work for you more or invest in the public wealth system.
The Wealth System would be subject to voters will like our representative Government is.

It's an idea in the works..


Well-Known Member
Paying more and more people more and more money for more and more time to be unemployed, doesn't seem like a good way to lower unemployment. Yet that's what we do.
It does keep the value of products inflating because the evil is deflation. Look at Japan they became deflated and may never climb out of that.


Well-Known Member
It does keep the value of products inflating because the evil is deflation. Look at Japan they became deflated and may never climb out of that.
Printing money causes inflation, not unemployment benefits.

There is nothing wrong with some deflation. It makes the money you save buy more as time goes by, old people would not have to rely on SS just to make the bare minimum living standards. Your dollar will buy you more every year, instead of less. Deflation is only bad for people who borrow lots of money or have lots of debt. "A borrower nor a lender be". remember that saying? If you can save a bit of your money and pay for things with cash instead of taking out loans EVERYONE would be way better off in the long run WAY WAY better off. But since only 1 in a 100,000 understands money and since the MSM is always "Deflation is a terrible thing that destroys people and lives, look at the Great depression". Extremes in anything are bad, a stable currency is best, but a small amount of deflation over a long period of time is not a bad thing as long as you can change your habits.

Japan isn't in a bad situation (Before this whole Earthquake/tsunami/radiation/death to the world thing), it isn't like they have had high unemployment for 20 years or anything, the only thing was the Nikkei has not rebounded back to pre 1990 levels. Believe me, the Japanese save a bunch of money and they can do that without fear of having to play the stock market or risk a bunch of it in real estate or some other endeavor where you can lose all your money. They just put it in a savings account at the bank and let the magic of compounding interest take over. Its damn near risk free. In America you have to risk losing a huge amount of your money in order to retire. People do not put money in savings accounts anymore, the yield is pitiful. They put it into 401ks that invest in the stock market and then every few years they lose 30-50% of it as as the markets sell off in a panic all the while inflation never stops, by the time they retire they really only have half of what they should just in the loss of purchasing power.

Only 2% of Americans invest in Precious Metals, and only .2% invest in Silver.


Well-Known Member
Well hell this administration says they are creating millions of jobs so every one will be back at work next week. no worries be happy

Of course that is in every country but this one.


Well-Known Member
It is wrong to take what is someone elses without permission, no matter how you spin it , theft is theft.

Are you going to assess a painting at 500k and then demand 20k in taxes when that person has no cash to pay you anyway? The government cannot take property away from you without just compensation, it's in the Constitution, but WTF we don't need that old piece of paper, we barely use it anyway.

You are taking nothing from a person if that person is already dead. There is nothing in the Constitution about the rights of the dead, this is what we are speaking of.


Well-Known Member
You are taking nothing from a person if that person is already dead. There is nothing in the Constitution about the rights of the dead, this is what we are speaking of.
Not if you gave it all away to someone else first, very few people die without some kind of a will. The government should not get to tax your possessions just because you have died, your progeny should get your possessions and hopefully they will use it wisely. Of course the smartest man is the man who goes broke the last day he is alive.


Well-Known Member
Not if you gave it all away to someone else first, very few people die without some kind of a will. The government should not get to tax your possessions just because you have died, your progeny should get your possessions and hopefully they will use it wisely. Of course the smartest man is the man who goes broke the last day he is alive.
Until the dead retain the rights of the living, then indeed, items that have been willed can be taxed. What you are actually calling for is the right of the lving to inherit. That is a different argument. Yes, the smartest man is one who goes broke - on the day he is buried.


Well-Known Member
As a consumer you should concern yourself on getting a good product for a fair price. Quit telling others how much money to make and how to run their lives. That thinking is what got us into this mess.

The reason a lot of these people ARE making money is because THEY write the rules and those rules are anti free market. All the regulations are hard enough to understand. If you understand them you'll have a better chance at succeeding. If you write them, you WILL succeed. Quit voting in the politicians that are in bed with these corporations and unions.


Well-Known Member
we currently have a large tax break ON the books for the wealthy. its been there for quite a while actually.

Schnieder is trying to pull some shit for sure. I voted for the cocksucker. he preformed one smooth bait and switch during the vote ofcourse.

basically, he was to raise taxes for anyone making less than 200K, by 1.9 billion, and then give BIG BUSINESS a further tax credit of 1.8 billion tax break to, as he said "Entice Businesses to come to Michigan to put people to work".

but its obvious to me anyways the real deal. which is to create a larger gap between the rich and the poor. the Current tax break given to the wealthiest 5% of michiganders is staying in place and unchanged. and he want those that make minimum wage, retirees, and anyone that makes under 200K a year to foot the 1.8billion break to big business.


Well-Known Member
Why Don't we just make the Rockefeller and Rothschild families pay for everything for the next 100 years. According to statistics those 2 families have over $900 trillion in wealth. almost 30 times world GDP
Could you point out where you got that statistic please?


Well-Known Member
great thread, but going awry considering the discussion started at MI cuts UN Empl bennies form 26 to 20 weeks to now, a major discussion on Marxism.

Sorry, im an American. IF i wanted to live a Marixist life, i would of moved to Russia at 18, 10 yrs before it fell.

Capitolism, though not perfect, is FAR better than ANY Socialist agenda. Unfortuantely, somewhere between 1910, and 1970, we went from a Capitolist Societity, to a Elite Capitolist Society. where the rich and elites found a way to keep us LOOKING like a Capitolist Society but were actually turning America to a Eliteists bases Class seperatists Society.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Government policies and crony capitalism caused the current unemployment situation. The Progressives, as they usually do when their lame-brained ideas cause unintended consequences, look to government and crony capitalists for the solution. Progressive thinking is a mental illness, no doubt about it.


Well-Known Member
Government policies and crony capitalism caused the current unemployment situation. The Progressives, as they usually do when their lame-brained ideas cause unintended consequences, look to government and crony capitalists for the solution. Progressive thinking is a mental illness, no doubt about it.

I am a "progessive". I am not mentaly ill and I can back up all of my progressive arguments with calm, rational, reasonable evidence and logic.