swiss connection2
New Member
Hello I am Swisselectrician so sorry for my english, I speak three other languages​​but English just enough to travel and red forums withdifficulties. So I used Google translate (sorry). For yours messagestry not to use too difficult to translate by google and abbreviationswords. Thank you.
After reading arelatively large number of subjects HPA and HPA AA (thank you toTrichy Bastard, DIYer, cavadge, hammer21, atomizer, aerojunkie,pPetflorae, miaouf_kirsh, evergreen, Vlador, Jhon Guest, forest gump,oxanaca, jamesvagabond, JustATry, whereisbrianV., and all that Iforgot the name etc ....) I will wish to ask a few questions thatwould be the synthesis, and make my contribution to the buildingbringing interesting things (micro-controler) and that put me at thedisposal of tests:
1 - Current System
2 - What about newsand opportunities tests
3 - System planned
4 - Questions andreflections choice of systems and tests
5 - Updates the listof equipment
1 - Actualsystem
I just finished asession:
Dark room 4x8x6.5
2x 600 electronicballast 600w Gavita
2x 600 mh Gavita
2x 600w hps Gavitacooltubed with extractor and converter
4x roll up
2x adjusted wings
50x 1.5 gallon potcoconut
2x 4x4 ebb and flownutrisystem
2x Rotated fan
1x bottle with 22pound co2 solenoid
1x micro-controllerCrouzet Millenium (like a computer, I speak mostly)
1x probe co2humidity and temperature for computer
1x instractor 1600ft3
1x extractor 1600ft3
1x combo ph ec f °
Nutes Cana COGr growand flores
boosterGreensensation Plagron
biofilter with goodbacteria
water thermometer,digital thermometer and humidity for chamber
20g chilledwater tank outside the room
2 - What aboutnews and opportunities tests
2-1micro-controler Crouzet Millenium is like a small very basic computerwith 10 relays 12 24 110 220v inside.
It is easilyprogrammable with a variety of icons.
This allows:
multipleprograms to 0.1seconde.
replaceall timers, power strips.
Toanalyze through different probes (t ° air, water, water quantity,co2, high low, limit switches, lighting, tanks, anti-overflow, smokeetc ... and control thanks to its 10 relays (expandable) thesolenoids, lamps, extractors, intractors, fans, co2 solenoid, pump,ultrasonic hydrometric bubbler, bio filter, etc ... for the day, atnight, with breaks trigger decreases in ignition timing a littleevery day, some lighting rows of LED, fire alarm, anti-overflowengine rail or roll up etc..
Ihave the option rj45 cable but there is an option to add a wificonnection.
I had an opportunityto my work but you can find a used $ 100 ; 12 24 110 220v replacesall timers day and night to control different programs on eachsolenoid and so for me each zones. This is very advantageous comparedto the price of all of the relay timers more computer control co2 +hygrometer with humidity taken if too low, and extraction cooltubeand start heating. Made careful to see if you are able to programbefore purchasing a property and verify the characteristics dependingon the series.
2-2:See Figure 2 inverted cones3 inch screw in the net pot (bottleneck water 1.5 liters) and justbelow the nozzles will be able to modify the distribution of nutes.
2-3:See Figure 1 Clonerwithout net pot to avoid damaging the roots. We just let the cuttingswith all its first leaves rest on its square linoleum, carpet sothick plastic 0.12 inch. We found supple. i size 2 inch square, Imake a hole in the middle and joins the hole from the side. Simplytwist the square and I pull out my cutting. In the reservoir you canchoose your system .reservoir of where I put 50 to 100 clones.Diameters of the holes are do function of time we leave the clones,for me ~ 1.5 inch .
Fig 1

3 Systemproject
3-1 cocosession was ok but I have my doubts:
- The humiditywas too high even for the co2. Cause: ebb and flow tanks (they wereat that time in the room) I think generate too much moisture and thegeotextile tablecloth, co2 temperature is 86 ° 89f ° so largeevaporation despite a very important ventilation. And extremely shortcycles co2.
Plants were yellowclear from the very start with a correct hydrometric, I compared withplants that were in the light soil mix, they were much greener andbetter look.
Namely, to find myfavorite kind (I like the effects and dynamic high sativa) I hadplanted as a 25 sativa so different that a friend had given mebreeder (the biggest names sativa commercially a flowering period waslower 15semaines.
I am decided tochange the system and I like the technology and I have some of theequipment, and with all the post I've read I want to try otherthings:
3-2 - Setting up+ with current projects.
Several things
* I have theopportunity to use a micro-controler for different areas
* I am able to make5 different areas in timing hpa + 1 or 4 areas aa hpa
* My environmentseems to be controllable, cooled, and they are good distances ofdifferent parts of the room.
* I had 1g freenutes grow and flowering than drain loss.
* I have a greatforum where good enthusiasts have already tested a lot ofconfiguration and therefore can give me notice board and put me onthe right path
Diagram of thecurrent project with reflection.

Before Z I'lltake pipe black JG 3/8 and after 3/8 or 1/4(DEPENDING solenoid)after solenoid ¼
This time cloneswill be Crytical + Mr Nice regular of course + test a sativa hybridDelicatessen Queen Mother x reggea strawberry. to test with cuttingsfast flowering and 8 9sem
The height of theroom is 24 inch
I want to make budsto 24 inch of clones
Distance underlights is 43 inch; least it's 12 inch buds reserve until light. Imalready going to the 4 inch cooltube without problem
Where are we,without polemics about the hpa and aa hpa?
4.1Is the act of putting cones in the net pot and nozzles just belowwill be able to modify the distribution of nutes and thus provide asolution to the problems of root balls and dissemination of nutes onthem?
4.2When are the timings of the nozzles? Will do to have fuzzy roots isa sign of deficiency for the plant and she wants more water.Wholesale is what it brings to the performance or harvest time.
4.3If we take away the advantage for hpa to reduce the noise of the pump(with battery) and reduce the amount of wasted nutes (in dtw). Doesthe fact of diffuse 50μ whatever time 1s2s 10s 30s 24/7 (this is the time that I wanted to use for the testfor each compartment) brings something?
4.4Basically this is interesting or lpa is better?
4.5For hpa aa accumulator with knowing that the nozzle costing $ 45, forthe second how 4x4 room, is that a wide angle to siphon xadsr050 Bete$ 45 or it takes just 4?
4.6For the hpa there is an interest other than:
* Lpa be 0.7bar(siphon)
* The use ofequipment in air rather than water (pump, solenoid, battery, pipe)
* you can use 4different products in the case of four nozzles.
Ialso think that the air grows a little more nutes but what we earn onyield or harvest time by lba report.
4.7For cloner what do you prefer: I had a system bursting bubbles andprojects on the roots, it was not bad or try with 3 heads ultrasound.
Paragraph 5 forchoice of material I'll post once they had the answers of paragraph4.
I looking for toadapte tefen nozzles 1/8 NPT on ¼ jonh guest quick
Thankyou a lot for you reflections and your help. And say to the expertsthere Is a new thread on hpa + aa.
After reading arelatively large number of subjects HPA and HPA AA (thank you toTrichy Bastard, DIYer, cavadge, hammer21, atomizer, aerojunkie,pPetflorae, miaouf_kirsh, evergreen, Vlador, Jhon Guest, forest gump,oxanaca, jamesvagabond, JustATry, whereisbrianV., and all that Iforgot the name etc ....) I will wish to ask a few questions thatwould be the synthesis, and make my contribution to the buildingbringing interesting things (micro-controler) and that put me at thedisposal of tests:
1 - Current System
2 - What about newsand opportunities tests
3 - System planned
4 - Questions andreflections choice of systems and tests
5 - Updates the listof equipment
1 - Actualsystem
I just finished asession:
Dark room 4x8x6.5
2x 600 electronicballast 600w Gavita
2x 600 mh Gavita
2x 600w hps Gavitacooltubed with extractor and converter
4x roll up
2x adjusted wings
50x 1.5 gallon potcoconut
2x 4x4 ebb and flownutrisystem
2x Rotated fan
1x bottle with 22pound co2 solenoid
1x micro-controllerCrouzet Millenium (like a computer, I speak mostly)
1x probe co2humidity and temperature for computer
1x instractor 1600ft3
1x extractor 1600ft3
1x combo ph ec f °
Nutes Cana COGr growand flores
boosterGreensensation Plagron
biofilter with goodbacteria
water thermometer,digital thermometer and humidity for chamber
20g chilledwater tank outside the room
2 - What aboutnews and opportunities tests
2-1micro-controler Crouzet Millenium is like a small very basic computerwith 10 relays 12 24 110 220v inside.
It is easilyprogrammable with a variety of icons.
This allows:
multipleprograms to 0.1seconde.
replaceall timers, power strips.
Toanalyze through different probes (t ° air, water, water quantity,co2, high low, limit switches, lighting, tanks, anti-overflow, smokeetc ... and control thanks to its 10 relays (expandable) thesolenoids, lamps, extractors, intractors, fans, co2 solenoid, pump,ultrasonic hydrometric bubbler, bio filter, etc ... for the day, atnight, with breaks trigger decreases in ignition timing a littleevery day, some lighting rows of LED, fire alarm, anti-overflowengine rail or roll up etc..
Ihave the option rj45 cable but there is an option to add a wificonnection.
I had an opportunityto my work but you can find a used $ 100 ; 12 24 110 220v replacesall timers day and night to control different programs on eachsolenoid and so for me each zones. This is very advantageous comparedto the price of all of the relay timers more computer control co2 +hygrometer with humidity taken if too low, and extraction cooltubeand start heating. Made careful to see if you are able to programbefore purchasing a property and verify the characteristics dependingon the series.
2-2:See Figure 2 inverted cones3 inch screw in the net pot (bottleneck water 1.5 liters) and justbelow the nozzles will be able to modify the distribution of nutes.
2-3:See Figure 1 Clonerwithout net pot to avoid damaging the roots. We just let the cuttingswith all its first leaves rest on its square linoleum, carpet sothick plastic 0.12 inch. We found supple. i size 2 inch square, Imake a hole in the middle and joins the hole from the side. Simplytwist the square and I pull out my cutting. In the reservoir you canchoose your system .reservoir of where I put 50 to 100 clones.Diameters of the holes are do function of time we leave the clones,for me ~ 1.5 inch .
Fig 1

3 Systemproject
3-1 cocosession was ok but I have my doubts:
- The humiditywas too high even for the co2. Cause: ebb and flow tanks (they wereat that time in the room) I think generate too much moisture and thegeotextile tablecloth, co2 temperature is 86 ° 89f ° so largeevaporation despite a very important ventilation. And extremely shortcycles co2.
Plants were yellowclear from the very start with a correct hydrometric, I compared withplants that were in the light soil mix, they were much greener andbetter look.
Namely, to find myfavorite kind (I like the effects and dynamic high sativa) I hadplanted as a 25 sativa so different that a friend had given mebreeder (the biggest names sativa commercially a flowering period waslower 15semaines.
I am decided tochange the system and I like the technology and I have some of theequipment, and with all the post I've read I want to try otherthings:
3-2 - Setting up+ with current projects.
Several things
* I have theopportunity to use a micro-controler for different areas
* I am able to make5 different areas in timing hpa + 1 or 4 areas aa hpa
* My environmentseems to be controllable, cooled, and they are good distances ofdifferent parts of the room.
* I had 1g freenutes grow and flowering than drain loss.
* I have a greatforum where good enthusiasts have already tested a lot ofconfiguration and therefore can give me notice board and put me onthe right path
Diagram of thecurrent project with reflection.

Before Z I'lltake pipe black JG 3/8 and after 3/8 or 1/4(DEPENDING solenoid)after solenoid ¼
This time cloneswill be Crytical + Mr Nice regular of course + test a sativa hybridDelicatessen Queen Mother x reggea strawberry. to test with cuttingsfast flowering and 8 9sem
The height of theroom is 24 inch
I want to make budsto 24 inch of clones
Distance underlights is 43 inch; least it's 12 inch buds reserve until light. Imalready going to the 4 inch cooltube without problem
Where are we,without polemics about the hpa and aa hpa?
4.1Is the act of putting cones in the net pot and nozzles just belowwill be able to modify the distribution of nutes and thus provide asolution to the problems of root balls and dissemination of nutes onthem?
4.2When are the timings of the nozzles? Will do to have fuzzy roots isa sign of deficiency for the plant and she wants more water.Wholesale is what it brings to the performance or harvest time.
4.3If we take away the advantage for hpa to reduce the noise of the pump(with battery) and reduce the amount of wasted nutes (in dtw). Doesthe fact of diffuse 50μ whatever time 1s2s 10s 30s 24/7 (this is the time that I wanted to use for the testfor each compartment) brings something?
4.4Basically this is interesting or lpa is better?
4.5For hpa aa accumulator with knowing that the nozzle costing $ 45, forthe second how 4x4 room, is that a wide angle to siphon xadsr050 Bete$ 45 or it takes just 4?
4.6For the hpa there is an interest other than:
* Lpa be 0.7bar(siphon)
* The use ofequipment in air rather than water (pump, solenoid, battery, pipe)
* you can use 4different products in the case of four nozzles.
Ialso think that the air grows a little more nutes but what we earn onyield or harvest time by lba report.
4.7For cloner what do you prefer: I had a system bursting bubbles andprojects on the roots, it was not bad or try with 3 heads ultrasound.
Paragraph 5 forchoice of material I'll post once they had the answers of paragraph4.
I looking for toadapte tefen nozzles 1/8 NPT on ¼ jonh guest quick
Thankyou a lot for you reflections and your help. And say to the expertsthere Is a new thread on hpa + aa.