Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)


Active Member
Growth has actually been very slow lately. The buds size has grown slightly, while producing more white hairs.. not really getting denser. The plant is 18" tall, that means 4" in 5 days. That's only height though..

Pics (sorry for my GHETTO ASS setup right now!!!!!! :-()



Active Member
Here's supplies either for the online store, or my next grow.. ;)


Specs on next grow! (hopefully!)

Those buckets^ as the system
Growlab GL40
Sun Systems 150w HPS
Seaofseeds something or another autoflower beanz


Well-Known Member
my dude 4 in in 5 days with a good amount of side branching growth. wow, im really impressed. and your hydro set up for ur store or ur next grow is a ligit set up. what would 1 go for?


Active Member
I'm not sure, it was $20 some for four buckets w/ lids, honestly the price won't be too steep. I'm trying to figure it all out to where I can still produce the systems when I sell 'em. I'll figure it out tonight. I wanna supply something you can use in the grow room or the kitchen, for a good price to everyone


Well-Known Member
sounds like the lowest price you can get without hurting yourself. in 2 weeks ill have some dough to spare, ill buy my lil cab and everything i need, and im more then sure i should have 25 bucks for you. do you think if you linked up with RIU for them to advertise your business that they would want you to pay them? i think they might but i dont know. if so ur better of starting threads daily of links to where people can buy your systems


Active Member
That sounds awesome I'd really appreciate it >.< I still have quite a bit to do so two weeks is perfect. I want to have four built & ready to ship. I'm about to do some testing on the airstones & how many per rez there will be. I want there to be good nute circulation and good aeration to the roots - two on the each side of the bucket - good nute circulation & okay root aeration - one or two at the bottom of the rez - good aeration to the roots & not so great nute circulation. If you think about it each airstone will be ran off of the same pump, so the same amount of oxygen will be added to the water.. just at different locations

After I finish four of the buckets I'll start the website - most likely a free website or an http://www.etsy.com store.. then they'll be available for order sir


Well-Known Member
how did u get so into hydro? i read what u posted in a thread about hydro compared to soil but is it really that bad and hard or is it just a little short of a hassle? hard question kind of, because had u have done a soil vs hydro you would give me the answer i would want to hear.. is it something someone who just started growing can do from start to finish with little problems with a good amount of research?


Active Member
With a good amount of research yes, a first time grower could for sure. After I did my research & made a system I made a schedule for everything. Every Monday I dump the rez out, scrub the rez & airstones w/ antibacterial soap, rinse, refill the rez to the fill line & add nutes. Daily I check the water level in the rez, replenish, and add nutes.. It's very very simple imo. I haven't had a single problem with my low budget systems >.<

I like to design & build things.. that's why I got into it. I can do a soil vs. hydro grow soon. I'd put money on hydro though lol. Have you ever tried hydro before?


Well-Known Member
nah i havent i will do it this time around thou. im going to do 2 plants in 1.4 sq meters. one will be hydro and the other soil. was leaning towards aeroponic instead of hydro but it would probably be nice to dabble in hydro 1st.


Active Member
I can make aeroponics systems too lol. Bit more pricey for the waterpump vs. airpump though >.> I heard that aeroponics actually grows faster than bubbleponics, because the roots don't sit in water & get aerated like bubbleponics, in aeroponics roots aren't submerged & they have water sprayed on 'em. Donno why though. I don't know the science behind the systems only how to make them lol


Active Member
Hey man, I'd be happy to create you a site with paypal (paypal, google checkout, etc. your choice) checkout if you'd prefer that, simply for the reason that it is for a good cause in several ways (marijuana>cultivating>fair pricing). Drop me a message if you're interested.


Well-Known Member
I can make aeroponics systems too lol. Bit more pricey for the waterpump vs. airpump though >.> I heard that aeroponics actually grows faster than bubbleponics, because the roots don't sit in water & get aerated like bubbleponics, in aeroponics roots aren't submerged & they have water sprayed on 'em. Donno why though. I don't know the science behind the systems only how to make them lol
oh yes it does. hydro is like 25% more growth then soil hydro is 35% more according to my buddy who taught me alot of what i know, that staright kills it in yield because of his aero setups. make me a mini aero ill buy that instead lol. seriously!


Active Member
I'll get you a price estimate, I'd have to do a bit of testing w/ different types of sprayers aswell >.<

I have seen HUGE roots in hydro that you're just not gonna see in soil haha


Active Member
if I remember correctly you said that a one gal would be the perfect size for your cab? Not sure though lol. I think the lowest price for a pump I can find is $20, that's additional to the rest of shit lol. Give or take a few. I'll research more sir


Well-Known Member
yea your correct, 1 gallon. i scaled down a avg 1000w grow as much as i could and it called for .5 gallon pots. (feel free to laugh, i think its worth a try) so i figured if i go aero, roots are going to grow fast so why not go a gallon. ill do the .5 gal with my soil scrog, and the aero would be under the screen as well. thanks sir! much appreciated


Active Member
Could you keep a rez outside of your cab? Or in a different location? I can make the aero system be a one gallon bucket, I can even do aero rails.. the thing that would keep aero down to a minimum space wise is keeping the water in a seperate location w/ a drain & sprayer system hooked up to the actual thing you have the plant in. Tell me what you want and what price range you're looking for and I'll build it. PM me sir


Active Member
I feel like I haven't done anything to my hydroponics setup or cab in forever.. since flowering started I've been thinking of my next grow.. I'm prolly gonna start building a cab for LST or microg. New word from now on - micro scrog - microg NIGGAS. I'm done lol. This is what boredom does to you when you're creative and feel the need to construct something consistently. I'm gonna do some research into the microponics area and see if I can't come up with something fresh