Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)


Active Member
That's what my current cab is doing lol. I guess I'll post pictures next this upcoming monday. I haven't seen any growth really other than the plant getting taller. Internode growth has slown too, all that is growing are the braches but they're mostly stretching too. Donno mane. Donno


Active Member
dude i would totally buy a bubbleponic system from you!! im growing in a 3 ft h 1.6ft wide 2 foot deep box 2 of those 2 gallons would fit perfect!!


Active Member
i really would be intrested in getting 2 off you.. what would u charge me? and what city you in i wonder what shipping would be? i know i could easily go gather supplys and make one myself but that defeats the purpose of helping ur compony get started! i would soo rock ur shit. give me a price bro??w


Active Member
got your pm. sweet deal bro. roughly how many inches are the 2 gallons? and i already got my babys in soil so its too late to get started this grow but i promise you as soon as they are done im switching over to the bubbleponics and your gonna be my man to get me started. i thnk its so great you want to help people discover this day and age growing. its really came so far from just throwing a seed in my backyard and seeing if it grows. to homemade bubble growing with no soil. imma switch my babys all over to 12/12 in 2 weeks. so i say 4 months and uill be a bubbleponic man


Active Member
hey man, i had a question on another thread and someone told me to bring it to you, so here it goes.

okay, so heres an update. the plant looks much better and has stopped drooping, but now one of the bottom fan leaves is curling up and turning brown...it looks like its going to die. i added half str gh maxigro nutes, and this is just starting their third week from sprouting.

these pics are both from the same plant, one is the droopy leaf i was talking about, the other is an above shot at the yellowing thats going on. i got scared that i over nuted them when i noticed this happening a few days ago, so i put them back in distilled water, then last night added the half Tsp of gh maxigrow...i dont know whats wrong. i feel like every time i go in my closet, things get worse. any help would be greatly appreciated.

also, im out of gh maxigro so if u plan on telling me to add more nutes, please keep in mind that i live in a small town, so all thats readily available to me is a farm supply store, and walmart.


Active Member
got your pm. sweet deal bro. roughly how many inches are the 2 gallons? and i already got my babys in soil so its too late to get started this grow but i promise you as soon as they are done im switching over to the bubbleponics and your gonna be my man to get me started. i thnk its so great you want to help people discover this day and age growing. its really came so far from just throwing a seed in my backyard and seeing if it grows. to homemade bubble growing with no soil. imma switch my babys all over to 12/12 in 2 weeks. so i say 4 months and uill be a bubbleponic man
I had my baby in soil and I transplanted her into this setup! Worked great, hydro marijuana leaves are so different than soil though, it could be the random bagseed, or it could be a diffenciency of some sort. They're light green, thin and the older leaves seem to curl in odd directions a bit. Not to worried about it as it's been growing stronger and fast than it did in soil by far, and it smells bomb as fuck haha.

hey man, i had a question on another thread and someone told me to bring it to you, so here it goes.

okay, so heres an update. the plant looks much better and has stopped drooping, but now one of the bottom fan leaves is curling up and turning brown...it looks like its going to die. i added half str gh maxigro nutes, and this is just starting their third week from sprouting.

these pics are both from the same plant, one is the droopy leaf i was talking about, the other is an above shot at the yellowing thats going on. i got scared that i over nuted them when i noticed this happening a few days ago, so i put them back in distilled water, then last night added the half Tsp of gh maxigrow...i dont know whats wrong. i feel like every time i go in my closet, things get worse. any help would be greatly appreciated.

also, im out of gh maxigro so if u plan on telling me to add more nutes, please keep in mind that i live in a small town, so all thats readily available to me is a farm supply store, and walmart.
I would say cut that part of the leaf off, only leaving healthy looking green. I wouldn't cut too much off, and I wouldn't cut the entire leaf off either. I stunted my plants doing that >.> Also don't add nutes for a couple of days. I would give it a week sir. Nute burn is likely the cause so I wouldn't worry to much man your plant looks happy!


Active Member
Also DJ I want people to stop paying a shitton of money for systems, I'm trying to keep the prices down to a bare minimum for materials. I also like when people decide that growing is going to be a fun hobby that can change your outlook on many things! I wish more people felt this way haha. +repsir


Active Member
I wouldn't cut too much off, and I wouldn't cut the entire leaf off either. I stunted my plants doing that >.> Also don't add nutes for a couple of days. I would give it a week sir. Nute burn is likely the cause so I wouldn't worry to much man your plant looks happy![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the positive advice broski, ur the first person who basically hasnt said dude that looks fucked, but good luck lol. So i need to cut the leaf thats shriveled in half(ish) and are u saying that i need to change the res and add no nute, or leave the ones i have in there and just wait it out another week?


Active Member
I would change the rez water & just give it some fresh water. Do you adjust pH? Thanks DJ tell me when you wanna get that system. I'll start building it when I order supplies
to answer ur question about the ph, no i do not. Should i be? They seem to be doing just fine however they are.