Hello I am Swisselectrician so sorry for my english, I speak three other languages​​but English just enough to travel and red forums withdifficulties. So I used Google translate (sorry). For yours messagestry not to use too difficult to translate by google and abbreviationswords. Thank you.
After reading arelatively large number of subjects HPA and HPA AA (thank you toTrichy Bastard, DIYer, cavadge, hammer21, atomizer, aerojunkie,pPetflorae, miaouf_kirsh, evergreen, Vlador, Jhon Guest, forest gump,oxanaca, jamesvagabond, JustATry, whereisbrianV., and all that Iforgot the name etc ....) I will wish to ask a few questions thatwould be the synthesis, and make my contribution to the buildingbringing interesting things (micro-controler) and that put me at thedisposal of tests:

1 - Current System
2 - What about newsand opportunities tests
3 - System planned
4 - Questions andreflections choice of systems and tests
5 - Updates the listof equipment

1 - Actualsystem
I just finished asession:
Dark room 4x8x6.5
2x 600 electronicballast 600w Gavita
2x 600 mh Gavita
2x 600w hps Gavitacooltubed with extractor and converter
4x roll up
2x adjusted wings
50x 1.5 gallon potcoconut
2x 4x4 ebb and flownutrisystem
2x Rotated fan
1x bottle with 22pound co2 solenoid
1x micro-controllerCrouzet Millenium (like a computer, I speak mostly)
1x probe co2humidity and temperature for computer
1x instractor 1600ft3
1x extractor 1600ft3
1x combo ph ec f °
Nutes Cana COGr growand flores
boosterGreensensation Plagron
biofilter with goodbacteria
water thermometer,digital thermometer and humidity for chamber
20g chilledwater tank outside the room

2 - What aboutnews and opportunities tests
2-1micro-controler Crouzet Millenium is like a small very basic computerwith 10 relays 12 24 110 220v inside.
It is easilyprogrammable with a variety of icons.
This allows:
• multipleprograms to 0.1seconde.
• replaceall timers, power strips.
• Toanalyze through different probes (t ° air, water, water quantity,co2, high low, limit switches, lighting, tanks, anti-overflow, smokeetc ... and control thanks to its 10 relays (expandable) thesolenoids, lamps, extractors, intractors, fans, co2 solenoid, pump,ultrasonic hydrometric bubbler, bio filter, etc ... for the day, atnight, with breaks trigger decreases in ignition timing a littleevery day, some lighting rows of LED, fire alarm, anti-overflowengine rail or roll up etc..
• Ihave the option rj45 cable but there is an option to add a wificonnection.
I had an opportunityto my work but you can find a used $ 100 ; 12 24 110 220v replacesall timers day and night to control different programs on eachsolenoid and so for me each zones. This is very advantageous comparedto the price of all of the relay timers more computer control co2 +hygrometer with humidity taken if too low, and extraction cooltubeand start heating. Made careful to see if you are able to programbefore purchasing a property and verify the characteristics dependingon the series.

2-2:See Figure 2 inverted cones3 inch screw in the net pot (bottleneck water 1.5 liters) and justbelow the nozzles will be able to modify the distribution of nutes.

2-3:See Figure 1 Clonerwithout net pot to avoid damaging the roots. We just let the cuttingswith all its first leaves rest on its square linoleum, carpet sothick plastic 0.12 inch. We found supple. i size 2 inch square, Imake a hole in the middle and joins the hole from the side. Simplytwist the square and I pull out my cutting. In the reservoir you canchoose your system .reservoir of where I put 50 to 100 clones.Diameters of the holes are do function of time we leave the clones,for me ~ 1.5 inch .

Fig 1

3 Systemproject
3-1 cocosession was ok but I have my doubts:
- The humiditywas too high even for the co2. Cause: ebb and flow tanks (they wereat that time in the room) I think generate too much moisture and thegeotextile tablecloth, co2 temperature is 86 ° 89f ° so largeevaporation despite a very important ventilation. And extremely shortcycles co2.
Plants were yellowclear from the very start with a correct hydrometric, I compared withplants that were in the light soil mix, they were much greener andbetter look.
Namely, to find myfavorite kind (I like the effects and dynamic high sativa) I hadplanted as a 25 sativa so different that a friend had given mebreeder (the biggest names sativa commercially a flowering period waslower 15semaines.
I am decided tochange the system and I like the technology and I have some of theequipment, and with all the post I've read I want to try otherthings:
3-2 - Setting up+ with current projects.
Several things
* I have theopportunity to use a micro-controler for different areas
* I am able to make5 different areas in timing hpa + 1 or 4 areas aa hpa
* My environmentseems to be controllable, cooled, and they are good distances ofdifferent parts of the room.
* I had 1g freenutes grow and flowering than drain loss.
* I have a greatforum where good enthusiasts have already tested a lot ofconfiguration and therefore can give me notice board and put me onthe right path
Diagram of thecurrent project with reflection.
Before Z I'lltake pipe black JG 3/8 and after 3/8 or 1/4(DEPENDING solenoid)after solenoid ¼

This time cloneswill be Crytical + Mr Nice regular of course + test a sativa hybridDelicatessen Queen Mother x reggea strawberry. to test with cuttingsfast flowering and 8 9sem
The height of theroom is 24 inch
I want to make budsto 24 inch of clones
Distance underlights is 43 inch; least it's 12 inch buds reserve until light. I’malready going to the 4 inch cooltube without problem

Where are we,without polemics about the hpa and aa hpa?
4.1Is the act of putting cones in the net pot and nozzles just belowwill be able to modify the distribution of nutes and thus provide asolution to the problems of root balls and dissemination of nutes onthem?
4.2When are the timings of the nozzles? Will do to have fuzzy roots isa sign of deficiency for the plant and she wants more water.Wholesale is what it brings to the performance or harvest time.
4.3If we take away the advantage for hpa to reduce the noise of the pump(with battery) and reduce the amount of wasted nutes (in dtw). Doesthe fact of diffuse 50μ whatever time 1s2s 10s 30s 24/7 (this is the time that I wanted to use for the testfor each compartment) brings something?
4.4Basically this is interesting or lpa is better?
4.5For hpa aa accumulator with knowing that the nozzle costing $ 45, forthe second how 4x4 room, is that a wide angle to siphon xadsr050 Bete$ 45 or it takes just 4?
4.6For the hpa there is an interest other than:
* Lpa be 0.7bar(siphon)
* The use ofequipment in air rather than water (pump, solenoid, battery, pipe)
* you can use 4different products in the case of four nozzles.
Ialso think that the air grows a little more nutes but what we earn onyield or harvest time by lba report.
4.7For cloner what do you prefer: I had a system bursting bubbles andprojects on the roots, it was not bad or try with 3 heads ultrasound.

Paragraph 5 forchoice of material I'll post once they had the answers of paragraph4.

I looking for toadapte tefen nozzles 1/8 NPT on ¼ jonh guest quick

Thankyou a lot for you reflections and your help. And say to the expertsthere Is a new thread on hpa + aa.
My first hydro was a big failure (root rot). I made the mistake of not having enough air bubbles in my reservoir and letting my water temperature get too high.

There are many good threads on RIU that can give you better advice than I can.

The post was not deleted, some post seen on the hp and one in which I had made inquiries asked me if I could get some pictures.

Have no ego,

Room’s mothers once selected (note sativa and indica)

The cuttings party with home made neon colors but good; combo humidifier and ec ph Temp.

The box has 2 clones 2x25 holes with 1 or 2 clones with foam beach toy .The clones are numbered and tracked on herbiq software. What is hidden is a trendy 3 humidistat to an atomizer heads ultrasound.

These are practical containers found in DIY stores for cheap. We see an ultrasound system with one head, no heating except 2 mm from the surface of the amazing water. Thermometer left is.

The system bubbled. I'm pretty pissed off to make it fit without chemicals and with good distribution, with this noise and pumps, to follow but it will allow me to make comparisons.
Low voltage solenoid in the different compartments of HP Water (not connected) root room

Decanted water tank and biological filter with mushroom enzymes and bacteria.

AIR nozzle siphon feature at 0.5 bar air pressure: 0.5 to 1.2 l / h. $ 30 including shipping. So no water pressure connection with John guest

All facilities are in test and settings, so no permanent fixtures and water projections on pictures to see the result.
View of the flowering part. Polystyrene plate for the insulation and to facilitate handling of the tray and make the holes. Addition of an aluminum layer insulation, because no experience to know what the temperature will result.

We see the co2 humidity and temperature sensor white round, plus a manual check you never know in testing. Left a tank and a three ultrasound heads.

Inside the root chamber AIR 80cm high with moisture probe test.

The electrical part. It impresses a bit, but that's just because it's not tidy and there is a lot of safety equipment too. 1 emergency stop button. 2-different switches (micro controller input) to turn on / off the water or air nozzles or valves co2 to maintain and test. 3 low-voltage power supply micro and another. 4 -micro controller (and Ethernet communication relay 6. Special power. 7 relay phase power for lamps. 8-drive fan or extractor. 9 and 10 circuit breakers and other protective 300ma people etc. 11-ultrasound 3 heads humidifier. alim 12-12v water pump and solenoid valves. 1 of 2 13-600w. 14-wifi router and the whole lot of grip, it avoids the cheaper and easier to manage PLC extensions.
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We can see that the assembly is not clean. This has a cost and time for testing.

So for my test I took cuttings rooted in the earth. So digging out, switch to cold running water to remove soil and testing of 15s is 2mm and reduced time. (I know that they normally should not survive the shock, but I'm crazy.

But no need to lower the time it works amazingly on ... ..

We can see the old yellow roots (they did not like rinsing with cold water) and some even of the earth. Some are new, they are recognized.

After a few days doing .i modulateds time until ny have more drop of water formed on the roots. I went down 2s /2.5m I tested 15 s / 14mm (air blows over, disperses better and root room is still in the mist, but it is very economical in water) but I do not think whether the proper ratio.


19.jpg 20.jpg
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The brown residue is a residue of amino-root seems to me. But I have tested various mineral fertilizers to see if everything was going well in the nozzles.
There are things I can not show by paranoia, as very quiet compressor buy used between 190 and 290 $.

Here is the control software and visualization

I took over the project design

The program does it all alone; thus trigger the remote contacts has little interest, even by internet, if the program is well done.

By cons, for visualization, it helps a lot.

Visually it changes from blue to red when it is active and so you can see problems on

But what I find most interesting are the curves of temperature, humidity, CO2 related time with different couplings, as well as see the different reactions based on different parameters. (in the example I took a print screen not ideal).

As well as big of inattention (maintenance lack of water for humidity, co2 bottle empty, safety unextinguished etc. ..) errors.

The PLC program was not too hard .But the general technical knowledge is a very big help.

I have not touched on the program of the whole harvest, except humidity down and change the run time via interface or on the screen of the controller.

We can do better on the softwar, we can reduce the time from 18 to 12 h gradually, every day, or even choosing its latitude and longitude on the planet.

And so on, and all possible. The only thing I'll add is uv, triggered by the PLC.

I had thought of peristaltic pumps, but no need soup not move (DTW).

For the water part, I'm having trouble finding other than pipe length 100m. I have a lot troubles between the availability of parts with an American or not fitting in inches fast, and what can be delivered at reasonable prices port. I'm still missing pieces of pipe ½ m 2 for example.

So I am doing some testing with live clones planted in the pot mothers feet below the 600w input with a 2.5 ec; result in better shape than the cuttings under propagator ???? ec mounted up to 3 even cuttings ???? I have a combo box and a manual to check if no error. I do not understand anything some of these product (it was a land line, but if someone would have counted this, I would have addressed liar then you can I take) .And same if in Switzerland as in the rest of Europe, the fertilizer legislation has changed this year.

I made grafts 4 feet merged into a single trunk who leaves in 4 (by approach); and grafting cuttings females males (it did not value; died two days due to a too low humidity.

And also, I had put to flower cuttings in pots of 10 cm to see the behavior. Picture. I do not know what to draw as a conclusion to the profitability level test not comprehensive enough and no comparative same clones.

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Aero Air atomized, micro-controller, solenoid, CO2, UVB, FAR RED,summary and new test
Hello. My respects to all.


1. new achievement.
2 questions
3. details of the actions to correct.

SORRY FOR Google Translate revisited.
i don't know why I post, but hey, I'm doing a last time a copy revisited my post on the European forums.

1. new achievement.
We will change a lot of things and add 200w UV and FAR RED.

projet 3.png

So for this session I had gifts: seeds, products GH Flora + sub + led + one room cutting 120 x 120 x 60 with greenhouses. 1 x 4 and 1 x 8 t5 54w 6400 k L120x30 neon 6400 k

I'm leaving everything in air:

Room of G left 25 feet and nozzle '01' (0.40µ) to reach size of 32”Bud
D right 120 one Bud nozzle "02" (0.70µ) to reach size of 20” Bud

With delirium, a division a bit complex and multiple variables, so the comparison is not viable (but is life).

the nozzles have an angle of 15 °, one spray very well on 25 buds, distribution in relation to good looks in the root room but I played not bad with the different times ON OFF and air pressure to see the movement of nutrients through the roots. That said, I would like to decrease the time of blowing, to therefore to increase the number of spray nozzle 4. In addition, it seems to me that a more direct projection (see photo) must be tested, because can be more interesting. (See photo)
I would like to use 2 different fertilizers I own, but you would give me your opinion.
I know that this is not as it should be done but I care, I wanted to do left a room fertilizer GH Flora and right Metrop. Tell me if best would be metrop on 120 buds or on the (larger) 25. Question 1.

Question 2 is difficult to leave the side at the moment: That is better for the release: (I would do the calculation of time is in function of drop present on roots)
n ° 1 4 nozzles at the same time.
n ° 2 nozzles one after the other, this is just the way the air will circulate in the room.

ex :
n ° 1: t0: B2a, b, c, d 1 s ON 3 min OFF
n ° 2: t0: B2a 1s ON t1s: B2b 1s ON t2s: B2c 1s ON t3s: B2d s ON OFF 1A, b, c, d 3 mn
n ° 3: t0: B2a 1 s ON t1mn: B2b 1s ON t2mn: B2c 1s ON t3mn: B2d 1s ON t4mn: B2a 1 s ON

It's a bit complicated, but the air will not circulate such, settings will certainly be a little different if it remains OFF for 3 minutes so that if one of the nozzles spits every minutes. If there are 2 kinds of fertilizers in the root Chamber, the risk of mixing between them is different also.

I have 2 x54w Arcadia D3 + 12% UVB Reptile lamp for desert reptile 4 feet t5 will I control by PLC.

Question 3 : I've read different things European and us, but I would like to have a definitive opinion.
What a week start UV. What time put them ON in the day.What durations (knowing that the tubes are nine and loses 15% may be the first 50 h) .and till when? Do I change the time from it. (Namely that the PLC has a function that can add time every day, it locks on a sunset that him in lat. and long thrown)
Question 5 : far red. I have the possibility of having 2 x 4 led gear Ir 730 897-LZ440R300 a 700ma and drivers
So, I would use them, but such as UV, I struggled to interpret. Well I have everything read pfr etc.
But several Question 5 .1 such that the UV what week start them .when begin put them ON in the day ,how many time and until when and if I change the time ON. (I retained after the extinction of the lamps: 5 mn it.) But
Question 5 .2 ok for firing off pfr but do not go radiation 730 in nature other than 5 mn to the lying/sunrise.
Question 5 .3 apart to shorten the flowering time, need or is it interesting (elec/gain) of changes style 13/11 and in this case:
Question 5 . 3.2 how fast 2e and 3rd in 12/12 to 12/12
Week 4 and 5 go up to 14/10
Then 6 7 8 return to 12/12

QUESTION 6 : on the theory, I repeat the question at the beginning for those who know: is what the micro rootlets (blur) are present because there is shortage of water and elements so they multiply the chances of ate. Or precisely it is beneficial because they assimilate faster and less effort?
Question 7.1 : I read different things about the fact that co2 at 1500ppm is not necessarily good, I read but my English is too much suffering to appreciate the nuances.
So those who are familiar with an environment of 89.6F ° and all is going well 1500ppm c is always good or I have to reduce a 1200ppm (knowing when looking well return co2 graph you can see the seams or material in the room fled severe (from memory, 1500ppm a 1200ppm in 3 minutes and 7 minutes 900ppm for reinjection wholesale.
Question 7.2 Unable to find confirmation of moisture under CO2 and 89.6 ° c
I do not control the different products. And other additive.
As stated, a mix efficiency profitability knowledge but with the desire to be a “nag”, but life still isn't crazy. So I would say everything, , in the footsteps away; but in general I normally starts to try to be at the top every time during any session, so limits small spikes burns Question 8 : if I'm not stupidity (direct co2 + 50µ reminder on root, I put that little fertilizer noncontractual example: ec: 0.70 (and Yes without water osmosis because not green, expensive, etc., but I have the opportunity to have rainwater Question 8.2 :I waiting yours advices on the rain.)) I have a good quality water with a 0.30 EC; but for a EC of 0.7 is it too confusing? knowing that I wish not to buy new products before completing these gifts.
I'm in the spirit the Alchimia websit on metrop grow , I put the link if it gene the modo no worries to remove
Similarly for question 8.4 GH Flora series? No reason to not do the same in proportion. ?
I added nothing else, only Greensensation, either for this session of the cannaboost.
I was never able to make comparison Greensensation. But I have the impression that responsiveness is impressive, increase the trichomes (I think), we see the difference the next day, by hand impossible to know if after it has brought a more or if it blocks a little magnification momentarily. I am the program advises I put 1St week 0.5 ml to arrive at my EC waited, then 1 ml, and then back down to 0.5 ml for the last week before rinsing.
On the other hand, I had 2 times of the impressive effects of popcornisation, but I cannot guarantee if this is Greensensation or whether it is a small light pollution which would have revived growth in your opinion Issue Question 8.5
Question 8.6 do you have a tip or other on the Greensensation
Questions 8.7 How use of the range GH Flora and cannaboost or GH and Greensensation and the other side metrop and cannaboost or metrop and Geensensation.
I have the sub of the piranha, cannazym and the old amino root of House Garden but not mineral bitch me my roots (error on my part).
I tend to put the canazym in my water tank has decanted with the void of GH or piranhas. I was using this water for mothers, my coco and for my tank Aéro.
Question 8.9 Is - this much-needed for aero and Question 8.10 What do you advise me now.

Question 8.11 I read that cannabodgien delta9 was interesting what do you think.( a friend was given the detla nueve Canabodgien without at least a year but not open date.)
Question 8.12 How l integrated program.

I add nothing more. But I've read that some added other products ex: vitamins,.
Question 8.13 Have you to advise me.

Question 9 . I do not understand what I read: UV is good for resin but UV oxide trichomes so not too good. How to make. (wanted to stop them upon maturity, this is the only 'cure'? )
Question 10 . .of ' stops the co2 on the week and a half rinse is this good?
Question 11 Same when I cut co2, I decreases the t° at 80.F° to let stress temperature and humidity gradually from 80 to 70% the last WeeK of co2 then 50% a stop to finish when I can on the last day at 40%. I have good ?
I am doing a black period
We know :1j = more resin load THC
then 7J= more thc - chlorophyll or thc will degrade?
Question 12 How to make the best black.
Question 13 they advised me a dry in pots on feet to test, I confess that it is not bad.
I proceeded as follows;
The last week and a half: Reduction lowest hydro, t ° 80°F, I properly water for flushing when they need it, (I even did once clean for good watering do senescence with metrop, some see what I mean). This corresponds to 7 d has 2 or 3 watering. The half last week just a glass of water each just to survive and make sugars, a tiny little glass on the eve of the black but the Earth still always dry, and after 1 tasted 3 days later black. And then nothing until it dries completely.
All this calculating to have opaque trichome and 10% amber.
Question 14 Do you have a better idea to optimize these trichomes, thc, sugar, clorophyle, without oxidize with UV and (far red option)
6. step by step to correct.
Here are the seeds which will be put to germinate. All in a ph 6.0 riot only water.
Variety. breeder| female/reg | number of seeds. j flo NB | Indic / sati | Rens. Complementary
mobidick dinafem GEF 5 60 70 Sativa 60%/Indica 40% 3.5 m
taskenti canabodgien Reg 10 70 80
Cindy 99 blimburnseeds GEF 3 50 55 sat
amnesia Hy pro Reg 3 70 sat
Jack el frutero philosopher seeds GEF 1 60 70 65% - 35% Indica Sativa
Hawaiian snow green house GEF 5 77 sat
cronic serious seed Reg 10 56 63 sat/ind f1
kaly mist serious seed Reg 10 70 90 F1-hybrid, almost pure Sativa
Kali bubba serious seed GEF 15 72 82 mostly sat
serioud 6 serious seed GEF 10 55 60 F1-hybrid, almost pure Sativ
critical bilbo genetik Reg 5 45 50
Panama ACE seed Reg 5 56 70 100% sat F6 SEMI STABILIZED PURE SAT HYBRID
Orient express ACE seed Reg 10 63 84 60% SATIVA / 40% INDICA

So already I'll keep the most beautiful foot of each species as future mothers foot. So 14 in pots 8 * 8* 9 “(1.5 G) of light mix I'll hack way bonzai for keep only 2 floors. (At the onset of the floor topping has removed)
To keep feet mothers very low I would even let them may be in the dark room cuttings once cuttings made for the fol.

it is for the theory. In practice each time I me galley .of i love works reg’s seeds and I would do as much as I can do. But we must do the selection of females and the most beautiful feet.
Several solutions are available and you know.
I had opted: leaves mothers feet grow, as soon as it is reasonable to take a cutting, it is a in cuttings 24 hours and as soon as the roots appear, it passes in 12/12 for females. After cuttings of all females is to have enough 160. Are harvested and we throw mothers who have not responded to our hopes.
But this is 1 - sex on the mothers feet expressed well, well before the test clones, so no interest for them, only to have one ready to bloom, but 1 alone is not interesting to launch the system to select the single copy of the mothers . (I know that once the mother is selected, it will pose a problem, but in the meantime, if you have better ideas please feel free.)
If I wait for the declaration of gender on maternal, he grew up too and I could not make a proper two-storey trimming; or then I size two-storey hoping that it does not slow down sexual declaration and when I, I turned males and do my cuttings, but risk of big loss of time if they are slow to occur. If I sizes 2-storey only after having sexing, the result (internode, shape, shocks to cut very low on larger plants, etc.) is not necessarily good.
Question 15 : how to make the best way to select the future mothers without being too large, in an optimum time and to take cuttings for a future mix of 160 clones (120 + 25 + margins)
You not worried too much for differences in flowering time, I manage; the heights following the indic sat, I have on the sides that will be larger; for different food, I am a leaf complement either, I will put all sativa, in a single root room and there no comparative fertilizer (when I can, I put the same species see the same mother a document room and his brother in the room D. I arrived at there me.) And overall, to work with these multitudes of parameters and species. certainly I me galley, but with a good specification, of reflection, and a bit of rigour, we get about or to its end (sometimes we do very pissed off, see same very pissed off).But while I did find the phenotype which is looks the most of what I am looking for, I do not see too many solutions.(I am discreet, see paranoid so I have not had the opportunity too Exchange clones.)
Therefore, for good explain you that this story is much more sickly looking.As I know, just to know, it is not used for much.

Even if:
The principle is very interesting.

It goes like this. I need to make me make me push a little bit what having a product that matches my expectations.
Therefore need what transformer 400 w and reflective sheeting. + 2 3 stuff.The tarpaulin + stakes is more expensive than a used box. So: box opportunity; holds one double super, we will be able to make comparisons, it may want to do a session.
2 x400w fero, I am for free. However I am a Findlay of the fire, and conditions or I'm going to do a very big risk of mounted with water, there is a river that makes its own. So there, impossible 'lower risk' where electronic ballast (I put some money in the social security system if I) and I'll be able to test a little more theory on these new ballast.
Holds the 400w 600w difference is low and more penetration 600w, I've read, corresponds to a threshold of interesting work. Gravita, wished I know well, cool I have a super price. In addition it falls well, the room are 4 ‘ it s good.
Snoods. 2 x 600w things heat up. Incidentally I have a closed room. I have 2 x 600 that heats, the recurring problem is heat. Holds 80.6F ° it grows with co2, it falls well I have a pot that has all the stuff but is not used.
Okay, be light, then no worries; I have a 600w and I had tatoo lumiere² /distance on my arm, so: cool tube that you lend me, and stuff very close to the limit. A puller on the cool tube adjusts the temperature in the room.
Ultimately, it is almost for to make your life easier: no climate problem, so no problems to manage (deficiency, disease, (always hard to determine parameters). It is not complicated the thing, it simplifies to.
After told me that the most simple, efficient, is the tide table, it's going to me. On better irrigation in coco officially not control of watering and especially like that dries relatively quickly especially 80.6F °, it supercharges strong, everything's pretty much okay. Except that even if I did not have significant ph stability problem. 2 3 days ca varies greatly.
What I'm having problems on humidity, is this table has coconut?, I have a doubt about the over watering?, stability of the soup, maintenance. OK you see the aero then. Good has the HP apéro, interesting you better control nutrients etc... HP high pressure, it goes into drain lost; Hoho, a projection by air which can be interesting, or even cheaper. Well, if I find the nozzle that corresponds and above all a quiet compressor not expensive I start. And there, random almost divine, close to home, sale ideal, small, super silent and not expensive. (I'm going to sell it more dear that I bought it but I might keep it serves has everything.)
So if are summarized, more pressure, not too much noise problem, no land to manage, throw, not substrate to change, throw, not diseases that y if reports, no system, just a tarp and old cleats of wood.
Nutes precise, responsive control, see by different feeding multitudes (ex: 30 bottles of 250 ml of different products on a nozzle), a nozzle €30, a solenoid valve €10 (I try 4 nozzles for test), removable super fast. Does not place to store. No problem of fluctuation d EC. Specific automaton and replaces the price of 10 timers with their power relays. (D, I'm going to buy me one for the House) so basically not expensive, super practical and interesting priors.
But let us not forget, is like computing, normally ca simplifies everything, but in fact it can messing around all the time (there was no good drivers, out of ink, etc.). There is agreement that the slightest mistake and it is practically finished .as well as a mechanical failure. (This is why what water system should take a relay, the system water and air were to meet among themselves. I went a week without a problem, the thing that stops me to go longer and that if I prepare the solution in advance ph moves too, even adjusted to the mini. (to see for a peristaltic pump)

To return to our sheep I got a funny idea, it has about 25 questions, so like on the set of left I'll make 25 bud, they shall bear in addition to the name of the variety, the nickname that has provided the answer (it has the right to choose its variety), it will have a double name as in formula 1 (McLaren, Mercedes). Unfortunately, this is like to give the name has a star, it pays no more, the policy forbids unfortunately increasingly provide a sample of the Bud, I know it's suck. Well I also wanted the test lab also.

The passage Question 16: the link I gave you on the alchimia website grow is made from 45 bud do you think it is interesting that I begin qith 45 or 25 buds.

Launch of seeds. It will be 15/10/2014. That said, I expect a max of answers, you are not going to leave them orphaned.

Recall the steps away:

65 seeds in sterile compresses untreated.
Watered in spring (for chlorine) and put on plate covered with film, and in the dark.
until germination, and then under the neon lights t5 4x54w to 10”. in wet riot with 80-90% HR cubes (I tell you why, as well as the t °).
Then, always wet riot with water until the first blades snipped.

And there to follow.