Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)


Active Member
should I start flushing now and call this the two week point? The plant hesitated to drink straight water.. but now it's taking it up. The buds are starting to smell more like bud also.. the nutes I was using are stinky..


Active Member
Here's pictures -

I think I'm going to continue with full strength nutes, until I start to see trics change.. I zoomed in on the pics and they all look clear.. no amber at all, that I see atleast lol


Active Member
Looking nice but ya like glock said, still coupla weeks. It's painful playing the waiting game but it will pay off in the end bro :D


Well-Known Member
i planted 1 monkey balls, 1 chemd x white x aloha white widow and 1 88' g13xhashplant today ill keep y'all posted!


Well-Known Member
yea when shit happens ill start one. still waitin to see sprouts. its now 2 88 g13xhashplant and 2 monkey balls 1 chemdx aww/white.


Well-Known Member
Hi great grow!! i was wondering if you have any pH issues with your small bubbler's? im using a 16L tupperware container and when she went into flowering the pH now jumps from 5.8 to 6.5 with in the hour so now i have either nute lockout or she is in shock from pH fluctuation or both any advice you could give me would be great!!
1338935936.jpgyesterdays picture today she looks worse:sad:
she is a NL auto/fem
Started in rockwool then added hydration
nute's are 3 part GH am on day 5 of flowering using 1/4 strength nutes
using tap with a ppm of 0.4 and pH of 7.2 the nuts bring the pH to 6.5.
Then i use GH pH down and bring it down to 5.8
i let all my tap water sit for 48 hours be for i add nuts and ph down.
i have cleaned the res and fixed issue with light that was getting into the res from the lid.

thanks for any advice you can give me!!


Active Member
Hi great grow!! i was wondering if you have any pH issues with your small bubbler's? im using a 16L tupperware container and when she went into flowering the pH now jumps from 5.8 to 6.5 with in the hour so now i have either nute lockout or she is in shock from pH fluctuation or both any advice you could give me would be great!!
View attachment 2201994yesterdays picture today she looks worse:sad:
she is a NL auto/fem
Started in rockwool then added hydration
nute's are 3 part GH am on day 5 of flowering using 1/4 strength nutes
using tap with a ppm of 0.4 and pH of 7.2 the nuts bring the pH to 6.5.
Then i use GH pH down and bring it down to 5.8
i let all my tap water sit for 48 hours be for i add nuts and ph down.
i have cleaned the res and fixed issue with light that was getting into the res from the lid.

thanks for any advice you can give me!!
Hi there, sorry for the wait on a reply! I normally try to help everyone out but I haven't been very active on RIU lately. To be super honest, your plant looks better than mine LOL. All of my leaves are twisting/ deformed in some way, but the plant continued to grow throughout this entire phase so I never let it bother me. The correct pH for hydroponics is 5.8 because it allows a perfect amount of nutrients to be taken into the plant.. let's say your pH is too high or too low, it will take up too much (or too little) of a certain nute, but it doesn't seem that you're having any def/ burn.. here's a little chart about pH


Your problem might be heat or humidity by the looks of your leaves, give me some more info on your cab and I'll try to help you my best as I do not think this is a pH problem


Active Member
Started flushin' today as I ran out of bonemeal and I don't want to run straight MG. I am also seeing a LOT of seeds and weird looking little things on the plant.. kinda pisses me off


Well-Known Member
Hey there ihavealotofquestions,

Thank you!! Here is an updated pic from last night 20120609_115548.jpg 1339151856.jpgday 36 and 8 days into flowering, new growth seems ok she still has som nuts def but it seems to be getting better. I have some trimming to do when she wakes up later today.

The cabinet grow area is 22 1/4"w x 21 1/2"h x 9 1/4"d minus 5 to 6" of space for lights. 1339257359.jpg 1335234165.jpg
Humidity ranges from 30 to 46%
Lights are 2- 23w 2700k and 1- 200w 5300k CFL
temp was around 86 lights off and 90 to 91 lights on....up until 2days ago. I added an inline 190cmf fan, I was able to get the temps down to 85 to 87 lights on, 79 to 82 lights out. depending on how hot it is outside.


Well-Known Member
give it a 2-3 weeks, if it starts throwing out more white pistils and round leaves after 2.5 then chop it. 2-3 more weeks will be 12 weeks?!?!? right?!?!

if others agree like this reply


Active Member
Story for you guys -

When I robbed someone I reached into a window and took a 50 some pound breifcase a.k.a. a so called "safe" and it had 14g of ICE (not real ice, a shitty strain someone from around here is producing that isn't flushed properly) and $376 dollars in it, I was with someone at the time, we went home split everything down the middle (this means $188 dollars and 7g of marijuana) and we sleep and he leaves the next morning. I admitted I did it to the dudes face and he hit me with a two piece, one on each side of my jaw, I had a seizure and blacked out. I was in the fucking hospital 'til 5 in the fucking morning, and had amnesia for two days. Nothing has happened to the person I was with

So, with that being said... let me tell you a little about me. I love playing fucking metal and I have a 4x12 cab & a janky ass head (this is my AMPLIFIER) at my friends house with a $600 dollar Jackson Kelly KE3 blue sunburst guitar, and a $200 dollar Charvel case along with it.

SO!!!! The motherfucker decided to go into my friends garage, and take it. My friends parents are pretty much lethal when it comes to shit being stolen.. The mother now knows both of their names, and their addresses. She told me to go to the police station, and report the stolen property from their house, the only reason I can not get myself to do this is because I ROBBED THE DUDE. There is absolutely NO evidence that I did it other than the people I openly admitted it to, and this post on RIU, which will most likely be deleted sooner or later.

I recieved the guitar and case for christmas from my brother who has owned it for over 12 years. I have not talked to my mother about the guitar being stolen, or my brother.



Active Member
My baby has been doing great. With flushing the smell of her has become breathtaking, touching the leaves gives you and oily feeling on your fingertips. I plan on BLASTING her with CALMAG and then flushing for another week and chopping her. I will put pictures up on Monday.
Love, IHAOQ's
