
C'mon schuylaar, wake up & smell the coffee & put the pipe down.
If Sanders, or shall I say when, loses Michigan he might as well just pack his bag and go back & grow tomatoes/herb in VT :)

It's over when all 50 have had their say.

I didn't see you asking Dead Uncle or Cankles to drop out..none of you for that matter..
Oh, I see what you are saying. I can request a Democratic ballot in the primary and a Republican one in the general.

That's ok then.

Depends on the state. Florida primary only allows for registered dem to vote dem..nit even 3rd party can vote only in the general.

It's a form of voter suppression by requiring registration well in advance of contest and then you're locked in to that.
Depends on the state. Florida primary only allows for registered dem to vote dem..nit even 3rd party can vote only in the general.

It's a form of voter suppression by requiring registration well in advance of contest and then you're locked in to that.
Good God. Just accept the blame for your own ignorance. Have you ever once done that in your whole life?
Not only ok but legal and has been done many years. That's why Michigan primary means nothing
Might be confusing but you really have to be on your game when you participate in Michigan elections
When we get the ballot, how will we know who to vote for?

I just got done voting, basically you check a box when you sign in if you want to vote as a Democrat or a Republican. I am pretty sure anyone could just check the Democrat box and vote for Dear Leader.

I got the Democrat ballot and it had the entire list of candidates and a millage tax question. Took about 4 minutes in total including parking.
Oh, I see what you are saying. I can request a Democratic ballot in the primary and a Republican one in the general.

That's ok then.
That's what happened in SC when the Pukes went in droves to the polls & voted for Sanders hoping he would be the nominee against Trump.

And you know what?
Even with the Republican's support, with all their bull shit votes for Sanders, he still got his ass kicked by Biden.
If you sign in as a democrat you have only Democratic canidates to vote for. If you sign in as a republican you have Republicans to vote for
There was in reality little to no republican support in SC, despite Trump's efforts..

In that article, it says 5% of Republicans voted in the Democratic primary. It said the number is too small to break down into which candidate got those votes. In other words, that article does not back your assertion about "no Republican" votes went to Sanders. We can believe what we want. I don't think Republicans voted for Biden. Just saying, without those Republican voters, Bernie would have done even worse. At least they showed up to vote.
In that article, it says 5% of Republicans voted in the Democratic primary. It said the number is too small to break down into which candidate got those votes. In other words, that article does not back your assertion about "no Republican" votes went to Sanders. We can believe what we want. I don't think Republicans voted for Biden. Just saying, without those Republican voters, Bernie would have done even worse. At least they showed up to vote.
I said "little to no Republicans", but nice try to again misrepresent my statement. 5% is very little and we don't know how that 5% was divided, so it could certainly be nothing, aka "little to no".
I said "little to no Republicans", but nice try to again misrepresent my statement. 5% is very little and we don't know how that 5% was divided, so it could certainly be nothing, aka "little to no".
I didn't misrepresent your statement. I didn't even refer to your statement. I don't know why I should. In the article you posted, it says this:

Despite Trump’s urging, an exit poll from the Washington Post showed just 5 percent of registered Republicans actually voted in the primary, a number too small for pollsters to give details on which Democratic candidate received the most votes from that group.

What you claimed in your post is a distortion:

There was in reality little to no republican support in SC, despite Trump's efforts..

The phrase, "little to no", is, I suppose up to debate. What can definitely be said is that 5% of Republicans voted in the Democratic Primary with Trump's admonition to vote for Sanders in the background. Given their nearly uniform loyalty to their maximum leader, I simply don't believe that a Republican would vote for Biden in light of what Trump said and instead they voted for Sanders according to their leader's instructions. You may believe what you want. You don't even need to explain yourself, as I just did.

As it is, Biden walloped Sanders in that primary. So, if you want to continue to argue about nothing important, go for it.
I simply don't believe that a Republican would vote for Biden in light of what Trump said and instead they voted for Sanders according to their leader's instructions. You may believe what you want. You don't even need to explain yourself, as I just did.

As it is, Biden walloped Sanders in that primary. So, if you want to continue to argue about nothing important, go for it.

The guy quoted below disagrees with your statement that a republican wouldn't vote for Biden. Where does that leave us?

The difference is republicans voting for bernie will not be there in the general, but those voting for joe will be.

That's significant.