
The guy quoted below disagrees with your statement that a republican wouldn't vote for Biden. Where does that leave us?
Back to the original false statement of yours. 5% of Republicans voted in the Democratic primary with Trump's exhortation that Republicans should vote for Bernie because he's the one most vulnerable to being beaten by Trump in the fall. You said little to no support. You believe what you want. I'm simply pointing out that Republicans are very loyal to Trump and that the number of Republicans who voted for Sanders is closer to 5% than zero.

Sanders was shellacked in SC and then beaten soundly again the following Tuesday. Democrats don't want him. So, this is much ado about nothing. But, hey, if you want to talk about an unverifiable and vague "little to no" as if it were important, have at it.
Back to the original false statement of yours. 5% of Republicans voted in the Democratic primary with Trump's exhortation that Republicans should vote for Bernie because he's the one most vulnerable to being beaten by Trump in the fall. You said little to no support. You believe what you want. I'm simply pointing out that Republicans are very loyal to Trump and that the number of Republicans who voted for Sanders is closer to 5% than zero.

Sanders was shellacked in SC and then beaten soundly again the following Tuesday. Democrats don't want him. So, this is much ado about nothing. But, hey, if you want to talk about an unverifiable and vague "little to no" as if it were important, have at it.
The reality is that we don't know how many of those 5% republicans voted for whom, so it's all speculation. I'm not super interested in debating speculation theories with you, because there is no end game there.
The reality is that we don't know how many of those 5% republicans voted for whom, so it's all speculation. I'm not super interested in debating speculation theories with you, because there is no end game there.
You said little or no and posted an article that said nothing of the sort. I'm citing that article, which says 5% and the very high loyalty to Trump as my reason for saying its probably closer to 5% than zero. If you don't want to go on then don't reply back. I'm speaking from externally verifiable facts. You are just citing belief without even correctly citing the article you posted. So, yeah, I think you should stop too.
I said "little to no Republicans", but nice try to again misrepresent my statement. 5% is very little and we don't know how that 5% was divided, so it could certainly be nothing, aka "little to no".
May we please finish our primary before selecting our nominee?
No fucking way
RIU represents a crosscut of the American voter, so we will have our own primary now, with this post.
All those that think Biden is the best candidate for POTUS, thumbs up
For those that think Sanders is, give me a Sad face
For all others that think Trump is the best that the USA has too offer & deserves another 4 fucking years in office, thumbs down & while your @ it get the fuck off this site & sterilize yourselves because you should not be allowed to procreate because the influx of your genes into the pool of life is a major reason why this Planet is so fucked.
No fucking way
RIU represents a crosscut of the American voter, so we will have our own primary now, with this post.
All those that think Biden is the best candidate for POTUS, thumbs up
For those that think Sanders is, give me a Sad face
For all others that think Trump is the best that the USA has too offer & deserves another 4 fucking years in office, thumbs down & while your @ it get the fuck off this site & sterilize yourselves because you should not be allowed to procreate because the influx of your genes into the pool of life is a major reason why this Planet is so fucked.
Ha Ha
I didn't misrepresent your statement. I didn't even refer to your statement. I don't know why I should. In the article you posted, it says this:

Despite Trump’s urging, an exit poll from the Washington Post showed just 5 percent of registered Republicans actually voted in the primary, a number too small for pollsters to give details on which Democratic candidate received the most votes from that group.

What you claimed in your post is a distortion:

The phrase, "little to no", is, I suppose up to debate. What can definitely be said is that 5% of Republicans voted in the Democratic Primary with Trump's admonition to vote for Sanders in the background. Given their nearly uniform loyalty to their maximum leader, I simply don't believe that a Republican would vote for Biden in light of what Trump said and instead they voted for Sanders according to their leader's instructions. You may believe what you want. You don't even need to explain yourself, as I just did.

As it is, Biden walloped Sanders in that primary. So, if you want to continue to argue about nothing important, go for it.
I find it fascinating that people think that somehow a American who is scuzzy enough to try to help elect the worst candidate, which hurts our country, is somehow going to be honest about it when exiting and gets ambushed by a reporter.
I find it fascinating that people think that somehow a American who is scuzzy enough to try to help elect the worst candidate, which hurts our country, is somehow going to be honest about it when exiting and gets ambushed by a reporter.
I was talking to someone who voted trump today.. I asked him who else was running as a Republican and he didnt know.. I dont even know lol. Trumps just running against himself in the primary.... and boasting about winning lol