Micro CFL Cardboard Box Grow [SOG] *8 Bagseeds

What's good weedheads??
This is probably my 5 attempt to grow bud.. Evertime ive tried my plants always looked beautiful but i end up being struck with some kind of bad luck, last time i was 2 weeks away from harvesting 2 little plants i had in party cups when they were confiscated by my mom... She told me sister that they looked nice tho.. lol... but i will not stop until i have atleast one successful grow.

I have 8 seedlings in small plastic pots they are all different sizes but at most a week old.
Been under 24hrs of 4 23w Cfl's. I know that sounds extremely low, but i was more than shocked on how well my other plants that never made it to see their harvest day grew so well.

I really hope this one goes well and im only hoping for 3 or 4 females so theyre not crammed for light. Plz feel free to drop your opinions


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what are your fans like? haha so your mum doesn't care that you grow, or she does? I'm confused.
The intake is an old fan ive had but it keeps my small box a nice temperature & keeps a little wind on the plants so they're constantly moving a little bit
i wanna post pictures but my itouch broke :( Imma have to get it fixed or buy a camera.. but my babies lookin good :D
Ill post picks soon as i can
oh yeaa i switched to 12/12 light 2 days ago because i dont have the room to veg these plants being that i dont know the number of females imma have..
But on the added not i thought some of you would like to know i have a gallon water jug with compost ive had for a little bit in my closet.. im hoping itll be good to use within a month so i can put my females in.. But does anyone know if adding regular old earthworms will help speed it up?
Yes. Drastically. Earthworms are the fucking blink monk ninja warriors of compost, they rip through that shit, digest it, break it down, and secrete shit that keeps bad bacteria out.
Yes. Drastically. Earthworms are the fucking blink monk ninja warriors of compost, they rip through that shit, digest it, break it down, and secrete shit that keeps bad bacteria out.

thanks brotha, or sista.. i only put in 3 but im going to go dig em up tommorow for sure
Most of my babys were planted on 4/20 exept for the 3 largest ones which were planted 2 or 3 days prior..
They all look pretty healthy.. exept i knocked a little one over and all her soil fell out with her,i put everything back but im hoping she dont get stressed..
I gave them all a dose of some miracle grow slightly diluted, until i get sea weed to water them with and my little bit of compost i have should be ready by the end of this month especially after i add more earthworms to them. i cant decide if i should replant in the compost or make compost & sea weed tea & switch both.. any suggestions?

Oh yea & the picture with the plant that has two leaves curling down, can anyone tell me what that is from? those two leaves have been like that ever since they grew and the look like theyre folded in half.. seems strange because the plant seems healthy


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Oh yeah & sorry for the low quality pics!! once theyre flowering ill get my sis to take some sickk shots for me so i can post em
for anyone that cares.. i dont too much. this thread is dead.. lol.
but i threw out one male today. one other ill know for sure tommorow if its male. the rest idkk... hopefully i get a good ratio
Regarding the worms and compost- earthworms LOVE cow manure! I can throw 3 or 4 dried and crumbled up cow patties in my compost pile, water them down,
and within a couple of days the worms are THICK!!! Learned that as boy needing fishin' worms!
So this isnt really a SOG anymore.. lol. only down to 4 plants, only one im sure is female & the other 3 im pretty sure theyre female
Keep going bro, nobody posted on my grow either and I feel more acomplished having to figure out a lot on my own, and good news on the females!!! I like the cardboard box too :)
I have no idea wat day it is of the grow.. all i know is its been atleast 5 weeks, and these ladies have been highly neglected by me.. but as of today the look very healthy, exept for one, whos only problem is that it still hasnt shown any sign of sex, but im still pretty damn sure she is a female... im just wondering why she hasnt shown any pistils??
this is the best pic i can get right now, next week ill get some good photos


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