Micro Cultivation in Canada - And I mean micro


Well-Known Member
You need high security protocole... The nursery is the less demanding. Since you do not sell final product. Its the gray(er) market.

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
https://www.veridin.com/blog/cannabis-micro-cultivation-licensing-and-its-security-requirements/ yeah you don't need camera. They recomment it. But look at all you have to do.. Nursery is much better. You got a griw space you can flower plant.. And you can sell to almost anybody or guide them to get your product..
Nursery sounded good to me as well untill I thought about it. You better have some outstanding genetics (elite clones) or good luck selling to other liscence producers. They have millions of dollars and probably sourced the best money could buy before they started. The seed sales business will remain grey market to rec growers for many many years to come.


Well-Known Member
Nursery sounded good to me as well untill I thought about it. You better have some outstanding genetics (elite clones) or good luck selling to other liscence producers. They have millions of dollars and probably sourced the best money could buy before they started. The seed sales business will remain grey market to rec growers for many many years to come.
You can get your hands on really good genetic really easy with the licence. You can get your genetic from all those big breeders. Its not very hard. You either buy their seeds or theirs clones and they all come with their genetic idea or you have to pay to get your genetic id for new strain. '' 300$ a strain genetic id " many breeders share or sale their genetic. And if you look closely at the legal canadian market you will see that the market is really small on genetic and variety yiu can legaly buy. Espacially in places like quebec. Where they only have about 70 strain. And only nurseries are allowed to expend theirs genetics regardless off where it comes from. So yes you can sell you seed from the side doors onto recreational market and you can sale clone and seed openly to any license holder. So you have a choise has a lisence older. Distrubutes what is already out there du to increasing demand of make your own market buy bringing what isen't availlable. Like most canabis cup genetic and all those high in demande variety that are rare. Its very easy to do. You juste have to respect and pay certain loyalty to certain breeders. All american breeders are doing it. They help each other. Only the hungry wolf outbto get you that wants the whole pie don't want to share. But the thru passionate about cannabis do share and help in the industry. Especially when the help of a genetic can come back with numbers based on a new environment.. Breeders like to know how theur strain perform all over the world and that's what nurseries are for. . Here test these thousands seeds for me you have a bigger facilities we'll run some test and get the numbers and once its done we'll select a few outliners and go from there. I can keep x amount of mothers and fathers and i'll send you clone when you need. So theur is a way to parner with other liscense holder to help. I guess that the part most people forget.. I killed some really good genetic this summer cause i couldn't care for them git them in a bad timing they ended up drying. So i know its possible to get thecreal deal. Not just some i hope it came from the right place... And yes you can persinaly run trst at home to know if your genetic are thru. The data base isen't and pissible variety will pop and if your clone you bought have a match. You'll know how many nursery hold a cutting. And uf you run a plant from seed you'll have a dna data that will let you know the parents genetic and what it might be. If its not in the genetic pool data you'll have you own strain. Grow it the best you can bring to a canabis or emerald cup. Get known and that how it works the world will want to try it. Get people to test your product and review. Marketing is easy.

Harry Bonanza

Well-Known Member
Nursery sounded good to me as well untill I thought about it. You better have some outstanding genetics (elite clones) or good luck selling to other liscence producers. They have millions of dollars and probably sourced the best money could buy before they started. The seed sales business will remain grey market to rec growers for many many years to come.
That’s what I mean about the 5000 seeds. If I show Health Canada a bunch of seeds labeled as pure or popular genetics then they believe I have them. Then when I need to go searching for something I can still use the grey market. I’m not looking to be the flavour of the week guy. I’d like to be the old school classic strain guy preserving pure strains. I have this fear that everything is getting overbred and we’re in danger of losing some of these classic lines. Am I wrong here?


Well-Known Member
That’s what I mean about the 5000 seeds. If I show Health Canada a bunch of seeds labeled as pure or popular genetics then they believe I have them. Then when I need to go searching for something I can still use the grey market. I’m not looking to be the flavour of the week guy. I’d like to be the old school classic strain guy preserving pure strains. I have this fear that everything is getting overbred and we’re in danger of losing some of these classic lines. Am I wrong here?
You don't understand. You have to lab test your genetic. Everything is lab tested. After that everytime you sale a batchbyou'll have to lab test it and the buyer will lab test the product.. So if you pretend you have white widow they will know on first dna testing that the genetic isen't white widow. And you'll ruin your nursery name on day one...


Well-Known Member
You don't understand. You have to lab test your genetic. Everything is lab tested. After that everytime you sale a batchbyou'll have to lab test it and the buyer will lab test the product.. So if you pretend you have white widow they will know on first dna testing that the genetic isen't white widow. And you'll ruin your nursery name on day one...
All pure land race and old school strains are data based.

Harry Bonanza

Well-Known Member
You don't understand. You have to lab test your genetic. Everything is lab tested. After that everytime you sale a batchbyou'll have to lab test it and the buyer will lab test the product.. So if you pretend you have white widow they will know on first dna testing that the genetic isen't white widow. And you'll ruin your nursery name on day one...
That’s not what I’m trying to say. From what I understand you get to bring in “grey market” seeds one time only. I’m saying if I have a jar of seeds I say are white widow, I will always be able to buy “grey market” white widow seeds. I’m not trying to trick anybody with fake genetics. I just don’t want to be able to still use the grey market because so far the LP’s don’t really impress me.


Well-Known Member
Okay i understand. What you mean. Now. Saying you have the strain on hand and slide it in later. The things is you may have to produce a sample of that genetic. My best bet would be getting a medical merijuana license for personal use, very easy to get and get all your genetic from reputed breeders world wide. Then select your keepers ( by lab testing if you have money and want to save time) within a year you can easily have a decent amount of well known variety that's how a lot of nursery started. But i get your point

Harry Bonanza

Well-Known Member
Okay i understand. What you mean. Now. Saying you have the strain on hand and slide it in later. The things is you may have to produce a sample of that genetic. My best bet would be getting a medical merijuana license for personal use, very easy to get and get all your genetic from reputed breeders world wide. Then select your keepers ( by lab testing if you have money and want to save time) within a year you can easily have a decent amount of well known variety that's how a lot of nursery started. But i get your point
I think I’m starting to get yours as well lol. I didn’t realize they tested actual genetics. I just looked at it as a way of still being able to buy say one of DJ’s blueberry lines in the future because according to HC I’ve always had a blueberry. If they can see that mine is genetically different than his I guess that wouldn’t work. What I really needed to hear were the actual startup costs. I also never thought of yearly renewals. Im hoping to keep my”team” to a minimum wether it’s partners or investors. Do you know anyone operating outdoors. Im sure there has to be a market although many are still led to believe indoor is better. Always an ongoing debate. Lol. Anyways. Beans are ground, water’s dripping, time to wake and bake!